An Introduction to Mesoscopic and Nanometer Scale Physics (PDF)

An Introduction to Mesoscopic and Nanometer Scale Physics (PDF)

An Introduction to Mesoscopic and Nanometer Scale Physics (PDF)


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<strong>An</strong> <strong>Introduction</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Mesoscopic</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>Nanometer</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Physics</strong><br />

Freshman Seminar:<br />

Nanoscience <strong>and</strong> Nanotechnology<br />

January 26, 2006

A brief review of quantum mechanics<br />

Quantum mechanics tells us that the fundamental building blocks of<br />

nature can be thought of as both particles <strong>and</strong> waves.<br />

What determines when must we take in<strong>to</strong> account the wave nature of<br />

particles?<br />

λ = h / p<br />

de Broglie wavelength<br />

If the de Broglie wavelength of the particle is less than its physical<br />

dimensions, then classical mechanics provides a good description.<br />

For example, λ of an electron of mass 9.11 x 10 -31 kg traveling at 3<br />

x 10 6 m/s is ~0.24 nm, compared <strong>to</strong> the electron radius of<br />

~3 fem<strong>to</strong>meters.<br />

A 1 cm 3 droplet of water travelling at the same velocity has a<br />

wavelength of ~2 x 10 -37 m, compared <strong>to</strong> its physical extent of<br />

~ 1 cm.

Wave Mechanics: Double slit experiment with waves<br />

Consider the classic double slit experiment. We have a wave of some<br />

nature (light, for example, but it could also be water waves). If we have<br />

only slit 1 uncovered, we obtain the intensity pattern I 1 . If we have only<br />

slit 2 uncovered, we obtain I 2 . If we have both uncovered, we obtain the<br />

red curve I 12 , which is of course the interference pattern of the waves<br />

coming from slits 1 <strong>and</strong> 2.<br />

I 1<br />

I 2<br />

I 1,2<br />

1<br />

y<br />


Double slit experiment with electrons<br />

Now consider the same experiment, but with a gun which fires electrons<br />

as a source. Instead of a screen, we use something which counts<br />

individual electrons. Each time an electron hits the screen, we count the<br />

event <strong>and</strong> where it occurred. By counting the number of hits on average<br />

at a particular value of y, we obtain a probability distribution of the<br />

electrons as they hit the screen.<br />

electron<br />

gun<br />

1<br />

y<br />


Interference of electrons<br />

Now electrons, cannot be split up (at least not in this experiment). When we<br />

detect an electron, we detect a whole electron. We then make the very<br />

reasonable assumption that if an electron goes from the electron gun <strong>to</strong> the<br />

detec<strong>to</strong>r screen, it goes through either slit 1 or slit 2. It cannot split itself up <strong>and</strong><br />

go through both slits at once. If we measure again the probability distribution<br />

with each slit closed in turn, we obtain the distributions shown below.<br />

electron<br />

gun<br />

1<br />

2<br />

y<br />


Interference of electrons<br />

When we let both slits be open, <strong>and</strong> measure the probability distribution, we<br />

find that it looks like what is shown below, which is very similar <strong>to</strong> the<br />

probability distribution for a wave. Hence, although the electrons appear <strong>to</strong><br />

arrive as particles, in one single “lump” which contains the entire electron, the<br />

final distribution pattern looks very similar <strong>to</strong> what we found for the intensity<br />

of a wave. Hence the electrons appear <strong>to</strong> have both particle like <strong>and</strong> wave like<br />

properties.<br />

P 12 ≠ P 1 + P 2<br />

P 1<br />

P 2<br />

P 1,2<br />

electron<br />

gun<br />

1<br />

y<br />


Interference of electrons-effect of observation<br />

One can obtain an interference pattern with only one electron, which can take two<br />

possible paths from the gun <strong>to</strong> the screen. However, if we put a detec<strong>to</strong>r at one<br />

slit <strong>to</strong> determine which path the electron takes, then we no longer obtain the<br />

interference pattern, but only the two gaussian distributions. Thus, the act of<br />

observation forces the electron <strong>to</strong> choose one of the two possible paths (or<br />

states), or put another way, the act of measurement affects the observation, a<br />

peculiar property of quantum systems.<br />

P 1<br />

P 2<br />

P 1,2<br />

electron<br />

gun<br />

1<br />

y<br />


Wave nature of particles<br />

Like other waves, quantum mechanical waves of particles are described<br />

by functions that satisfy a wave equation, in this case, Schrödinger’s<br />

wave equation<br />

− h2<br />

2m<br />

d 2 ψ<br />

+ V (x)ψ = Eψ<br />

2<br />

dx<br />

where m is the mass of the particle, <strong>and</strong> E the energy of the particle,<br />

<strong>and</strong> V(x) the potential. The wave function ψ(x) is in general a complex<br />

function, with an amplitude <strong>and</strong> a phase<br />

ψ(x) = ψ(x) e iϕ(x )<br />

Once ψ(x) is known, one can determine all the properties of the system.<br />

For example, the probability of finding a particle at a position x is given<br />

by<br />

P(x) = ψ(x) 2

Quantum Tunneling<br />

ψ(x)<br />

V(x)<br />

Classical particle<br />

Quantum description<br />

x<br />

For x

Quantum tunneling through a barrier<br />

ψ(x)<br />

V 0<br />

V(x)<br />

Classical particle cannot penetrate<br />

barrier<br />

x=0 a<br />

Quantum particle: finite probability on opposite side of<br />

barrier- particle tunnels through barrier<br />

x<br />

Potential barrier of height V 0 <strong>and</strong> width a, where energy E of particle is less than V 0 .<br />

For xa, solution same as before.<br />

For 0>x>a, Schrödinger’s equation is<br />

− h2<br />

2m<br />

d 2 ψ<br />

dx 2 + V 0ψ = Eψ<br />

⇒<br />

Solutions are ψ(x) = Ce αx + De −αx<br />

h 2<br />

2m<br />

d 2 ψ<br />

dx + (E −V 0)<br />

2 14 24 3<br />

ψ = 0<br />

< 0<br />

Solutions in barrier are exponentially decaying<br />

Tunneling simulations

More about wave functions<br />

Classically, can specify both position x <strong>and</strong> momentum p with infinite accuracy<br />

Quantum mechanics?<br />

Consider wave function ψ(x)= ψ 0 e ikx<br />

Corresponds <strong>to</strong> a particle with definite momentum<br />

p = hk<br />

What about position?<br />

Probability density |ψ(x)| 2 =|ψ 0 | 2<br />

independent of x<br />

cannot tell position of particle at all<br />

If we know the momentum p exactly, the position x of the particle is completely<br />

unknown (<strong>and</strong> unknowable)<br />

Conversely, if we know the position of a particle exactly, its momentum is completely<br />


More about wave functions<br />

Suppose we want <strong>to</strong> know the position of a particle accurately. How do we define<br />

its wavefunction?<br />

ψ(x)<br />

Particle localized within a distance ∆x<br />

ψ(x) is a superposition of waves of different<br />

wavevec<strong>to</strong>rs over some range<br />

(Wave packet)<br />

ψ (x) = sin(2πk 1<br />

x) + (1/ 2)sin(2πk 2<br />

x) + (1/ 2)sin(2πk 3<br />

x)<br />

∆x<br />

What about momentum p?<br />

Not well defined..some average of k 1 , k 2 , k 3 .<br />

|ψ(x)| 2<br />

Uncertainty in both position <strong>and</strong> momentum<br />

Both momentum <strong>and</strong> position only known <strong>to</strong> some<br />

uncertainty ∆x, ∆p

Heisenberg uncertainty principle<br />

Impossible <strong>to</strong> know both momentum <strong>and</strong> position of a particle precisely<br />

Minimum uncertainty is given by<br />

∆x∆p ≥ h<br />

If position is known precisely (∆x=0), then momentum is completely unknown (∆p=∞)<br />

If momentum is known precisely (∆p=0), then position is completely unknown (∆x=∞)<br />

In general, both position <strong>and</strong> momentum are not precisely known<br />

True for non-commuting variables

Time evolution of quantum states<br />

Quantum mechanics tells us that solutions of Schrödinger’s equation with<br />

definite energy evolve in time according <strong>to</strong> the equation ψ(t) =ψ(0)e −iEt / h<br />

Consider a superposition of two states ψ 1 <strong>and</strong> ψ 2 . The time dependence<br />

is given by<br />

ψ(t) =ψ 1<br />

(t) +ψ 2<br />

(t) =ψ 1<br />

(0)e −iE 1t / h +ψ 2<br />

(0)e −iE 2t / h<br />

As a function of time, the particle will oscillate between the two<br />

eigenstates<br />

QuickTime <strong>and</strong> a<br />

Microsoft Video 1 decompressor<br />

are needed <strong>to</strong> see this picture.

Quantum mechanics <strong>and</strong> measurement<br />

Wave function is frequently superposition of different components with well<br />

defined quantum numbers<br />

Example<br />

Wave function<br />

ψ (x) = sin(2πk 1<br />

x) + (1/ 2)sin(2πk 2<br />

x) + (1/ 2)sin(2πk 3<br />

x)<br />

Measurement of momentum can give three possible values<br />

p 1<br />

= hk 1<br />

p 2<br />

= hk 2<br />

p 3<br />

= hk 3<br />

What is observed in a single measurement? Either p 1<br />

or p 2<br />

or p 3<br />

What is the average momentum recorded after many measurements?<br />

Average determined by weights of different momentum functions<br />

p ave = (2/3) p 1<br />

+ (1/6) p 2<br />

+ (1/6) p 3

Superposition of states: In search of Schrödinger’s Cat<br />

Closed box with Cat <strong>and</strong> radiation source inside<br />

Source emits radiation intermittently which<br />

kills Cat<br />

=<br />

Question<br />

With the box lid closed, is the Cat dead or alive?<br />

Can only determine by making a measurement!

In search of Schrödinger’s Cat<br />

Is Schrödinger’s Cat dead or alive ?<br />

?<br />

Cat is in a superposition of two quantum states<br />

ψ cat = +<br />

How do we find out? Open the box <strong>and</strong> look at the Cat<br />

Two possibilities...Cat is either dead or alive (two quantum states with two quantum<br />

numbers)<br />

Act of observation collapses Cat wave function in<strong>to</strong> one of the two superposition<br />

states (dead or alive)!<br />

Quantum mechanically, the act of observation affects the system being observed!

Quantum Two-State Systems: Qubits<br />

Consider an electron, which has a spin angular momentum of 1/2<br />

in units of Planck’s constant<br />

h<br />

According <strong>to</strong> quantum mechanics, components of angular momentum are<br />

quantized-- can only change in units of<br />

z-component of electron spin can have two values: + 1/2 or - 1/2<br />

h<br />

+ 1/2 - 1/2<br />

(Two orientations like a<br />

computer bit -- quantum<br />

bit or “qubit”)<br />

x, y <strong>and</strong> z components of angular momentum are non-commuting variables<br />

if z-component is known exactly, not possible <strong>to</strong> know the x or y<br />


Combinations of qubits<br />

Now consider a quantum state involving two electrons<br />

What are the possible spin combinations?<br />

| 1 2 > | 1 2 > |<br />

1 2 > |<br />

1 2<br />

><br />

(4 states)<br />

Usually organize in terms of <strong>to</strong>tal spin<br />

Total spin S=1<br />

| 1 2 ><br />

S z =1<br />

| 1 2 > + |<br />

1 2 ><br />

|<br />

1 2<br />

><br />

S z =0<br />

S z =-1<br />

Triplet<br />

states<br />

Total spin S=0 | 1 2 > - | 2 ><br />

1 S z =0 Singlet states<br />

Electrons in state are correlated -- “entangled” states

Einstein-Podolski-Rosen (EPR) Paradox<br />

Suppose we prepare two electrons on Earth in a spin-singlet state (S=0)<br />

| 1 2 > - |<br />

1 2 ><br />

Take one electron of the pair <strong>to</strong> Alice on Venus, take the other <strong>to</strong><br />

Bob on Mars. Let Alice measure the spin of her electron<br />

Suppose Alice measures S z =+1/2. What is the spin of Bob’s electron?<br />

QM tells us that a measurement of Bob’s electron must give S z =-1/2<br />

since the electrons are correlated, even though they are separated by<br />

a very long distance. Alice’s measurement of her electron tells us<br />

the spin orientation of Bob’s electron, even without making a<br />

measurement.<br />

In order <strong>to</strong> remain correlated, the state must retain its coherence

Quantum coherence<br />

Quantum interference in disordered metals: the Aharonov-Bohm effect<br />

Classical charged particle in a magnetic field B<br />

Lorentz force F~ q v B, executes circular cyclotron motion<br />

B<br />

e<br />

No effect in regions where there is no B field

Quantum coherence: The Aharonov-Bohm effect<br />

<strong>An</strong>nulus enclosing magnetic field B <strong>and</strong> magnetic flux Φ<br />

but no magnetic field in electron’s path!<br />

B<br />

e<br />

Magnetic field affects electron phase through magnetic<br />

vec<strong>to</strong>r potential A<br />

Electron wave function<br />

Absence of magnetic field<br />

r<br />

B = ∇ × A<br />

r<br />

With magnetic field, phase modified<br />

ψ ~ ψ 0<br />

e ir p • r =ψ 0<br />

e iϕ<br />

ϕ → ϕ − 2π e h<br />

b<br />

∫<br />

a<br />

r<br />

A • d r

The Aharonov-Bohm effect<br />

ϕ 1<br />

= ϕ 0<br />

− 2π e h<br />

1<br />

b<br />

∫<br />

a<br />

r<br />

A • dr<br />

e<br />

a<br />

B<br />

b<br />

Total phase difference<br />

ϕ = ϕ 2<br />

−ϕ 1<br />

= 2π e h<br />

2<br />

ϕ 2<br />

= ϕ 0<br />

+ 2π e h<br />

∫<br />

r<br />

A • dr<br />

b<br />

∫<br />

a<br />

r<br />

A • dr<br />

Quantum of magnetic flux<br />

= 2π e h φ = 2π φ φ 0<br />

φ 0<br />

= h /e = 4.14 ×10 −15 T-m 2<br />

Electron current periodic in flux, with fundamental period φ 0

Interference of electrons: the Aharonov-Bohm<br />

effect<br />

1<br />

e<br />

B<br />

2<br />

Like Young’s double slit experiment, except phase difference<br />

controlled by magnetic field instead of path length<br />

Smallness of flux quantum φ 0 means that such interference devices<br />

are very sensitive detec<strong>to</strong>rs of magnetic field.<br />

Example: Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUIDs)<br />

Typical noise levels ~10 µφ 0 /Hz 1/2<br />

For a 1 cm 2 area SQUID, corresponds <strong>to</strong> a magnetic field noise level of<br />

2 x 10 -16 T/ /Hz 1/2

The Aharonov-Bohm effect in disordered metals<br />

1<br />

e<br />

B<br />

2<br />

Strong elastic impurity scattering, electron motion is diffusive<br />

Elastic scattering length L e<br />

~ 10-100 nm<br />

Electron momentum changes at each scattering even,<br />

is interference pattern observed?<br />

Yes! Relevant length scale is electron<br />

phase coherence length L φ ~1 µm<br />

Samples with dimensions< L φ show<br />

quantum interference effects<br />

But coherence can easily be destroyed by interaction with environment:<br />

thermal vibrations, electromagnetic fields, Coulomb interactions, etc.

Quantum interference in disordered metals<br />

Relevant length scale is the electron phase coherence length L φ<br />

Determined by electron-electron, electron-phonon interactions, etc<br />

Increases at low temperatures, but still small! (1 µm)<br />

Need <strong>to</strong> make devices with small dimensions<br />

Electron-beam lithography<br />

measured at low temperatures!<br />

Cryogenic low-noise measurement techniques<br />

Quantum interference is an example of a mesoscopic effect<br />

microscopic < relevant length scale < macroscopic

The Aharonov-Bohm effect in disordered metals<br />

1<br />

e<br />

B<br />

2<br />

h/e oscillations: Webb et al, PRL (1985) h/2e oscillations: Ch<strong>and</strong>rasekhar et al, PRL (1985)

Quantum devices<br />

The operating principles of almost all modern solid state devices<br />

(transis<strong>to</strong>rs, diodes, etc.) are based on quantum mechanical<br />

phenomenon. However, these devices are macroscopic in dimension, <strong>and</strong><br />

involve averages over a very large number (10 23 ) number of incoherent<br />

quantum states.<br />

Two fac<strong>to</strong>rs separate distinctly quantum phenomena<br />

Coherence, or the control or manipulation of the quantum<br />

mechanical phase of the wave function<br />

The ability <strong>to</strong> probe individual quantum states

Quantum operations<br />

Consider a two-level system like the spin 1/2 electron discussed earlier.<br />

To make the notation applicable <strong>to</strong> a variety of two-level systems, we<br />

will denote the two states by |0> <strong>and</strong> |1> (say |0> = <strong>and</strong> |1>= )<br />

| > | ><br />

What sort of quantum operations can we apply <strong>to</strong> such a qubit?<br />

There are an infinite number of one-qubit operations that one can apply<br />

Example: Consider the time evolution of quantum states discussed<br />

earlier. Take the energy of the |0> state <strong>to</strong> be 0, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

energy of the |1> state <strong>to</strong> be E. Then the time evolution<br />

in a time interval t is described by the set of operations<br />

|0> -> |0><br />

|1> -> |1>e iωt<br />

where ω=2πE/h ψ =ψ 0e −iEt / h

Single qubit quantum operations<br />

The time evolution operation can be represented as a matrix that<br />

operates on a general qubit superposition state α|0> + β|1><br />

where θ=ωt<br />

⎛<br />

P(θ) = 1 0 ⎞<br />

⎜<br />

⎝ 0 e iθ ⎟<br />

⎠<br />

⎛<br />

ψ = α ⎞<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝ β⎠<br />

Other opera<strong>to</strong>rs:<br />

Identity opera<strong>to</strong>r I takes |0> -> |0>, |1> -> |1><br />

Opera<strong>to</strong>r X switches the two states |0> -> |1>, |1> -> |0><br />

⎛<br />

X = 0 1 ⎞<br />

⎜<br />

⎝ 1 0⎠<br />

The X opera<strong>to</strong>r can be recognized as the analog of the<br />

classical NOT opera<strong>to</strong>r<br />

⎛<br />

I = 1 0 ⎞<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝ 0 1⎠

Double qubit quantum operations<br />

Now consider the following double-qubit operation<br />

|a><br />

|a><br />

|b><br />

|a> ⊕ |b><br />

This gate is defined by the following transformations on the two qubit<br />

states |a b><br />

|00> -> |00><br />

|01> -> |01><br />

|10> -> |11><br />

|11> -> |10><br />

This is called a quantum XOR operation (or gate), also known as a<br />

controlled-NOT gate.

Quantum computers<br />

A classical computer can be constructed entirely from logic gates (in<br />

particular, NAND gates)<br />

A quantum computer can be constructed entirely from quantum XOR<br />

gates <strong>and</strong> single-qubit gates.<br />

How does a quantum computer work?<br />

Prepare a state of n qubits, <strong>and</strong> let it evolve under a set of quantum<br />

operations.<br />

What is the advantage of a quantum computer?<br />

Logic operations occur on n bits simultaneously --><br />

massively parallel computation

Advantages of quantum computers<br />

Example: Fac<strong>to</strong>rization of large numbers (important in cryp<strong>to</strong>graphy,<br />

internet security, etc.)<br />

RSA-129 Challenge problem<br />

15 = 5 x 3<br />

4633 = 41 x 113<br />

1143816257578888676692357799761466120102182 9672124236256256184293570693524573389783059 7123563958705058989075147599290026879543541<br />

=34905295108476509491478496199038 98133417764638493387843990820577 X<br />

32769132993266709549961988190834 461413177642967992942539798288533<br />

Took 8 months, 600 people <strong>and</strong> equivalent of 750 ten-MIPS computers (April, 1994)<br />

For a 300-digit number, a 1 THz classical computer will take<br />

150,000 years<br />

with a 1 THz quantum computer, it will take less than 1 second

Experimental realizations of qubits<br />

A<strong>to</strong>mic <strong>and</strong> molecular systems<br />

NMR on ensembles of spins<br />

A<strong>to</strong>mic energy levels<br />

Trapped ions<br />

Pho<strong>to</strong>ns<br />

Solid state qubits<br />

Electron spins in quantum dots<br />

Superconducting devices<br />

Other systems<br />

Electrons on liquid helium<br />

Spins in semiconduc<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

Nano-electromechanical systems

Fabrication of nanogap devices<br />

High resolution electron beam lithography<br />

e-<br />

Au film<br />

PMMA<br />

Co-PMMA<br />

SiO 2<br />

Si<br />

25-50 nm<br />

best is ~5 nm

Gallery of electron-beam fabricated samples<br />

GaAs 2DEG double-quantum dot<br />

“F-SQUID” Ferromagnetic/superconduc<strong>to</strong>r structure<br />

Ferromagnet/superconduc<strong>to</strong>r/normal metal device<br />

DNA/Au nanoparticle device

Sample measurement<br />

Dilution or 3 He refrigera<strong>to</strong>r<br />

temperatures down <strong>to</strong> 20 mK<br />

..can also apply magnetic fields<br />

Cooling electrons is a problem-loss of<br />

contact with phonons<br />

Need <strong>to</strong> take special care <strong>to</strong> filter<br />

noise, especially radio-frequency<br />

noise<br />

Use home-made resistance bridges <strong>and</strong><br />

electronics<br />

Low measurement currents (20 nA)

Solid state qubits<br />

Double quantum dot in semicondu<strong>to</strong>r 2DEG (Loss <strong>and</strong> DiVincenzo)<br />

Each quantum dot is a qubit<br />

with a spin 1/2 electron<br />

(simplest case)<br />

α|0> + β|1><br />

Exchange interaction creates<br />

coupling, resulting in singlet<br />

<strong>and</strong> triplet states<br />

Need <strong>to</strong> control interaction<br />

prepare states<br />

read out states<br />

Marcus group, Harvard

Superconducting qubits- the Cooper pair box<br />

Superconducting isl<strong>and</strong> isolated by tunnel junctions (charge qubit)<br />

Can control the number of Cooper pairs by varying gate voltage<br />

Slide 38<br />

Two states:<br />

|0> = no Cooper pair on isl<strong>and</strong><br />

|1> = single Cooper pair on<br />

isl<strong>and</strong><br />

Near degeneracy point, superposition<br />

of the two states

Superconducting qubits- flux qubits<br />

(H. Takayanagi, NTT Research)<br />

NTT Atsugi<br />

States controlled by applying magnetic field<br />

Transitions between states can be induced<br />

by radiating with microwave pho<strong>to</strong>ns<br />

E 0 (1)<br />

∆E<br />

Level<br />

splitting<br />

Φ<br />

M<br />

/I p<br />

Qubit<br />

dc-SQUID<br />

Φ/Φ 0<br />

Classical states<br />

Quantum ground state |0><br />

Quantum first excited state |1>

Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (NEMS)<br />

Doubly Clamped Flexural Resona<strong>to</strong>r<br />

t<br />

L<br />

Clel<strong>and</strong> Group, UCSB<br />

Fundamental<br />

Ω0 E t<br />

= 1. 03<br />

2π<br />

ρ 2<br />

L<br />

Amplitude<br />

1st harmonic<br />

Ω1 = 2.<br />

75Ω0<br />

2nd harmonic<br />

Ω2 = 5.<br />

40Ω0<br />

DC response: ∆z = F / k eff<br />

Fundamental: ∆z = Q F / k eff<br />

Q ~ 10 4 for nm-resona<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

0 2 4 6<br />

Frequency (GHz)

Quantum Behavior in Mechanical Systems<br />

Simple Harmonic Oscilla<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Clel<strong>and</strong> Group, UCSB<br />

E<br />

E = (1/2) kx 2<br />

E<br />

E = (n +1/2) hω<br />

n=2<br />

ω<br />

1<br />

0<br />

Classical<br />

x<br />

Quantum<br />

x<br />

To measure transition:<br />

• k B T < hω : T min » 50 mK ω/2π 1 GHz<br />

• (nearly) quantum limited detection: ε ~ (1-10) hω

Detection of <strong>Nanometer</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> Motion<br />

Clel<strong>and</strong> Group, UCSB<br />

DC Bias<br />

+<br />

RF Drive<br />

C<br />

Beam Motion<br />

Beam motion ∆x changes C:<br />

∆C<br />

=<br />

∂C<br />

∆x<br />

∂x<br />

Voltage V changes Q:<br />

∆Q<br />

= ∆C<br />

⋅V<br />

∆I<br />

I<br />

SET<br />

I ds<br />

Charge ∆Q induces change ∆I:<br />

∆I<br />

∂I<br />

= ∆Q<br />

∂Q<br />

∂I<br />

= ∆x<br />

∂x<br />

Sensitivities of 10 -16 m/Hz 1/2<br />

at 1 GHz are possible<br />

∆Q<br />

Q<br />

Blencowe <strong>and</strong> Wybourne (2000)

Quantum limited detection using a SET<br />

Clel<strong>and</strong> Group, UCSB<br />

Knobel, Clel<strong>and</strong>, Nature (2003)<br />

High Q resona<strong>to</strong>r:<br />

• ω o /2π ~ 115 MHz<br />

•Q ~ 10 3<br />

• T ~ 0.03 K<br />

rf-coupled SET:<br />

• operates <strong>to</strong> ω ~ 1 GHz<br />

• b<strong>and</strong>width ∆ω ~ 20 kHz

Quantum limit in mechanical oscillations<br />

Mohanty group, BU (PRL, 2005)<br />

Classical case, displacement continuous<br />

Quantum case<br />

Displacement<br />


Summary<br />

<strong>Nanometer</strong> scale solid-state devices allow investigation of fundamental<br />

quantum mechanical phenomena<br />

Challenges lie in fabrication of devices, sophisticated new measurement<br />

techniques<br />

Need <strong>to</strong> underst<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> reduce sources of decoherence (noise,<br />

fundamental limits)<br />

Potentially large payoff (e.g., quantum computers)

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