Disputation Axel Fredholm disputerar den 16 maj kl. 9.15 i Kulturens ...

Disputation Axel Fredholm disputerar den 16 maj kl. 9.15 i Kulturens ...

Disputation Axel Fredholm disputerar den 16 maj kl. 9.15 i Kulturens ...


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Sociologiska institutionens Veckopost<br />

14 <strong>maj</strong> 2008<br />

Doktorander<br />

<strong>Disputation</strong><br />

<strong>Axel</strong> <strong>Fredholm</strong> <strong>disputerar</strong> <strong>den</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>maj</strong> <strong>kl</strong>. <strong>9.15</strong> i <strong>Kulturens</strong> auditorium på sin<br />

avhandling med titeln:<br />

Beyond the Catchwords. Adjustment and Community Response to Participatory<br />

Development in Post-Suharto Indonesia<br />

Opponent är Dr. Peter Taylor, Institute of Development Studies, University of<br />

Sussex.<br />

Göran Djurfeldt Katarina Sjöberg<br />

handledare bitr. handledare<br />

<strong>Disputation</strong> i rättssociologi<br />

Den 5 juni, <strong>kl</strong>.10.15 försvarar Måns Svensson sin doktorsavhandling i<br />

rättssociologi.<br />

Avhandlingstitel: Sociala normer och regelefterlevnad. - Trafiksäkerhetsfrågor ur ett<br />

rättssociologiskt perspektiv<br />

Fakultetsopponent: Professor Kristian An<strong>den</strong>æs, Oslo universitet.<br />

Plats: Pufendorfsalen, f.d. Berlingska boktryckeriets gårdsbyggnad med ingång<br />

genom porten från Lilla Gråbrödersgatan 3 C, Lund.,<br />

Välkomna<br />

Lilian Dahl<br />

Rättssociologi<br />

Lunds universitet<br />

Tel: 046-222 8810<br />

Seminarier<br />

Forskarsmiljögruppen<br />

Samhälle, Utvec<strong>kl</strong>ing, Miljö måndagen <strong>den</strong> 26 Maj <strong>kl</strong>. 10-12 i konferensrum 1<br />

(335) = 3:e våningen, kommer Helena Ledje, Charles Rwabukwali och Bertil<br />

Egerö att hålla föredrag om Uganda: Rubriker på deras presentationer är som<br />

följer:<br />

Helena Ledje will talk about "Prerequisites for Public Health"<br />

Charles Rwabukwali from Makerere university will address<br />

"Universal Access of ARVs in Uganda: Non-Medical Challenges"<br />


Sociologiska institutionens Veckopost<br />

14 <strong>maj</strong> 2008<br />

Bertil Egerö’s theme is “HIV/AIDS on the Campus: Universities and the threat of<br />

an epidemic”<br />

Hjärtligt Välkomna<br />

Helena, Charles och Bertil<br />

Forskarsmiljögruppen<br />

The research environment “Critical Studies in Sociology” invites you to a lecture by<br />

Patricia Yancey Martin:<br />

Practicing Gender (said and done vs saying and doing)<br />

May 19, 10.15-12.00, conference room 3 (2nd floor), dept of Sociology<br />

Patricia Yancey Martin is currently a Fulbright Fellow at the University of<br />

Gothenburg.<br />

She is emerita professor of sociology and has written extensively on gender and<br />

organizations as well as on topics of work, violence against women and<br />

field/qualitative methods. Patricia Yancey Martin was given the Jessie Bernard<br />

Award by the American Sociological Association 2007.<br />

/Johanna Esseveld<br />





Monday, May 12 Eric Clark on The limits to Capital (1982)<br />

Tuesday, May 13 Alícia Bauzà van Slingerlandt Time-space compression and<br />

spatial fix on Mallorca<br />

Monday, May 19 Anders Lund Hansen on The new imperialism (2003)<br />

Wednesday, May 28 David Harvey Public Lecture, The Right to the City<br />

Monday, June 9 Erik Swyngedouw on Spaces of hope (2000)<br />

All seminars take place between 15.15 and 17 at Geocentrum I, Sölvegatan<br />

10, Värl<strong>den</strong>.<br />

Arranged by: Dept of Social and Economic Geography and Department of Social<br />

Anthropology, LUND UNIVERSITY<br />


Sociologiska institutionens Veckopost<br />

14 <strong>maj</strong> 2008<br />


Socialantropologens forskarseminarium presenterar:<br />

Toma Shibata , forskare vid Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris<br />

om: Undoing the Social Mechanisms by Which the Phychic Desire for Human<br />

Objectification and Subjugation Comes Into Being<br />

Abstract<br />

In the course of human history, even the liberation movements against<br />

colonization, racism and sexism have not yet undone the construction of the<br />

collective desire to objectify, discriminate, subjugate and destroy “the other”<br />

especially the wounded and the disabledso biologized and called “libido<br />

dominandi,” discursively operative both at the interpersonal and international<br />

levels.<br />

Human objectification signifies the perception and treatment of the other as a mere<br />

object while neglecting the other’s human dignity and human rights. Human<br />

objectification comports with human degradation except that human<br />

objectification can be committed without having the specific desire for degrading<br />

the other in certain contexts. According to Foucault, “power is tolerable only on<br />

condition that it mask a substantial part of itself. Its success is proportional to its<br />

ability to hide its own mechanisms.” Following this method of deconstructing<br />

“power”(human objectification, discrimination and subjugation), my talk attempts<br />

to analyze (in order to deconstruct) the socio-psychic mechanisms by which the will<br />

to objectify, subjugate and destroy the other comes into beingthe psychic circuit by<br />

which the production of self-esteem, gratification and pleasure is internally<br />

perceived through the objectification, subjugation and degradation of the other<br />

(especially the wounded).<br />

Tid: Tisdag 13/5 <strong>kl</strong>. 10.00-12.00<br />

Plats: Paradisgatan 5 (Sociologiska inst.), konfrum. 1. 3:evån<br />

Välkommen till<br />

Pufendorfseminarium<br />

Pufendorfseminarium "Sociological analysis of legal rules" med Professor<br />

Vincenzo Ferrari, University of Milan - Faculty of Law .<br />

Vincenzo Ferrari är en väletablerad och välkänd rättssociolog med en omfattande<br />


Sociologiska institutionens Veckopost<br />

14 <strong>maj</strong> 2008<br />

produktion av arti<strong>kl</strong>ar och böcker bakom sig. Han har varit dekan för Juridiska<br />

fakulteten vid Università degli Studi di Milano och är ledamot av <strong>den</strong> så kallade<br />

LERU-gruppen av ledande universitet i Europa.<br />

Tid: <strong>16</strong> <strong>maj</strong> 2008 <strong>kl</strong>. 13.15 - 15.00<br />

Efter seminariet vidtar mingel med ost och vin i lokalen utanför Pufendorfsalen.<br />

Tacksam för besked om deltagande.<br />

Plats: Pufendorfsalen -gårdsbyggnad med ingång genom porten från Lilla<br />

Gråbrödersgatan 3 C, Lund<br />

/Håkan Hydén, Lilian Dahl<br />

Nya seminarier i serien Avhandling på gång<br />

Välkomna till Avhandling på Gång!<br />

“Accessing” the Field - Methodological and Ethical Considerations<br />

Maria Selvarajah-Martinsson presenterar sitt avhandlingsprojekt<br />

Vi ses i konferensrum 1<br />

Tisdagen <strong>den</strong> 20 <strong>maj</strong> <strong>kl</strong> 14.15-15<br />

Ann-Mari Sellerberg / Göran Dahl<br />

Release-fest för Uppdrag forskning<br />

Fredagen <strong>den</strong> 23 <strong>maj</strong> <strong>kl</strong> <strong>16</strong> i institutionens kök och matsal bjuder Libers förläggare<br />

Peter Söderholm på champagne med anledning av <strong>den</strong> nya antologin Uppdrag<br />

forskning.<br />

Arbetet med boken, som riktar sig till stu<strong>den</strong>ter på olika nivåer som står i begrepp<br />

att genomföra kvalitativa studier, har involerat flera av institutionens medarbetare.<br />

Antologins redaktörer är Katarina Sjöberg och David Wästerfors, övriga författare<br />

är Johanna Esseveld, Katarina Jacobsson, Magnus Karlsson, Sven-Åke Lindgren,<br />

Elin Lundin och Marcus Persson.<br />

Senare samma dag äger Sociologiska stu<strong>den</strong>tföreningens fest rum i Samvetets<br />


Sociologiska institutionens Veckopost<br />

14 <strong>maj</strong> 2008<br />

kårhus (<strong>kl</strong>. 18), varför sällskapet gärna kan fortsätta dit.<br />

Välkomna att fira med oss!<br />

/Katarina Sjöberg och David Wästerfors<br />

Stipendier, tjänster, anslag, Workshops, etc<br />

Nyheter från www.regeringen.se<br />

Ämne: VB: Utbildningsdepartementet: A rough guide to the FP7 Work -<br />

Who can be involved in the preparation? What to do, when and how?,<br />

U08.002 (Rapporter)<br />

FK<br />

http://www.regeringen.se/sb/d/5146/a/104454<br />

A rough guide to the FP7 Work - Who can be involved in the preparation? What<br />

to do, when and how?<br />

U08.002<br />

5 <strong>maj</strong> 2008<br />

Utbildningsdepartementet<br />

Inom Utbildningsdepartementet har en guide som beskriver arbetet med<br />

framtagning och revidering av arbetsprogram inom det sjunde ramprogrammet<br />

tagits fram. Gui<strong>den</strong> pekar på behovet av en långsiktig strategi för att påverka<br />

inrikningen av ramprogrammet i synergi med nationella program.<br />

Vårdalinstitutet<br />

har tidigare inbjudit till kongressen "Morgondagens vård- och omsorgsforskning" i<br />

november 2008.<br />

Vi har nu förlängt ti<strong>den</strong> för anmälan av abstract till och med <strong>den</strong> 15<br />

<strong>maj</strong> 2008.<br />

Sista anmälningsdag till kongressen är som tidigare 26 september 2008.<br />


Sociologiska institutionens Veckopost<br />

14 <strong>maj</strong> 2008<br />

Forskningsnytt nr 2/2008<br />

- nyhetsbrev om forskningsfinansiering<br />

http://www.fs.lu.se<br />

Vill du boka tid hos EU-konsulten Gavin Thomson fredagen <strong>den</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>maj</strong>?<br />

Aktuella forskningsområ<strong>den</strong> att diskutera ansökningar inom är Health, ICT, Food,<br />

Environment och Socio-economics and Humanities samt Marie Curie Initial<br />

Training Networks, för vilka vi har work programme eller utkast till kommande<br />

work programme. Kontakta Anneli.Wi<strong>kl</strong>ander@fs.lu.se för att boka en tid.<br />

Lund 19 <strong>maj</strong>, <strong>kl</strong> 14-<strong>16</strong>: Välkommen på ett seminarium om hur man kan<br />

påverka innehållet i EU:s forskningsutlysningar i FP7<br />

“How to influence the content of future work programmes within the seventh<br />

framework programme (FP7)”<br />

Dan Andrée från Utbildningsdepartementet, tidigare Forskningsdirektoratet i<br />

Bryssel mm, kommer och berättar om när och hur man kan påverka innehållet i<br />

EU:s forskningsutlysningar. Han presenterar också sin rapport ” “A rough guide to<br />

the FP7 Work Programmes, Who can be involved in the preparation? What to do,<br />

when and how”, beställd av bla Vinnova. (se<br />

http://www.swe<strong>den</strong>.gov.se/content/1/c6/10/44/58/7058de2d.pdf)<br />

Dag: 19 <strong>maj</strong><br />

Tid: 14.00-<strong>16</strong>.00<br />

Plats: Lundmarksalen, Astronomihuset, Sölvegatan 27, Lund<br />

Universitas 21 May e-bulletin<br />

Welcome to the May Universitas 21 e-bulletin Tuesday 13 May<br />

2008 with the latest news and items of interest to staff and stu<strong>den</strong>ts of<br />

the Universitas 21 network.<br />

Headlines<br />

(scroll down to read the fully story)<br />

U21 Annual Presi<strong>den</strong>tial Meeting<br />

U21 2008 Symposium<br />

Edinburgh launches U21 research scholarships<br />

Summer School 2008<br />

Lund announces post-doctoral fellowships in Asian studies<br />

New stu<strong>den</strong>t mobility competition<br />


Sociologiska institutionens Veckopost<br />

14 <strong>maj</strong> 2008<br />

U21 Annual Presi<strong>den</strong>tial Meeting<br />

The annual meeting of U21’s Vice-Chancellors and Presi<strong>den</strong>ts took place last week<br />

at University College Dublin, with 19 U21 universities represented. During an<br />

intensive, yet enjoyable three days of meetings, a number of important decisions<br />

were made about the future plans for the network, its strategic plan, its research<br />

goals and its membership. The generous hospitality shown by UCD was much<br />

appreciated, with unusually warm weather for the time of year showing off the<br />

campus to its best. A report of the meetings will appear in the next U21 newsletter.<br />

The 2009 Annual Presi<strong>den</strong>tial Meeting and associated meetings will be hosted<br />

by Korea University from 20 to 22 May 2009.<br />

U21 2008 Symposium<br />

Alongside the U21 AGM and Annual Network Meeting, the 3rd annual U21<br />

Symposium took place at UCD on 8 May, focusing on the theme Strategic<br />

Partnerships with the Developing World. A number of eminent speakers from<br />

outside the network came to give some different perspectives on the topic,<br />

including field workers in Africa and representatives of funding agencies as well as<br />

leading academics in the area from U21 universities and beyond.<br />

The Symposium was officially opened by the Presi<strong>den</strong>t of Ireland, Mary McAleese,<br />

who gave a thought-provoking speech which was very well received by all the<br />

delegates. We were particularly grateful to her for giving up her time to visit for<br />

this important topic.<br />

A more extensive Symposium report will appear in the June/July edition of the U21<br />

newsletter and will also be available on the U21 website in the following<br />

weeks. http://www.universitas21.com/pastevent/Symposium2008.html<br />

Edinburgh launches U21 research scholarships<br />

The University of Edinburgh is pleased to launch new Universitas 21 PhD Research<br />

Scholarships. From the start of the 2008/2009 academic session, a minimum of 10<br />


Sociologiska institutionens Veckopost<br />

14 <strong>maj</strong> 2008<br />

scholarships will be available each year to assist PhD stu<strong>den</strong>ts studying at<br />

the University of Edinburgh to travel to a Universitas 21 partner institution.<br />

Each scholarship will be worth up to £500 for visits within the UK and up to<br />

£1,000 for visits outside the UK. The award will be used towards travelling,<br />

accommodation and basic maintenance with a visit to another Universitas 21<br />

partner university, usually lasting for a month. The aim of the scholarship is to<br />

enable PhD stu<strong>den</strong>ts to pursue collaboration or gain access to sources or facilities at<br />

other research institutions.<br />

Many other U21 institutions run similar scholarship (and fellowship) schemes, so<br />

check with the international office at your university if this is of interest.<br />

http://www.universitas21.com/fellowships.html<br />

http://www.sasg.ed.ac.uk/BU/Admin/U21/Universitas21Index.htm<br />

Summer School 2008<br />

Fifty-one stu<strong>den</strong>ts from across the Universitas 21 network have now signed up for<br />

the U21 Summer School 2008, to be held at the University of Birmingham.<br />

However, spaces are still available, and those universities who have not yet<br />

nominated participants are urged to do so as soon as possible to avoid missing out<br />

on this great opportunity.<br />

On the theme Embracing Diversity through Creativity, Culture and Innovation, the<br />

two-week event will include cultural visits, a lecture programme from a wide<br />

selection of academics and creative professionals and practical project work inspired<br />

by specialist training for participants in either writing, visual art, photography or<br />

film editing from experts in these fields. Workshop activity during the Summer<br />

School will be led by Stan’s Cafe Theatre Company (www.stanscafe.co.uk), and the<br />

team behind the DigiTales digital storytelling project (www.digi-tales.org).<br />

For further information, please contact the U21 2008 Summer School Project<br />

Manager Rosalie White, acotempwhite@adf.bham.ac.uk; or see the<br />

website,www.u21.bham.ac.uk/summer-school.htm.<br />

Lund announces post-doctoral fellowships in Asian studies<br />


Sociologiska institutionens Veckopost<br />

14 <strong>maj</strong> 2008<br />

The Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies at Lund University is pleased to<br />

invite applications for two postdoctoral fellowships.<br />

The duration of each fellowship is two years, commencing 1 September 2008 and<br />

ending on 31 August 2010. In this call for applications, one of the two positions<br />

will be awarded for research focusing on contemporary Japan, and the other<br />

position for research focusing on contemporary China. The deadline for<br />

applications is 23 May 2008.<br />

Further information can be found at http://www.ace.lu.se/research/postdoctoralfellowships<br />

New stu<strong>den</strong>t mobility competition<br />

At the meetings which took place in Dublin last week, approval was given to a new<br />

initiative to help promote stu<strong>den</strong>t mobility around the network. The stu<strong>den</strong>t<br />

mobility co-ordinators from around U21’s universities are having their annual<br />

meeting next week to discuss, amongst other things the proposal to run an essay<br />

and photo competition for stu<strong>den</strong>ts who participate on U21 exchanges. Although<br />

the details are still to be defined, it is hoped that the competition will be running in<br />

time for the next academic year.<br />

Details will be available on the Stu<strong>den</strong>t Mobility web pages in the coming<br />

months. http://www.universitas21.com/exchange.html<br />

Notiser<br />

Välkomna till vårens lunchseminarier vid Arkeologiska Institutionen i Lund!<br />

Terminens sista seminariet äger plats nästa onsdag, <strong>den</strong> 14 <strong>maj</strong>. Arkeologen<br />

Marina Prusac (Nationalmuseum, Oslo) berättar om ”Kreoliseringen av<br />

Dalmatia - Graesk og romersk kolonisering og illyrernes i<strong>den</strong>titet”<br />

Seminariet äger rum i Arkeologiska Institutionen, Sandgatan 1 och börjar<br />

<strong>kl</strong>ockan 12.00. Seminariet är öppet för alla.<br />

Ta med dig lunch och ät medan du lyssnar! Kaffe och te serveras till<br />

självbekostnadspris (10kr).<br />


Sociologiska institutionens Veckopost<br />

14 <strong>maj</strong> 2008<br />

Välkomna!<br />

Department of Social and Economic Geography , Lund University<br />

Gästföreläsningar<br />

http://www.keg.lu.se/html/kalendarium.aspx#1505<br />

Andrew Sayer: Radical geography and its critical standpoints: Embracing the<br />

normative<br />

Guest lecture by Professor Andrew Sayer, Lancaster University<br />

Thursday May 15, 15.30, Geocentrum I, Sölvegatan 10, Värl<strong>den</strong> (room 111)<br />

David Harvey: The right to the cityGuest lecture by David Harvey, Distinguished<br />

Professor of Anthropology at City University of New York<br />

Wednesday May 28, 15.15, Geocentrum I, Sölvegatan 10, Värl<strong>den</strong> (room 111)<br />

Erik Swyngedouw: On Spaces of Hope<br />

Guest lecture by Professor Erik Swyngedouw, Manchester University<br />

Monday June 9, 15.15, Geocentrum I, Sölvegatan 10, Värl<strong>den</strong> (room 111)<br />

Derek Gregory: The city-as-target and the natural history of destructionGuest<br />

lecture by Professor Derek Gregory, UBC Vancouver<br />

Tuesday June 17, 10.15, Geocentrum I, Sölvegatan 10, Värl<strong>den</strong> (room 111)<br />

Derek Gregory: The biopolitics of Baghdad: Cultural turns, the counterrevolution<br />

in military affairs and killing fields<br />

Guest lecture by Professor Derek Gregory, UBC Vancouver<br />

Tuesday June 17, 14.15, Geocentrum I, Sölvegatan 10, Värl<strong>den</strong> (room 111)<br />

Eric Clark , Professor, Head of Department, Department of Social and Economic<br />

Geography , Lund University, Sölvegatan 10, 22362 Lund, Swe<strong>den</strong><br />

tel. +46 - 46 222 94 96 fax. +46 - 46 222 84 01<br />

Centre for Middle Eastern Studies<br />


Sociologiska institutionens Veckopost<br />

14 <strong>maj</strong> 2008<br />

Fyller ett år och firar det med föreläsning med Mark Levine, University of<br />

California, Irvine<br />



Skandinavienpremiär för ”I Love HIPHOP in Morocco”<br />

+ samtal med filmmakarna, JOSHUA ASEN & JENNIFER NEEDLEMAN<br />

Filmens hemsida: http://www.ilovehiphopinmorocco.com/<br />



DRYCK.<br />

Centre for Middle Eastern Studies<br />

Islamism<br />

21-24 may<br />

Lund university, Swe<strong>den</strong><br />

Internationell Konferensen om islamism i CMS regi. Bland deltagarna märks<br />

storheter inom fältet som Salwa Ismail, Reinhard Schulze, John Russell och Asher<br />

Susser.<br />

Vid intresse O.S.A till anders.ackfeldt@cme.lu.se senast fredagen <strong>den</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>maj</strong>.<br />

Day One, Wednesday (Travel Day)<br />

7 p.m. We meet in the lobby of Hotel Duxiana<br />

7.30 p.m. Dinner, Venue: Restaurang Gräddhyllan<br />

Day Two, Thursday<br />

<strong>9.15</strong> a.m. Welcome and Introduction<br />

Leif Stenberg, Lund University<br />

9.30 a.m. Session One, Chair: Johan Cato, Lund University<br />

The ”War on Terrorism” and the Democratic Credibility<br />

Jan Hjärpe, Lund University<br />

The Crisis of Public Islam<br />


Sociologiska institutionens Veckopost<br />

14 <strong>maj</strong> 2008<br />

Reinhard Schulze, University of Berne<br />

11.00 a.m. Coffee/Tea Break<br />

Islamist Politics and the State: A Political Economy of Contestation<br />

Salwa Ismail SOAS, University of London<br />

Hamas between Sharia Rule and Democracy in the Midst of Violence<br />

Michael Schulz, Göteborg University<br />

12.45 p.m. Lunch at Kulturkrogen<br />

2 p.m. Session Two, Chair: Hege Irene Markussen, Lund University<br />

Babyland - State, Nation and Religion in North Cyprus<br />

Ronald Stade, University College of Malmö<br />

The Changing Nature of Nationalism in Turkey<br />

Umut Özkırımlı, Bilgi University<br />

3.30 p.m. Coffee/Tea Break<br />

Political Islam and Democratization: the EU Approach in their Relations with Turkey<br />

and the Arab Countries , Eduard Soler i Lecha, CIDOB Foundation<br />

7.30 p.m. Dinner, Venue: Klostergatans Fisk Restaurang<br />

Day three, Friday<br />

9.30 a.m. Session Three, Chair: Simon Stjernholm<br />

Islamic Politics under the Secular State: Shifting Dynamics of Cooperation and<br />


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