Vigilance Compedium - CCL

Vigilance Compedium - CCL Vigilance Compedium - CCL


(h) At the end of each working day, DEOs should handover the uncaptured drafts, if any, to the Sales Supervisor and the same must be captured, in the next morning on priority basis. (i) CSC Sales official must ensure that sale orders are issued immediately after realization of drafts/financial instruments by our banker. Printing of sale orders will be done as per the sequence of realizing draft from the banker. Area Confirmation copy will also be printed from the system at the end of each working day and will be handed over to the representative of the respective area. If Area representative does not collect the list on second working day from the date of printing the sale order, the Sale Order will be handed over to the customer on the third day. However, delivery of coal at area will be allowed only after receiving the Confirmation copy at area sales office and verified by the area sales office. (j)Before handing over of sale order to customer, the sale order must be checked & signed by the concerned dealing assistant of CSC before the same is signed by the authorized officers for this purpose. (k)The sale order should be submitted in area sales office by the customer within the prescribe date mentioned in the sale order itself. However, the submission date may be extended for two working days by CSC Incharge. (4) Road Sale & Dispatches at Area level: (a) Buyer/consumer should submit original copy of sale order at Area Sales Office along with the affidavit with one passport size photograph regarding authorization for coal lifting and loadability of the trucks within the stipulated period mentioned in the sale order. They should also submit two sets of photocopies of the documents submitted. Only one lifter should be allowed by ASM for lifting of coal against a single sale order. (b)At Area Sales Office, sale order submitted by the buyers should be entered into the register maintained for different collieries separately. Entries in the register must be done on FIFO basis. (c)Based on the sale orders confirmation copy received from the Hqrs, sale order submitted by the buyer are to be checked / verified through computerized system before release of the same for dispatch and sent to the concerned colliery along; with enclosures within 48 hours. Original sale orders are to be kept at Area sales office for record. Attested copy of sale orders along with enclosures should be sent to colliery giving the reference number of sale order confirmation copy received from Hqrs.

(d)Sale orders received at the colliery end should be entered in Coal Dispatch register serially on seniority basis. (e)Customer-wise & sale order wise ‘Road sale Register is to be maintained at colliery /weighbridge. All sale orders received at the Project/colliery are to be entered in the said ‘Road Sale Register’. Particulars of sale order number, category of customer, quantity & size of coal to be lifted, basic price, sales tax percentage, C Form number if submitted, coal value paid, validity period etc. should be recorded in that ‘Road Sale Register’. Thereafter, lifted quantity and balance quantity / amount is to be updated on day-to-day basis. (f)The allotment chart prepared by the concerned project officer and duly signed by committee constituted by concerned Area General Manager consisting of Area Sales Manager or his representative, Project Officer as its members on weekly / fortnightly basis and the same should be displayed on the notice board on respective colliery weighbridge at least one day before the commencement of loading. The allotment should be limited to coal availability and loadability in the colliery. The liquidation of coal as per allotment will be the sole responsibility of the Project Officer within the validity period. (g)Area Sales Manager should time inspect the weighbridges to ensure proper maintenance of dispatch register, loading & weighment register, Road Sale challan, road permit, weighment card / slip etc. The committee should ensure proper adherence of allotment chart by weighbridges. Maintenance of weighbridge will the job of E&M Department of the project/Area. (h)Entry of empty trucks or weighment/loading will commence from 6 AM and continue upto 2 PM. Trucks reporting for tare weighment will carry loading slip issued by customer’s authorized representative mentioning the customer’s name, sale order details, quantity with size/grade, registration number of trucks quantity of coal to be carried. After checking the loading programme, the truck will be allowed for tare weighment. (i)After tare weighment the truck will proceed to colliery along with tare weighment slip duly signed by authorized weighbridge staff and security personal responsible for verifying the empty truck, after which the Coal Dispatch supervisor / Clerk will issue loading slip and thereafter the trucks will be allowed for loading. In case some of the trucks entered into the colliery premises as per the allotment in a day remains empty/partially loaded or get breakdown can be allowed to stay in the colliery premises

(h) At the end of each working day, DEOs should handover the uncaptured drafts, if any, to<br />

the Sales Supervisor and the same must be captured, in the next morning on priority<br />

basis.<br />

(i) CSC Sales official must ensure that sale orders are issued immediately after realization<br />

of drafts/financial instruments by our banker. Printing of sale orders will be done as per<br />

the sequence of realizing draft from the banker. Area Confirmation copy will also be<br />

printed from the system at the end of each working day and will be handed over to the<br />

representative of the respective area. If Area representative does not collect the list on<br />

second working day from the date of printing the sale order, the Sale Order will be<br />

handed over to the customer on the third day. However, delivery of coal at area will be<br />

allowed only after receiving the Confirmation copy at area sales office and verified by<br />

the area sales office.<br />

(j)Before handing over of sale order to customer, the sale order must be checked &<br />

signed by the concerned dealing assistant of CSC before the same is signed by the<br />

authorized officers for this purpose.<br />

(k)The sale order should be submitted in area sales office by the customer within the<br />

prescribe date mentioned in the sale order itself. However, the submission date may be<br />

extended for two working days by CSC Incharge.<br />

(4) Road Sale & Dispatches at Area level:<br />

(a) Buyer/consumer should submit original copy of sale order at Area Sales Office along<br />

with the affidavit with one passport size photograph regarding authorization for coal<br />

lifting and loadability of the trucks within the stipulated period mentioned in the sale<br />

order. They should also submit two sets of photocopies of the documents submitted.<br />

Only one lifter should be allowed by ASM for lifting of coal against a single sale order.<br />

(b)At Area Sales Office, sale order submitted by the buyers should be entered into the<br />

register maintained for different collieries separately. Entries in the register must be<br />

done on FIFO basis.<br />

(c)Based on the sale orders confirmation copy received from the Hqrs, sale order<br />

submitted by the buyer are to be checked / verified through computerized system before<br />

release of the same for dispatch and sent to the concerned colliery along; with<br />

enclosures within 48 hours. Original sale orders are to be kept at Area sales office for<br />

record. Attested copy of sale orders along with enclosures should be sent to colliery<br />

giving the reference number of sale order confirmation copy received from Hqrs.

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