Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - City of Santa Monica

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - City of Santa Monica

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - City of Santa Monica


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Balance Sheet<br />

Governmental Funds<br />

June 30, 2009<br />

18<br />

Capital projects<br />

funds<br />

Earthquake<br />

Special Revenue Downtown Recovery Nonmajor Total<br />

General Source Redevelopment Redevelopment governmental governmental<br />

Assets Fund Fund Project Fund Project Fund funds funds<br />

Cash and investments $ 173,012,780 134,646,791 2,584,251 59,462,011 71,041,321 440,747,154<br />

Receivables (net, where applicable, <strong>of</strong> allowances for uncollectibles):<br />

Accounts 6,804,986 292,487 — — 2,022,961 9,120,434<br />

Notes 2,876,229 12,627,892 1,923,000 716,669 62,156,012 80,299,802<br />

Property taxes 1,197,298 — 97,373 2,644,537 1,288,317 5,227,525<br />

Interest 1,033,694 340,959 20,223 364,435 397,704 2,157,015<br />

Other governments — — — — 7,232,423 7,232,423<br />

Due from other funds (note 11) 1,376,554 — — — — 1,376,554<br />

Inventory 1,381,715 — — — — 1,381,715<br />

Prepaids 300,046 — 344 6,951 12,731 320,072<br />

Cash with fiscal agent 1,355,138 — — — 25,616,252 26,971,390<br />

Advances to other funds (note 11) 36,409,663 — — — 10,049,958 46,459,621<br />

Total assets $ 225,748,103 147,908,129 4,625,191 63,194,603 179,817,679 621,293,705<br />

Liabilities and Fund Balances<br />

Liabilities:<br />

Accounts payable $ 5,779,880<br />

1,598,668 — 536,380 2,324,783 10,239,711<br />

Accrued liabilities 5,376,913 — — 5,071 209,933 5,591,917<br />

Contracts payable (retained percentage) 515,899 187,579 — 977,981 792,773 2,474,232<br />

Due to other governments 996,991 — — 4,737,157 — 5,734,148<br />

Deferred revenue 15,727,952 94,191,645 — — 12,359,595 122,279,192<br />

Deposits 396,238 — — — 66,966 463,204<br />

Advances from other funds (note 11) — — 19,969,705 3,465,452 10,427,479 33,862,636<br />

Total liabilities 28,793,873 95,977,892 19,969,705 9,722,041 26,181,529 180,645,040<br />

Fund balances (deficit):<br />

Reserved (note 13) 41,432,273 33,153,778 1,923,344 723,620 98,970,123 176,203,138<br />

Unreserved - designated reported in:<br />

General Fund 147,861,391 — — — — 147,861,391<br />

Special revenue funds — 18,776,459 — — 11,814,351 30,590,810<br />

Capital projects funds — — — 45,530,778 32,181,784 77,712,562<br />

Unreserved - undesignated reported in:<br />

General Fund 7,660,566 — — — — 7,660,566<br />

Special revenue funds — — — — 12,311,620 12,311,620<br />

Capital projects funds — — (17,267,858) 7,218,164 (1,641,728) (11,691,422)<br />

Total fund balances (deficit) 196,954,230 51,930,237 (15,344,514) 53,472,562 153,636,150 440,648,665<br />

Total liabilities and fund balances $ 225,748,103 147,908,129 4,625,191 63,194,603 179,817,679 621,293,705<br />

Fund balances - total governmental funds $ 440,648,665<br />

Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement <strong>of</strong> net assets are different because (Note 3):<br />

(1) Capital assets used in governmental activities are not current financial resources and therefore are not reported in the balance sheet 722,841,322<br />

(2) Bond issue costs to be amortized over the life <strong>of</strong> the debt 2,575,274<br />

(3) Long-term liabilities are not due and payable in the current period and therefore are not reported in the balance sheet (280,038,206)<br />

(4) Other long-term assets are not available to pay for current period expenditures and, therefore, are deferred in the<br />

funds and recognized as revenue in the statement <strong>of</strong> activities 106,337,103<br />

(5) Internal service funds are used by management to charge the costs <strong>of</strong> vehicle management, information technology and<br />

risk management to individual funds. The assets and liabilities <strong>of</strong> the information technology and risk<br />

management (excluding bus) internal service funds are included in the governmental activities in the statement <strong>of</strong> net assets<br />

The assets and liabilities <strong>of</strong> internal service funds are included in the statement <strong>of</strong> net assets 16,649,141<br />

Net assets <strong>of</strong> governmental activities $ 1,009,013,299

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