Flora of Dominica, Part 2 - Smithsonian Institution Libraries

Flora of Dominica, Part 2 - Smithsonian Institution Libraries

Flora of Dominica, Part 2 - Smithsonian Institution Libraries


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Flacourtia sepiaria Roxburgh (= Flacourtia indica (N.<br />

Burman) Merrill).<br />

1. Leaves palmately veined, biglandular above petiole apex;<br />

inflorescence terminal; sepals 3-4, valvate; fruit baccate,<br />

3-5-celled, seeds numerous ........... Prockia<br />

1. Leaves pinnately veined, without glands above petiole<br />

apex; inflorescence axillary; sepals 5-6, imbricate; fruit<br />

capsular, l-celled, seeds few.<br />

2.<br />

2.<br />

Laves pellucid-glandular; inflorescence fasciculate;<br />

pedicels jointed below middle; sepals 5; petals absent;<br />

stamens inserted singly with staminodes alternating;<br />

style 1; ovary superior; seeds arillate . .... Casearia<br />

Leaves opaque, not pellucid-glandular, inflorescences<br />

racemose or paniculate; pedicels jointed above middle;<br />

sepals 6; petals present; stamens in fascicles with short<br />

glands alternating; styles 3; ovary half-inferior; seeds<br />

without ads. ................ Homalium<br />

Casearia Jacquin<br />

Casearia decandra<br />

Casearia decandra Jacquh. 1760:21; 1763:133, pl. 85.-Little & Wadswoxth,<br />

1964:366, pl. 170.<br />

Casearia parvifora Jacquin. 1780:66, pl. 127, nm. superfl.<br />

Casearia parvifolia Willdenow, 1799,2:629, nom. superfl.<br />

Shrub or tree to 8 m; flowers greenish white to white,<br />

fragrant; calyx 4-6 mm long, sepals reflexed in anthesis; style<br />

simple; mature fruits 8-12 mm broad, white, arils deep yellow.<br />

Hispaniola through Antilles to northern South America; in<br />

<strong>Dominica</strong> in west coast woodlands from near sea level to -200<br />

m: Cabrits (Hodge 469, Webster 13315), Petit Coulibri<br />

(Whitefoord 6036), sine loc. (Duss s.n.).<br />

It is remarkable that no collections have been made <strong>of</strong><br />

Casearia sylvestris Swartz, a species to be expected on<br />

<strong>Dominica</strong>. It has a calyx 2-3 mm long, sepals erect at anthesis,<br />

a trifid style, and a mature fruit only 3-4 mm broad.<br />

The nomenclature <strong>of</strong> these two species is excessively<br />

intertwined, involving easily (and frequently) confused epithets<br />

parviflora and parvifolia (discussed by Kiger, 1984:458) under<br />

Samyda parvijlora.<br />

Homalium Jacquin<br />

Homalium racemosum<br />

Homaliwn racemoswn Jacquin. 1760:24; 1763:170, pl. 183.-Little<br />

Wadsworth, 1964:372, pl. 173.<br />

Acomat blanc.<br />

Shb or tree to 20 m; leaves 5-15 cm long; inflorescence to<br />

20 cm long; petals greenish white to white or cream; mature<br />

hit conic.<br />

Neotropics; common in <strong>Dominica</strong> in dry west coast<br />

woodlands from near sea level to -500 m: Badineau Estate<br />

(Hodge 2211), Batali River (Ernst 1394), Laudat (Eggers 640),<br />

&<br />

Manicou River (Ernst 1056), Milton (Hodge 2926), Pointe<br />

Ronde (Hodge 2770), Syndicate (Whitefoord 4339), sine loc.<br />

(Nicholls 24).<br />

Prockia Browne ex Linnaeus<br />

Prockia crucis<br />

Prockia crucis Linnaeus, 1759a:1074.-Little et al., 1974588, pl. 513.<br />

Trilir crucis (haeus) Grisebach, 1857:165.<br />

Shrub or tree to 10 m; leaves 3-15 cm long, serrate; flowers<br />

fragrant; sepals reflexed; petals present or absent, yellowish;<br />

stamens numerous, yellow; mature fruit k globose, black.<br />

Neotropics; in <strong>Dominica</strong> in rainforest 400-700 m; Mome<br />

Colla Anglais (Webster 13431).<br />


Other herbaceous and leafless saprophytes like Voyria <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Dominica</strong> are in the Orchidaceae (Wullschlaegelia) and<br />

Burmanniaceae (Gymnosiphon and Apteria). All have more<br />

than one flower, alternate scale-leaves, and inferior ovaries.<br />

1. Plants colorless saprophytes, leafless ....... Voyrz’a<br />

1. Plants green, leafy.<br />

2. Flowers small, white, sessile, many and axillary<br />

....................... Enicostema<br />

2. Flowers large, yellow, stalked, 1-2 and terminal<br />

......................... Irlbachia<br />

Enicostema Blume, nom. cons.<br />

Enicostema verticillatum<br />

Enicmtema verticillatwn (Linnaeus) Engler ex Gilg in Engler & Prantl, 1895,<br />

IV(2):67, “Enicostemma”.-&pal, 1969:79.<br />

Gentiana verticillata Linnaeus, 1159a:952.<br />

Balier wane bAtard, balier verveine.<br />

Herb to 1 m; leaves succulent, triplinerved, petals greenish<br />

white, inconspicuous, persistent; calyx lobes lanceolate.<br />

Introduced from Asia, also reaching Venezuela and Panama;<br />

common in <strong>Dominica</strong> in open places near sea or roads to 650<br />

m: Anse Du Me (Wilbur 8299), Cabrits (Webster 13311),<br />

Castle Bruce (Wilbur 7990), Hatton Garden (Hodge 3028),<br />

L’Anse Noire (Wilbur 7532), Marigot (Hodge 783), Pagua Bay<br />

(Wilbur 7529), Pointe Ronde (Ernst 1571, Hodge 2679), Pont<br />

Casd (Ernst 1244, Rodney’s Rock (Nicolson 1%7), Rosalie<br />

(Chambers 2723), Syndicate (Whitefoord 3912).<br />

Used by Caribs for ritual baths to unbind spells (Hodge and<br />

Taylor, 19 57: 596).<br />

Irlbachia Martius<br />

Irlbachia fngida<br />

Irlbachiafrigida (Swam) Maas. 1985:410.-Howard. 1989,6:92.<br />

Lirianthilcrfrigidlcr Swam. 1788:40, Zisianthlcr.”

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