Russian Nuclear Weapons: Past, Present, and Future

Russian Nuclear Weapons: Past, Present, and Future

Russian Nuclear Weapons: Past, Present, and Future


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50. For a recent statement to that effect, see, for example, a<br />

statement of the new SRF Comm<strong>and</strong>er Andrey Shvaichenko:<br />

“Udarnaya Gruppirovka RVSN Budet na 80 Protsentov Sostoyat<br />

iz Novykh Raket,” RIA-Novosti, October 12, 2009.<br />

51. “RF Sozdast Novuyu Tyazheluyu Ballisticheskuyu Raketu<br />

na Smeny Kompleksu ‘Voyevoda’,” RIA-Novosti December<br />

16, 2009.<br />

52. “Sredstva na RVSN Sostavlyayut Okolo Treti Finansirovaniya<br />

Yadernoi Triady,” RIA-Novosti, December 8, 2009.<br />

53. “Raketnye Kompleksy RVSN Sposobny Preodolevat<br />

Noveishuyu PRO SShA,” RIA-Novosti, September 10, 2009.<br />

54. Yuri Zaitsev, “Ot RSM-40 do ‘Sinevy’,” RIA-Novosti,<br />

March 11, 2009.<br />

55. “Prichinoi Neudachnogo Puska ‘Bulavy’ Yavlyaetsya<br />

Konstruktorskaya Oshibka,” RIA-Novosti, January 12, 2010.<br />

56. Dmitri Litovkin, “’Bulavu’ Ispytayut Osenyu,” Izvestia,<br />

May 24, 2010.<br />

57. ‘Solomonov Obyasnil Neudachi ‘Bulavy’,” Voeno-Promyshlennyi<br />

Kurier, No. 9, 2010.<br />

58. “Lvinaya Dolya Buydgeta MO Idet VMF, v Osnovnom<br />

Yadernym Silam—Ivanov,” RIA-Novosti, June 3, 2009.<br />

59. For an overview of the aspects of major military exercises<br />

relevant to the analysis of nuclear doctrine, see Nikolai Sokov,<br />

‘‘Significant Military Maneuvers,’’ Part V of Issue Brief: Russia’s<br />

<strong>Nuclear</strong> Doctrine, August 2004, available from www.nti.org/e_research/e3_55a.html.<br />

60. “Dalnaya Aviatsiya: Perspektivy Strategicheskikh Mashin,”<br />

RIA-Novosti, December 23, 2009.<br />

61. ‘‘Rossiya Perenapravit Rakety’’ (“Russia Will Retarget<br />

Missiles”), Vzglyad, February 19, 2007.<br />


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