Port Nelson Annual Report 2007 (pdf)

Port Nelson Annual Report 2007 (pdf)

Port Nelson Annual Report 2007 (pdf)


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N O T E S T O T H E A C C O U N T S<br />

N O T E 4 : D E F E R R E D T A X ( A S S E T S ) A N D L I A B I L I T I E S<br />

Employee<br />

Intangible<br />

PP&E Derivatives Entitlements Assets Total<br />

$000 $000 $000 $000 $000<br />

Opening Balance 4,065 26 (339) 68 3,820<br />

Charged to Profit and Loss (200) - 36 21 (143)<br />

Charged to Equity (189) 400 - - 211<br />

B A L A N C E A T 3 3 % 3,676 426 (303) 89 3,888<br />

Tax rate Adjustment<br />

Charged to Profit and Loss (114) - 6 (8) (116)<br />

Charged to Equity (220) - - - (220)<br />

C L O S I N G B A L A N C E 3,342 426 (297) 81 3,552<br />

N O T E 5 : I N V E S T M E N T P R O P E R T Y<br />

<strong>2007</strong> 2006<br />

$000 $000<br />

Opening Balance 13,983 13,271<br />

Revaluations 722 712<br />

Properties Intended for Sale (394) -<br />

C L O S I N G B A L A N C E 14,311 13,983<br />

Properties Intended for Sale<br />

An Investment Property has been presented as Properties Intended for Sale following the Company entering into a Sale Agreement, on 7 June<br />

<strong>2007</strong>, with settlement after Balance Date.<br />

Basis of Valuation<br />

Investment Property is stated at fair value. Fair value was determined as at 30 June <strong>2007</strong> being the market value of the lessor’s interests as at 30<br />

June <strong>2007</strong>, and is valued annually. Valuation was completed by Ian McKeage, independent Registered Valuer, FNZIV, FPINZ of TelferYoung.<br />

N O T E 6 : E Q U I T Y<br />

(a) Share Capital <strong>2007</strong> 2006<br />

$000 $000<br />

Opening Balance 31,046 31,046<br />

Redeemed During the Year (25,000) -<br />

B A L A N C E A T 3 0 J U N E 6,046 31,046<br />

At 30 June <strong>2007</strong> the company has 25,415,404 ordinary shares. (2006 31,046,035). During the <strong>2007</strong> financial year the company purchased and<br />

cancelled 5,630,631 shares. All shares are fully paid and have no par value. All shares carry equal voting rights and the right to share in any surplus<br />

on winding up of the company. None of the shares carry fixed dividend rights.<br />

(b) Retained Earnings <strong>2007</strong> 2006<br />

$000 $000<br />

Retained Earnings 29,035 26,749<br />

Net Surplus 6,725 7,587<br />

Dividends Paid (1,000) (2,600)<br />

Transfer to Dividend Payable (2,900) (2,700)<br />

R E T A I N E D E A R N I N G S A T 3 0 J U N E 31,860 29,035<br />

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