Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - City of Santa Monica

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - City of Santa Monica

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - City of Santa Monica


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Statement <strong>of</strong> Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in<br />

Fund Balance - Budget and Actual (Non-GAAP Basis)<br />

General Fund<br />

For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009<br />

Less<br />

Variance with<br />

2007-2008 Plus Actual, final budget -<br />

Original Final encumbered 2008-2009 budgetary positive<br />

budget budget Actual expenditures encumbrances basis (negative)<br />

Housing and community development:<br />

Planning and community development<br />

Salaries $ 12,240,562 12,283,339 11,614,166 — — 11,614,166 669,173<br />

Supplies 7,511,954 7,757,653 6,391,470 240,603 1,606,786 7,757,653 —<br />

Capital outlay 23,612 22,238 32,728 13,000 2,510 22,238 —<br />

Total planning and community development 19,776,128 20,063,230 18,038,364 253,603 1,609,296 19,394,057 669,173<br />

Housing and economic development<br />

Salaries 4,518,798 4,357,172 4,166,071 — — 4,166,071 191,101<br />

Supplies 7,561,175 7,524,875 7,097,951 313,802 619,414 7,403,563 121,312<br />

Capital outlay 11,700 9,700 8,665 — — 8,665 1,035<br />

Total housing and economic development 12,091,673 11,891,747 11,272,687 313,802 619,414 11,578,299 313,448<br />

Capital improvement — 1,850,231 66,260 — 1,105,461 1,171,721 678,510<br />

Total housing and community development 31,867,801 33,805,208 29,377,311 567,405 3,334,171 32,144,077 1,661,131<br />

24<br />

Total expenditures 247,909,950 295,674,482 256,353,580 3,173,473 12,773,653 265,953,760 29,720,722<br />

Excess (deficiency) <strong>of</strong> revenues over<br />

(under) expenditures 2,177,162 (47,349,903) (8,788,502) (3,173,473) (12,773,653) (18,388,682) 28,961,221<br />

Other financing sources (uses):<br />

Transfers in 18,159,342 74,536,453 72,076,580 — — 72,076,580 (2,459,873)<br />

Transfers out (22,750,372) (15,299,372) (15,135,727) — — (15,135,727) 163,645<br />

Total other financing sources (4,591,030) 59,237,081 56,940,853 — — 56,940,853 (2,296,228)<br />

Net change in fund balances (2,413,868) 11,887,178 48,152,351 (3,173,473) (12,773,653) 38,552,171 26,664,993<br />

Fund balance at the beginning <strong>of</strong> year 148,801,879 148,801,879 148,801,879 — — 148,801,879 —<br />

Fund balance at end <strong>of</strong> year $ 146,388,011 160,689,057 196,954,230 (3,173,473) (12,773,653) 187,354,050 26,664,993<br />

See accompanying notes to basic financial statements.

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