TK Stainless

TK Stainless

TK Stainless


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20<br />

ForGinG operaTions<br />

ThyssenKrupp Acciai Speciali Terni<br />

At ThyssenKrupp Acciai Speciali Terni, too, the weakening of demand for stainless steel products over<br />

the year, above all from service centers and distributors, was reflected in order intake. This demand<br />

weakness was caused among other things by high volumes of imports coming into Europe, which<br />

impacted the Italian stainless market in particular. The sales of the Italian business unit slipped to<br />

€2.7 billion due to lower shipments and decreased transaction prices. In addition, there were<br />

production losses at the Turin plant after the accident in December 2007. ThyssenKrupp Acciai Speciali<br />

Terni posted a loss for 2007/2008. The drastic decline in earnings was mainly due to a weaker Italian<br />

stainless steel market. Earnings were additionally impacted by the extra costs associated with the<br />

decision by the EU Commission not to extend energy compensation payments. In addition, costs were<br />

incurred by the commenced relocation of production from Turin to Terni and from the fire in Turin in<br />

December 2007. The forging operations exceeded their prior-year earnings thanks to a stable market<br />

environment. At ThyssenKrupp Titanium the volume of new orders increased strongly. Shipments were<br />

also higher, while sales fell slightly.<br />

ThyssenKrupp Mexinox<br />

ThyssenKrupp Mexinox held its own in a difficult market environment in the NAFTA region. Orders were<br />

up slightly from the prior year in terms of volume but decreased in value terms due to lower prices.<br />

Sales fell to €591 million. The substantial drop in profits was due to the weak state of the US market.<br />

However, the stable situation on the Mexican market weakened these negative effects.<br />

Shanghai Krupp <strong>Stainless</strong><br />

At Shanghai Krupp <strong>Stainless</strong> order volumes were down from the prior year. Sales were lower at €284<br />

million, and profits also fell significantly. The deterioration was due to a continuing weak and difficult<br />

market environment in China - caused by increasing overcapacities.<br />

ThyssenKrupp <strong>Stainless</strong> International<br />

The ThyssenKrupp <strong>Stainless</strong> International business unit recorded a fall in the volume and value of<br />

new orders due to the difficult market environment and low transaction prices. Sales decreased to<br />

€1.2 billion. Following a profit in the prior year, the business unit made a loss. The significant drop in<br />

earnings resulted from the generally weak state of the international stainless steel markets, which led<br />

to a decrease in margins and shipments and from inventory depreciation due to strong commodity<br />

prices.<br />

ThyssenKrupp VDM<br />

In the nickel alloy business of ThyssenKrupp VDM order intake and sales were lower than a year earlier.<br />

Wire production was successfully relocated from Bärenstein to Werdohl. With the construction of the<br />

new forge, which began operation in May 2008, ThyssenKrupp VDM widened its range of products in<br />

particular for the aerospace industry. The business unit was unable to maintain its prior-year profit<br />

level. On the European markets, increased exports by US suppliers - favored by the weak US dollar<br />

- resulted in high price pressure. In addition, the strong euro meant that prices for exports to the US<br />

dollar region were no longer competitive.

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