Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - City of Santa Monica

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - City of Santa Monica

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - City of Santa Monica


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Statement <strong>of</strong> Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in<br />

Fund Balance - Budget and Actual (Non-GAAP Basis)<br />

General Fund<br />

For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009<br />

22<br />

Less<br />

Variance with<br />

2007-2008 Plus Actual, final budget -<br />

Original Final encumbered 2008-2009 budgetary positive<br />

budget budget Actual expenditures encumbrances basis (negative)<br />

<strong>City</strong> attorney<br />

Salaries $ 8,483,304 8,223,902 7,916,922 — — 7,916,922 306,980<br />

Supplies 320,982 632,212 632,212 — — 632,212 —<br />

Capital outlay 49,600 54,580 36,308 1,832 20,103 54,579 1<br />

Total city attorney 8,853,886 8,910,694 8,585,442 1,832 20,103 8,603,713 306,981<br />

Human resources<br />

Salaries 2,560,848 2,560,848 2,325,295 — — 2,325,295 235,553<br />

Supplies 654,782 658,282 671,020 21,457 4,000 653,563 4,719<br />

Total human resources 3,215,630 3,219,130 2,996,315 21,457 4,000 2,978,858 240,272<br />

Information systems<br />

Salaries 5,077,352 5,077,352 4,746,173 — 1,683 4,747,856 329,496<br />

Supplies 755,130 760,130 606,979 19,245 8,234 595,968 164,162<br />

Capital outlay 1,000 1,000 700 — — 700 300<br />

Total information systems 5,833,482 5,838,482 5,353,852 19,245 9,917 5,344,524 493,958<br />

Other 2,239,754 2,078,130 819,046 — — 819,046 1,259,084<br />

Capital improvement 5,030,799 14,627,440 6,784,121 — 1,761,123 8,545,244 6,082,196<br />

Total general government 46,832,619 56,914,174 44,733,450 714,638 2,437,354 46,456,166 10,458,008<br />

Public safety:<br />

Police<br />

Salaries 59,731,821 61,313,960 61,313,960 — — 61,313,960 —<br />

Supplies 5,296,072 5,441,641 5,431,199 23,974 34,416 5,441,641 —<br />

Capital outlay 6,936 966 966 — — 966 —<br />

Total police 65,034,829 66,756,567 66,746,125 23,974 34,416 66,756,567 —<br />

Fire<br />

Salaries 23,108,797 24,625,128 24,625,127 — — 24,625,127 1<br />

Supplies 2,259,837 2,678,927 1,796,673 7,603 889,857 2,678,927 —<br />

Capital outlay 70,734 55,444 54,350 — 1,094 55,444 —<br />

Total fire 25,439,368 27,359,499 26,476,150 7,603 890,951 27,359,498 1<br />

Capital improvement 234,500 4,452,633 60,502 — 118,861 179,363 4,273,270<br />

Total public safety 90,708,697 98,568,699 93,282,777 31,577 1,044,228 94,295,428 4,273,271<br />


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