GOD'S BLUE BOOK - Shepherds of Christ Ministries

GOD'S BLUE BOOK - Shepherds of Christ Ministries

GOD'S BLUE BOOK - Shepherds of Christ Ministries


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God’s Blue Book 183<br />

hearts. Sit silent (very hard to do, but so rewarding). Let your spirit<br />

be the total focus. If your leg aches, forget it. Be formless and ready<br />

to deal with only the things <strong>of</strong> the heart. I work in your heart and<br />

you are aware <strong>of</strong> what work I have done. Know I have a plan for<br />

you in the silence. God works in the whispers. It is the world that<br />

surrounds itself with noise. The closer you get to God, the more<br />

you love the silence with Him. Sit and be My bride. I love you intimately.<br />

Get rid <strong>of</strong> all distractions—mind, body, otherwise—and give<br />

Me your soul, then just sit. Keep your mind fixed only on My love.<br />

I am the way, the truth and the life. He who abides in Me will<br />

have the light <strong>of</strong> life and the life I give is not <strong>of</strong> this world. Turn<br />

your hearts to Me and give Me your will. To ignore Me is to be shipwrecked<br />

on a mighty sorry island. You must take all I give you.<br />

Praise Him Who gives it to you! Do not turn away. Come and be<br />

with Me in My house. I await you as a lover Who is anxious for His<br />

bride. How can you stay away when God Himself beckons you to<br />

come? Do you not hear My lamenting cries in your heart? They<br />

whisper, “Come to Me in your busy lives,” but you silence them<br />

with rags and go about your useless tasks.<br />

Oh, little ones, you are missing the glory that awaits you in<br />

church and in your life hereafter. All that is here is but a passing<br />

thing. Like smoke, it blows away and nothing is left, not even a<br />

trace <strong>of</strong> billowing smoke. It seems so real, but it is so temporary. It<br />

is here one moment and gone the next. Do you not see your brothers<br />

who die before you? All that matters is their souls. Were they<br />

ready to meet their Maker? I warn you, I prompt you in your hearts.<br />

Others give you bad example and you follow like little sheep. You<br />

follow even when it leads to destruction.<br />

Come, little ones, follow Me. I am the Good Shepherd and you<br />

need to follow the Master. I give you a land flowing with milk and<br />

honey and you are filled with the gifts <strong>of</strong> God. Oh, little ones, how<br />

do I make you see the nose on your face? You are so blind and<br />

caught up in your silly things.<br />

Pray for your brothers. Nothing seems to rock them. They think<br />

this world will go on forever. Pray, pray, pray! You have a mighty<br />

work to do, My faithful ones. Your brothers walk a dark, dark night<br />

and do not have a lamp. They do not even see the darkness. Your<br />

prayers may light their way. Stay fixed in your ways and preach by<br />

your example. You are My lights shining in the darkness. Keep yourselves<br />

holy that you will be doing My work in your being. Be <strong>Christ</strong>like<br />

and preach My message to your brother!

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