Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - City of Santa Monica

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - City of Santa Monica

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - City of Santa Monica


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Schedule <strong>of</strong> Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in<br />

Fund Balance (Deficit) – Budget and Actual (Non-GAAP Basis)<br />

Miscellaneous Grants Special Revenue Fund<br />

Year ended June 30, 2009<br />

104<br />

Less<br />

2007-2008 Plus Actual, Variance –<br />

encumbered 2008-2009 budgetary positive<br />

Budget Actual expenditures encumbrances basis (negative)<br />

Revenues:<br />

Other taxes $ 2,317,646 2,004,603 — — 2,004,603 (313,043)<br />

Intergovernmental 15,450,973 7,420,356 — — 7,420,356 (8,030,617)<br />

Investment income 440,000 460,330 — — 460,330 20,330<br />

Other 10,812,029 16,919,729 — — 16,919,729 6,107,700<br />

Total revenues 29,020,648 26,805,018 — — 26,805,018 (2,215,630)<br />

Expenditures:<br />

Public safety:<br />

Police<br />

Salaries 100,486 78,429 — — 78,429 22,057<br />

Supplies 493,028 166,398 9,965 — 156,433 336,595<br />

Total police 593,514 244,827 9,965 — 234,862 358,652<br />

Fire<br />

Supplies 442,870 135,487 — 155,787 291,274 151,596<br />

Capital outlay 255,922 255,922 — — 255,922 —<br />

Total fire 698,792 391,409 — 155,787 547,196 151,596<br />

Capital improvement 276,973 — — 34,314 34,314 242,659<br />

Total public safety 1,569,279 636,236 9,965 190,101 816,372 752,907<br />

General services:<br />

Salaries 15,000 — — — — 15,000<br />

Supplies 464,582 138,597 — — 138,597 325,985<br />

Capital improvement 24,020,147 5,410,182 — 3,054,380 8,464,562 15,555,585<br />

Total general services 24,499,729 5,548,779 — 3,054,380 8,603,159 15,896,570<br />

Cultural and recreation services:<br />

Supplies 386,256 272,882 — 43,409 316,291 69,965<br />

Capital improvement 15,744,676 14,369,170 — 744,406 15,113,576 631,100<br />

Total cultural and recreation services 16,130,932 14,642,052 — 787,815 15,429,867 701,065<br />

Library:<br />

Salaries 6,293 6,242 — — 6,242 51<br />

Supplies 72,362 68,618 256 — 68,362 4,000<br />

Total library 78,655 74,860 256 — 74,604 4,051<br />

Housing and community development:<br />

Supplies 45,000 123,767 87,158 6,237 42,846 2,154<br />

Capital improvement 2,963,774 1,060,190 — 68,646 1,128,836 1,834,938<br />

Total housing and community development 3,008,774 1,183,957 87,158 74,883 1,171,682 1,837,092<br />

Total expenditures 45,287,369 22,085,884 97,379 4,107,179 26,095,684 19,191,685<br />

Excess (deficiency) <strong>of</strong> revenues<br />

over (under) expenditures (16,266,721) 4,719,134 (97,379) (4,107,179) 709,334 16,976,055<br />

Other financing (uses) – transfers out (2,675,137) (2,207,467) — — (2,207,467) 467,670<br />

Net change in fund balance (18,941,858) 2,511,667 (97,379) (4,107,179) (1,498,133) 17,443,725<br />

Fund balance at beginning <strong>of</strong> year 18,512,612 18,512,612 — — 18,512,612 —<br />

Fund balance (deficit) at end <strong>of</strong> year $ (429,246) 21,024,279 (97,379) (4,107,179) 17,014,479 17,443,725

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