Condensed Curriculum Vitae – Roger Finlay Name: Roger ... - SLU

Condensed Curriculum Vitae – Roger Finlay Name: Roger ... - SLU

Condensed Curriculum Vitae – Roger Finlay Name: Roger ... - SLU


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<strong>Condensed</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>Roger</strong> <strong>Finlay</strong><br />

<strong>Roger</strong> D. <strong>Finlay</strong>, <strong>Condensed</strong> CV<br />

<strong>Name</strong>: <strong>Roger</strong> Denis FINLAY Date of birth: 21 June 1955, Perranporth, UK<br />

Address: Department of Forest Mycology & Pathology<br />

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences<br />

Box 7026, SE-750 07 UPPSALA<br />

Tel: +46 - (0)18 - 67 15 54 FAX: +46 - (0)18 - 67 35 99<br />

E-mail: <strong>Roger</strong>.<strong>Finlay</strong>@mykopat.slu.se<br />

Education:<br />

1976 B.A. Biology - University of York, UK.<br />

1978 Postgraduate Certificate in Education - University of York, UK.<br />

1979 M.Sc., D.I.C. Environmental Technology,<br />

Imperial College of Science & Technology, University of London, UK.<br />

1983 D.Phil. (PhD) Biology - University of York, UK.<br />

Positions held:<br />

1983- 1986 Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Dept. Plant Sciences,University of Sheffield, UK.<br />

1986 - 1991 Post.doc. Res. assistant, Dept. Microbial Ecology, Univ. Lund, SWEDEN<br />

1991 - 1993 University lecturer, Dept Microbial Ecology, Univ. Lund<br />

1992 docent in Microbial Ecology, Univ. Lund<br />

1996 - present Professor of Forest Microbiology, Dept. Forest Mycology & Pathology, <strong>SLU</strong>,<br />

Uppsala. (Head of Dept. 1999 <strong>–</strong> 2010)<br />

2005-present Chair <strong>–</strong> steering committee for Uppsala BioCenter<br />

Awards<br />

2002 <strong>SLU</strong>, Strategic Research Award, for research on Nitrogen Physiology of temperate<br />

coniferous forests - with J. Stenlid, P. Högberg, T. Näsholm (2002-2006)<br />

2008 <strong>SLU</strong> Award for excellent researchers - ranked 1 st out of 14 candidates in evaluation<br />

managed by FORMAS <strong>–</strong> 6 x 2 MSEK<br />

2010 KoN <strong>–</strong> Kvalitet och Nytta <strong>–</strong> International Evaluation of Research at <strong>SLU</strong> <strong>–</strong> one of<br />

top 8 research groups out of 130 in total <strong>–</strong> 2 x 1 MSEK.<br />

Research orientation from 2000 onwards:<br />

Mycorrhizal symbiosis, plant-microbe & microbe-microbe interactions including: molecular<br />

ecophysiology of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, role of ECM fungi in microbial weathering, biotic<br />

interactions between ECM fungi and saprotrophic fungi, interactions between ECM fungi and<br />

bacteria. Genomics of nutritional and biotic interactions of mycorrhizal fungal mycelia. Molecular<br />

ecology and physiology of symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, interactions of AM fungi<br />

with bacteria and fungal pathogens. Patterns of carbon allocation in ECM and AM mycorrhizal<br />

symbiosis.<br />

Number of peer reviewed scientific articles since 2002<br />

Sixty three (63) published/in press: 10 as first author, 35 as senior or grant-holding author.<br />

International research collaboration (since 2000)<br />

Full contract holder in two EU projects: METOLEF (Metal tolerance in ectomycorrhizal<br />

fungi) 1997-2000. Collaboration with groups in France Germany, UK and Poland.<br />

NUTRIGEN (Exploitation of nutrient efficiency in forest tree breeding) 1998-2001. Collaboration<br />

with groups in Sweden, Ireland, Portugal and France. Management Committee member of<br />

COST 631 (Understanding and modelling plant-soil interactions in the rhizosphere environment)<br />

2002-2006. Chairman of Working Group 2 within COST 631 <strong>–</strong> Experimental tools and methods<br />

used in rhizosphere research. Main organizer of ICOM-2 (2 nd International Conference on<br />

Mycorrhiza), Uppsala, Sweden 1998 (600 participants). Secretary Local Scientific & member<br />


<strong>Roger</strong> D. <strong>Finlay</strong>, <strong>Condensed</strong> CV<br />

Organising & Editorial committees of ICOBTE-7 (7 th International Conference on the<br />

Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements) Uppsala 2003 (600 participants) Member of International<br />

Steering Committee of Rhizosphere 2004, Munich, Germany 2004, (450 participants). Member<br />

of Editorial/Advisory Boards of New Phytologist (Blackwell, UK, 1997-2001), Forest Ecology &<br />

Management (Elsevier, the Netherlands, 1999-2001) and Tree Physiology (Heron, Canada, 2000-<br />

2002) Co-organiser with Fred Asiegbu & Jan Stenlid of STINT program in Comparative<br />

Genomics of Pathogenic & Mycorrhizal Fungi <strong>–</strong> with Fungal Genomics laboratory(Ralph Dean),<br />

NCSU, USA. (2002-2004). Member of International Steering Committee of Rhizosphere 2007,<br />

Montpellier, France 2007. Executive editor of Fungal Biology Reviews, Elsevier, 2007-2011.<br />

Editor Mycorrhiza 2009-2011 Member International Steering Committee of Rhizosphere 3,<br />

Perth, Australia 2011. Joint workpackage coordinator in BACCARA EU, FP7 project 2008-10<br />

Supervision of graduate students & post-docs<br />

Supervisor/deputy (D) supervisor of 18 PhD students in Lund and Uppsala. including…. U.<br />

Ahonen-Jonnarth (PhD Feb 2000), S. Mahmood (PhD May 2000), B. Lindahl (PhD Nov<br />

2001), P. Fransson (PhD Jan 2002), S. Mari (PhD May 2002), A. Rosling (PhD<br />

December 2003),M. Högberg (PhD September 2004), A. Menkis (PhD November<br />

2005), V. Artursson (PhD 2005) (D), J. Toljander (PhD June 2006), J. Santos (PhD<br />

November 2007), A. Adomas (PhD April 2007) (D)G. Heller (PhD April 2008).<br />

Cajsa Nygren (PhD October 2008) (D) Johanna Boberg (PhD November 2009) (D)<br />

Karl Lundén (PhD February 2010) (D) Current number of active PhD students supervised as<br />

main supervisor: 4, as assistant supervisor: 4.<br />

Collaboration -post-doctoral researchers: U. Eberhardt (Germany) 2003/4; L. Paul<br />

(Canada) 2003/4; J. Parrent (USA) 2006/7; K. Clemmensen (Denmark) 2007/9; H.<br />

Izumi (Japan/UK) 2007/9; S. Mahmood (UK) 2008/9; J. Santos (Sweden) 2009/2012<br />

Positions of responsibility & co-operation with stakeholders, organizations and companies<br />

Expert opinion/report writing for Swedish Forestry Board Effekter på biologisk mångfald av<br />

markförsurning och motåtgärder 2001, Evaluation for European Forest Institute, JOENSSUU<br />

2002, Member of expert panel, Biology Committee, NFR.1997-2000, Chairman of<br />

FORMAS evaluation committee 67 on Microbiology, Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology,<br />

spring 2002. External Evaluator, Helsinki University Environmental Research Unit. January<br />

2003. Regular refereeing for UK, USA and Swedish research councils, plus 30 different<br />

international journals. Evaluation - full/assoc. professorships in Norway, Canada & Australia,<br />

UK<br />

Invited (oral) presentations at international conferences (since 2001)<br />

3 invited talks given by PhD students at ICOM-3 (International Conference on Mycorrhiza) in<br />

Adelaide, AUSTRALIA, July 2001. [450] IMC-7 (Seventh International Mycological<br />

Congress) Oslo, NORWAY August, 2002 <strong>–</strong> (declined) [1600] COST 631, Understanding and<br />

Modelling Interactions in the Rhizosphere Environment, Vienna, AUSTRIA, October 2002 (200<br />

participants) Ectomycorrhizal fungi and their roles in metal tolerance and mineral<br />

weathering. Joint MSA-BMS meeting, Asilomar, USA, July 2003, [250 ] Carbon-Nitrogen<br />

Interactions ICOM-4 (International Conference on Mycorrhiza), Montreal, CANADA, August<br />

2003 [800 ] <strong>–</strong> (declined). Role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in acquisition and allocation of<br />

resources in forest ecosystems. International Workshop, Göttingen GERMANY March 2004 [50 ]<br />

154 th SGM (Society for General Microbiology) meeting. Bath, UK, April 2004. [500]<br />

Rhizosphere 2004, Munich, GERMANY, September 2004. 500 participants <strong>–</strong> also 2 plenary<br />

talks given by my PhD students, Invited chairman, IOBC meeting on Multitrophic<br />

Associations, Wageningen, Netherlands, June 2005. [200] BMS meeting Stress in<br />

Filamentous fungi & yeasts, Birmingham, UK, Sept 2006, [200] SEB meeting Symbiosis,<br />

Glasgow UK, April 2007 [700]. Co-organiser, invited speaker IOBC meeting on Multitrophic<br />

Associations, Uppsala, June 2009 Invited keynotespeaker - 7th ISRR Symposium Root<br />

Research and Applications Vienna Austria, Sept 2009 Invited Keynotespeaker <strong>–</strong> SFB607<br />

Growth & Parasite Defence <strong>–</strong> International Symposium, Ludwig Maximillians Universität,<br />

Munich, Germany, March 2010. Invited symposium organiser 9th International Mycological<br />


Congress, Edinburgh, UK, August 2010. [1500]<br />

<strong>Roger</strong> D. <strong>Finlay</strong>, <strong>Condensed</strong> CV<br />

Major educational inputs since 2001.<br />

Undergraduate teaching: Joint planning, administrating and teaching of B-level course in Soil Biology,<br />

C-level course in Mycology, D-level course in Forest Microbiology:<br />

Postgraduate teaching: Invited teacher on 17 PhD courses in Sweden, Finland, England &<br />

Austria, planning, organization & teaching of NorFA course in Recent Developments Forest<br />

Microbiology, Uppsala, Sweden, 2001, NOVA course in Forest microbes & their role in<br />

biodeterioration, biodegradation & biotechnology, Helsinki, FINLAND 2002, NOVA course<br />

in Microbial Communities & Populations. Genetics, Structure & Function, Wiks Slott, Sweden,<br />

2003. Main organiser - EU/NOVA course in Plant-Soil-Microbe Interactions, Uppsala 2005.<br />

Invited teacher - EU course on Rhizotechnology for enhancing resource efficiency in lowinput<br />

farming, Vienna, Austria, 2004, 2007, 2008. Invited teacher - NOVA course on Novel<br />

technologies for management of the beneficial and harmful microbes in the root system, Tune,<br />

Denmark, 2008.<br />


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