Flora of Dominica, Part 2 - Smithsonian Institution Libraries

Flora of Dominica, Part 2 - Smithsonian Institution Libraries

Flora of Dominica, Part 2 - Smithsonian Institution Libraries


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Hyeronimo clusiodcs sensu Uhan, 1905,4:341, “Hyeronimio,)) nm (’blame)<br />

J. Mueller.<br />

Hyeronimo coriinaeo Urban, 1919c:139.<br />

Tree to 20 m; most parts densely lepidote; stipules<br />

foliaceous, composed <strong>of</strong> petiole-like structure 3-6 mm long<br />

and an expanded blade-like structure to 1 cm long; leaf-blade<br />

ovate, to 21 cm x 12.5 cm, obtuse; fruit drupaceous, 2-3 mm<br />

long.<br />

Central America, northern South America into southern<br />

Antilles; cited for <strong>Dominica</strong> by Urban (1919c:139) based on a<br />

male Ramage specimen from Layou (Laiou) as type.<br />

Jatropha Linnaeus<br />

Jatropha integerrim Jacquin, with minute stipules, panduriform<br />

leaves and bright red petals, is a Cuban species cultivated<br />

in <strong>Dominica</strong>: Roseau Botanic Garden (Hodge 959, 3910,<br />

3932).<br />

Jatropha rnultifida Linnaeus, a neotropical species with<br />

stipules dissected into setaceous, eglandular segments and<br />

palmately 7-13-lobed leaves, is cultivated in <strong>Dominica</strong> and<br />

may escape: Canefield (Nicolson 2153), Roseau Botanic<br />

Garden (Hodge 3929).<br />

Jatropha podugrica W. Hooker, a Central American species<br />

with fimbriate, glandular stipules, peltate, suborbicular leaves,<br />

and red petals was once collected in the Roseau Botanic Garden<br />

(Fairchild s.n.).<br />

1. Leaves eglandular, entire to shallowly 3-lobed, capsule<br />

glabrous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. curcas<br />

1. Leaves (margin, petiole & stipules) with viscid glands;<br />

capsule pubescent . , . . . . . . . . . . . J. gossypitfolia<br />

Jatropha curcas<br />

Jotropha curcos Lhnaeus. 1753:1006.--Dehgan and Webster, 197952.<br />

Shrub or tree to 5 m; stipules minute, quickly deciduous;<br />

leaf-blade glabrous or with a few hairs on veins beneath,<br />

cordate at base, to 15 cm wide; petals greenish or yellowish<br />

white; capsule to 4 cm x 2 cm.<br />

Probably native to Central America but widely distributed in<br />

tropics and hedge or medicinal plant and escaping; in <strong>Dominica</strong><br />

locally common in dry scrub thickets <strong>of</strong> west coast to 60 m and<br />

cultivated by Caribs: Bataca (Stehle 6379), Grand Savanne<br />

(Wilbur 7658), Salybia (Hodge 3207), Scotts Head (Ernst<br />

1329, Hodge 1607, Nicolson 1997, Webster 13442, Wilbur<br />

7591).<br />

Seeds <strong>of</strong> this, and the following species, are used by the<br />

Caribs as an emetic or purgative (Hodge and Taylor,<br />

1957573). Adjanohoun et al. (1985101, pl. 67) indicated<br />

limited medicinal use.<br />

Jatropha gossypitfolia<br />

Jotropho gossypiifoIia Linnaeus, 1753:1006, “gossipifollia”.-Dehgan<br />

&<br />

Webster, 197954.<br />

Menoropiwn gossypiifoliwn (Linnaeus) Pohl, 1826, 1 :15, “gossypifoliwn.”<br />

Medicinier blanc, medicinier noir, medicinier rouge, physic<br />

nut.<br />

Shrub or tree to 3 m; stipules dissected, glanduliferous,<br />

persistent; petioles with branched, viscid glands along their<br />

length, leaf-blades pubescent above and beneath, ciliate with<br />

unbranched stipitate glands, to 15 cm wide, 3-5-lobed; petals<br />

purplish red; capsule to 1 cm in diameter.<br />

Widespread in disturbed areas <strong>of</strong> the New World and<br />

introduced into the Old World; in <strong>Dominica</strong> in dry scrub<br />

thickets <strong>of</strong> west coast and cultivated by the Caribs: Bataca<br />

(StehlC 6363), Goodwill (NicoIson 2142, Wilbur 7583), Grand<br />

Savanne (Ernst 1886, Hodge 3779), Point Ronde (Hodge<br />

2739), Salisbury (Whitefoord 4527), Salybia (Hodge 3208),<br />

Scotts Head (Hodge 1611, Nicolson 1996, Webster 13439,<br />

Wilbur 7597), sine loc. [Salybia?] (Taylor 131,132).<br />

Margaritaria Linnaeus f.<br />

Margaritaria nobilis<br />

Morgoritorio nobilis Linnaeus f., 1782:428.-Webster, 1979:412.<br />

Cicco ontillono Adr. Jussieu, 1824108.<br />

Phyllonrhus ontillonus (Adr. Jussieu) J. Mueller, 186351,<br />

Phyllonfhus nobilis (Linnaeus f.) J. Muellerin A.P. Candolle, 1866, 15(2):414.<br />

Morgaritorio nobilis var. ontillono (Adr. Jussieu) Stehle & Quentin in Stehle et<br />

al., 1937, 1:47.<br />

Mille branche.<br />

Dioecious tree to 15 m; leaves elliptic, acuminate, to 14 cm<br />

x 4 cm; flowers fasciculate or borne singly on a short raceme;<br />

styles (3)4-5, each bifid; fruiting pedicel to 1.3 cm long:<br />

capsule 6-7 mm diameter; seeds with fleshy, bluish green coat.<br />

Neotropics; in <strong>Dominica</strong> common in coast scrub thickets and<br />

inland forests to 500 m: Cabrits (Howard 11752), Calibishie<br />

(Hodge 3161), Carholm Estate (Ernst 2949), Delices (Whitefoord<br />

3772), Hatton Garden (Hodge 3076), Morne Colla<br />

Anglais (Webster 13432), Ridgefield Estate (Hodge 3899),<br />

Salybia (Hodge 3202), South Chiltern (Ernst 1872, Stern<br />

2527), Sylvania (Wilbur 7714), Syndicate (DHN!), sine loc.<br />

(Fishlock 81).<br />

Phyllanthus Linnaeus<br />

Phyllanthus acidus (Linnaeus) Skeels, “acida,” monoecious<br />

trees to 10 m with broadly ovate-lanceolate leaves 5-9 cm long<br />

and edible drupes to 2.5 cm long (called goosebemes) is<br />

introduced into <strong>Dominica</strong>: roadside east <strong>of</strong> Roseau (Nicolson<br />

4141).<br />

Excluded Species <strong>of</strong> Phyllanthus<br />

Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus Linnaeus, known from Guadeloupe<br />

and Martinique, has been attributed to <strong>Dominica</strong> by<br />

VClez (1957:90). This is a very large and distinctive species: a<br />

shrub to 2.5 m, without true leaves but the branchlets flattened

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