Flora of Dominica, Part 2 - Smithsonian Institution Libraries

Flora of Dominica, Part 2 - Smithsonian Institution Libraries

Flora of Dominica, Part 2 - Smithsonian Institution Libraries


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1. Leaves usually 1 or more cm wide.<br />

2. Stipules sheathing; inflorescences becoming >1 cm<br />

across; seeds transversely grooved; septum between<br />

cocci persistent, finally free-standing ..........<br />

....................... S. assurgens<br />

2. Stipules not sheathing; inflorescences c1 cm across;<br />

seeds longitudinally pitted; septum splitting or dissolving.<br />

...................... S. ernstii<br />

1. Leaves rarely >0.5 cm wide.<br />

3. Leaves with conspicuous scabrosities on midrib below<br />

...................... S. eryngioides<br />

3. Leaves not as above.<br />

4. Leaves verticillate, linear, c2 mm wide.<br />

5. Low, spreading or cushion-forming woody shrubs;<br />

leaves to 6 mm long, k sessile, flat, rounded at base<br />

.................... S. berteroana<br />

5. Erect herbs with woody base; leaves lanceolate to<br />

linear, 2-6 cm long, membranous .........<br />

.................... S. verticillata<br />

4. Leaves 2-4 at node, lanceolate, >2 mm wide.<br />

6. Calyx lobes 2 ............ S. muritiana<br />

6. Calyx lobes 4.<br />

7. Leaves 5x longer than broad; cocci unequal, 1<br />

with 3 calyx lobes and closed, the other with 1<br />

calyx lobe and open ......... S. confusa<br />

7. Leaves 3x longer than broad; cocci equal and<br />

open ................ S. prostrata<br />

Spermacoce assurgens<br />

Spermacoce assurgens Ruiz & PavQ, 1798, 1:60, pl. 92.-Verdcourt,<br />

1983:547.<br />

Spermacoce sqjhuescens Jaquin, 1801,3:40, pl. 322.<br />

Borreria Ioevis sensu auctt., not as to basionym.Steyermark, 1972:818.<br />

Leaves paired, scabrid; inflorescences many-flowered; corolla<br />

longer than calyx, pilose on inner surface; stamens<br />

included; capsule hirtellous above; cocci attached, equal, both<br />

opening at top with partial septum becoming free-standing;<br />

seeds dark brown, with striking transverse grooves.<br />

Neotropical; a common weed along roads and in disturbed<br />

soil on <strong>Dominica</strong> to 800 m: Clarke Hall (Ernst 151 7, 1528),<br />

Coulibishi (Wilbur 8334), Freshwater Lake (Fosberg 48277,<br />

Wilbur 7422, Whitefoord 3851), Laudat (Hodge 1804, Lloyd<br />

41, Velez 3594), Lisdara (Hodge 708), Melville Hall (Hodge<br />

709, Milton (Hodge 2591), Morne Aux Diables (Wilbur<br />

8043B), Mt. Joy (Hodge 1275), Ridgefield (Hodge 2154),<br />

Roseau (Hodge 704, Lloyd 930), South Chiltern (Hodge 1466),<br />

Sylvania (Hodge 709), Syndicate (Ernst 1570).<br />

Seen at Syndicate in shady places, Diodia being in open<br />

places.<br />

Fosberg and Powell (in prep.) report that the basionym <strong>of</strong> the<br />

usual name for this species, Borreria luevis, does not apply.<br />

They provide an ample description from Lamarck’s type <strong>of</strong><br />

Spermacoce laevis (from Santo Domingo). Lamarck’s species<br />

has been identified with Spermacoce tenuior Linnaeus by<br />

Verdcourt (1983:545).<br />

Spermacoce berteroana<br />

Spermacoce berteraana Howard, 1988:287.<br />

Woody herb, stems spreading, 4-angled; leaves sessile,<br />

ovate, small (to 6 mm x 3 mm); flowers k capitate at branch<br />

ends, subtended by 4 leaves; calyx lobes 3; corolla to 2.5 mm<br />

long; capsule 1.5 mm; seeds ellipsoidal, black, foveolate, 1.2<br />

mm long.<br />

Endemic to northern Lesser Antilles; near northeast coast <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Dominica</strong>: “moors near Woodford Hill”(Hodge 3501).<br />

My effort to recollect this around Woodford Hill failed. I did<br />

not find any habitat I would call “moors.” The specimen looks<br />

like something to be found near the sea, rather fleshy, etc.<br />

Spermacoce confusa<br />

Spermacoce confusa Rendle. 1936 [Jan]:12.-Fawcett & Rendle, 1936 [Jul],<br />

7: 120.-Gillis. 1974a:185.-Nicolson, 1977bM6.<br />

Spermacoce tenuior sensu auctt plur., non Linnaeus.-Gaertner, 1788, 1:122,<br />

pl. 25: fig. 9.-Bacigalupo, 1972:344, fig. 1.<br />

Leaves paired, rough above; inflorescences few-flowered;<br />

calyx lobes equal; stamens included; capsules crustaceous,<br />

hirtellous, the cocci attached, unequal, one with 3 calyx lobes<br />

and closed, the other with one calyx lobe and open; seeds<br />

glossy, brown, finely reticulate.<br />

Neotropics; roadside weed in <strong>Dominica</strong>: Pointe Ronde<br />

(Hodge 2639).<br />

Spermacoce ernstii<br />

Spermacoce ernstii Fosberg & Powell in Fosberg & Sachet, 1980a:29,<br />

Z’herb acouette.<br />

Leaves opposite; inflorescences small, rather few-flowered,<br />

calyx lobes k equal, blunt; corolla equaling calyx lobes;<br />

stamens included; capsule with a few hairs; cocci attached,<br />

equal, both finally opening by splitting <strong>of</strong> the septum; seeds<br />

glossy, brown, minutely and shallowly pitted (rather than<br />

reticulate), >1 mm long.<br />

Neotropics, introduced and spreading in the Pacific; roadside<br />

weed in <strong>Dominica</strong>: Carib Reserve (Hodge 3372), Grand Bay<br />

road (Ernst 1719, road between Soufriere village and Pointe<br />

Michel (Ernst 1341, mixed with S. assurgenr that it superficially<br />

resembles), South Chiltern (Hodge 1513).<br />

Spermacoce eryngioides<br />

Spermacoce eryngioides (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Kuntze, 1898,3(2):123.<br />

Borrerio eryngioides Chamisso & Schlechtendal, 1828:316.<br />

Borreria ocymoides sensu auctt., pro parte minore, not as to type.<br />

Leaves whorled but two distinctly larger at each node,<br />

linear-lanceolate, revolute; inflorescence small but many-

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