The Labour Welfare Officer or any other persons authorized by the Government of Orissa on their behalf shall have power to make inquiries with a view to ascertaining and enforcing due and proper observance of the fair wage clause and the provisions of these regulations. He shall investigate into any complaint regarding default made by the Contractor, sub-contractor in regard to such provisions. 11. Report of Labour Welfare Officers: The Labour Welfare Officer or others authorized aforesaid shall submit a report of the results of his investigation or inquiry to the authorized officer of IDCO indicating the extent, if any, to which the default has been committed with a note that necessary deductions from the Contractor’s bill be made and the wages and other dues be paid to the labourers concerned. 12. Appeal against the decision of Labour Welfare Officers : Any persons aggrieved by the decision and recommendation of the Labour Welfare Officer or other person so authorized may appeal against such decision to the Labour Commissioner within 30 days from the date of decision forwarding simultaneously a copy of his appeal to the authorized officer of IDCO but subject to such appeal, the decision of the officer shall be final and binding upon the Contractor. 13. Inspection of Register: The Contractor shall allow inspection of the wage book and wage cards to any of the his workers or to his agent at a convenient time and place after due notice is received or to the Labour Commissioner or any other person authorized by the Government of Orissa on his behalf. 14. Submission of return: The Contractor shall submit periodical returns as may be specified from time to time. 15. Amendments: The Government of Orissa may from time to time, add to or amend these regulations and on any question as to the application, interpretation of affect of these regulations, the decision of the Labour Commissioner or any other person authorized by the Government of Orissa in that behalf shall be final. The terms and conditions of the contract have been read/ explained to me and quoted my rates accordingly and certify that we have clearly understood them. Signature of Tenderer 71

SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF FORMING A PART OF THIS CONTRACT 1. All works are to be executed and measured in conformity with the relevant upto date I.S. Specifications, National Building Code and Orissa Detailed Standard Specification, I.R.C. and MOS&T Code of practice and specification. In case of variation in the norms, specifications and methods of execution and measurement as prescribed in the different codes and in case of doubt regarding means and scope of specification of any items, the decision of Managing Director, IDCO will be final and binding in this regard. No extra monetary compensation over and above the accepted agreement rates for various item will be paid to the Contractor on this Account. 2. In case of any technical specification not covered in the relevant I.S. Specifications, National Building Code and Orissa Detailed Standard Specification, I.R.C. and MOS&T Code etc., the specification given by the Consultant/ Purchaser/ IDCO is final and binding on the Contractor. 3. Every tenderer must examine the detailed specification of Orissa Public Works Department, relevant IS specifications and provisions in National Building Code and IRC, MOS&T specification before submitting his tender. The right is reserved with the Corporation without impairing the contract to make such increase or decrease in the quantities or items of work mentioned in the schedule of quantities attached to the tender notice as may be considered necessary to complete the work fully and satisfactorily. Such increase/ decrease shall in no case invalidate the contract or rates. However, increase in quantity of any particular item upto 25% of the tendered quantity the rate quoted/accepted will remain in force. It shall be definitely understood that the Corporation does not accept any responsibility for the correctness or completeness of the quantities shown in the schedule. The schedule is liable to alternation by omission or addition or deduction and such omissions, additions and deductions shall in no case invalidate the contract and no extra monetary compensation will be entertained. At any point of time, the contract can be terminated if so desired by the Corporation without assigning any reason thereof after issue of notice in writing by the Corporation before 30 days of the proposed date of termination. In the event of such termination, the Contractor shall not be entitled to any monetary compensation whatsoever. 4. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure production of quality concrete of required strength and durability which shall be ascertained by regular field and Laboratory tests in accordance with IS:516 and other relevant Indian Standards. All cost involving such test shall be borne by the Contractor. 5. The Contractor shall provide at site required proper plant and machinery including testing equipment’s, instruments etc., for concrete at his own cost. The Contractor shall not be paid any thing extra for carrying out any test as directed either at site or at Laboratory. In case of Laboratory test , the name of the Laboratory or Institutions shall be suggested by IDCO. 6. INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE, ACCIDENT, DAMAGE AND THEFT: a) The Contractor shall ensure that he and his sub-contractors use one safe and reliable equipment’s.The Contractor shall be responsible for the safe custody and storage of all equipment’s, materials, construction tools, tackles and machinery at the site, which are covered by this contract. All Contractors’ equipment shall be at the sole risk of the Contractor. The Contractor shall take necessary insurance cover for all tools, tackles and other constructions equipment’s and machinery and materials, owned hired or used by the Contractor for performance of the works but which does not form a part of the permanent work. The Contractor shall take 72

The Labour Welfare Officer or any other persons authorized by the Government of Orissa on their behalf shall have<br />

power to make inquiries with a view to ascertaining and enforcing due and proper observance of the fair wage<br />

clause and the provisions of these regulations. He shall investigate into any complaint regarding default made by<br />

the Contractor, sub-contractor in regard to such provisions.<br />

11. Report of Labour Welfare Officers:<br />

The Labour Welfare Officer or others authorized aforesaid shall submit a report of the results of his investigation or<br />

inquiry to the authorized officer of <strong>IDCO</strong> indicating the extent, if any, to which the default has been committed with a<br />

note that necessary deductions from the Contractor’s bill be made and the wages and other dues be paid to the<br />

labourers concerned.<br />

12. Appeal against the decision of Labour Welfare Officers :<br />

Any persons aggrieved by the decision and recommendation of the Labour Welfare Officer or other person so<br />

authorized may appeal against such decision to the Labour Commissioner within 30 days from the date of decision<br />

forwarding simultaneously a copy of his appeal to the authorized officer of <strong>IDCO</strong> but subject to such appeal, the<br />

decision of the officer shall be final and binding upon the Contractor.<br />

13. Inspection of Register:<br />

The Contractor shall allow inspection of the wage book and wage cards to any of the his workers or to his agent at a<br />

convenient time and place after due notice is received or to the Labour Commissioner or any other person<br />

authorized by the Government of Orissa on his behalf.<br />

14. Submission of return:<br />

The Contractor shall submit periodical returns as may be specified from time to time.<br />

15. Amendments:<br />

The Government of Orissa may from time to time, add to or amend these regulations and on any question as to<br />

the application, interpretation of affect of these regulations, the decision of the Labour Commissioner or any other<br />

person authorized by the Government of Orissa in that behalf shall be final.<br />

The terms and conditions of the contract have been read/ explained to me and quoted my rates accordingly and<br />

certify that we have clearly understood them.<br />

Signature of Tenderer<br />


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