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Shaman—Continued<br />

professional services of, 670<br />

relatives of, duties of, 683<br />

rivalry, 671, 706 ff.<br />

refusal to become, 670, 676, 719<br />

shaman murders, 707<br />

spirits of, acquiring, 670 (see also Shaman quest); animal, 678,<br />

679, 745, 832; anthropomorphic, 679; inheritance of, 670,<br />

678; land otter, 677, 745<br />

suicide of, 685<br />

Shaman quest, 676 ff.<br />

animal tongue-cutting in, 675, 676, 677, 678 ff., 681, 695<br />

family duties in, 677<br />

taboos, 677<br />

Shaman representations, 389, 418, 431, 439<br />

Shaman seances, 194, 681, 698, 701 ff.; to detect witch, 728, 735,<br />

736, 737, 741<br />

Shaman songs, 675, 1280 ff.<br />

Shamanism, 670 ff. legacy of, 723 f.; White views of, 720 ff.<br />

Shark, mud, 53-54; catching of, 391; in mythology, 884; teeth of,<br />

445<br />

Shark, Mud, Crest, Teqwedi, Bear House line, 53-54, 452, 833<br />

crest representations, 445, 691<br />

Shark House, Teqwedi, Bear House line, 77, 189, 201, 251, 316,<br />

319, 322, 325, 452<br />

Shark House Posts, 317, 325, PL 143; Yakutat, Pis. 86, 87, 89<br />

Shark Poles, 119<br />

Shata, Dry Bay shaman, 203-204. See also Cada<br />

Shawnista. See Stanislas<br />

Shelikhov, Gregorii I., 112<br />

account of 1788 Russian explorations, 132 passim<br />

description, 1787, of: clothing, 433; harpoons, 377<br />

on Tlingit religion, 809<br />

plans of, 158, 166<br />

report of 1786 travels, 114<br />

Shelikhov Company, 17<br />

Shelikhov-Golikov Company, 112, 158<br />

expeditions of 1793, Yakutat, 138<br />

explorations of, official reports, 137-138<br />

SheU, knife, 404; scraper, 404<br />

SheUfish, carving, 415; fishing bait, 389; shaman taboo, 683<br />

Shepard, Mrs. Isabel S., 1789 Yakutat 198, 199-200, 201, 313<br />

ShipbuUding, Blying Sound, 154, 157, 159, 166<br />

Shipwreck, supernatural causes of, 120<br />

Shirt, men's, 435, 439, 440 f.<br />

"Shouters," 723 ff.<br />

Sib(s), 19, 212, 217-229, 450 ff., 475<br />

character traits, 451, 461, 485<br />

fundamental units of history, 211, 212<br />

individuality, 211, 451<br />

local ties of, 212<br />

loyalty, 212<br />

member sohdarity, 485<br />

moiety and, 450-451<br />

origin stories, 210-211, 212, 453<br />

property of, alienable, 458 ff.<br />

rights and prerogatives, 451<br />

rivalry, 485<br />

social primacy of, 450<br />

social ranking of, 463<br />

subdivisions (see Lineages)<br />

tribe and, 211-213<br />

Sib chief. See Chief, sib<br />

Sib crests, Yakutat, (listed) 452 (see also Crests)<br />

Sibs, Gulf Coast, area divisions of, 18 ff., (listed) 20, 211-212;<br />

territories, 19 ff., 230; Yakutat and neighboring, (hsted)<br />

212, histories of, 217 ff.<br />

Sib-children, relations to, 485 ff.; songs to, 485, 572-574, 1299,<br />

1300-1303, 1304-1305, 1306-1310, 1313-1314<br />

Sibling, equivalence, 484-485; reciprocity, 485; sharing, 485<br />

Siberian springbeauty, 33, 407, 660, 663<br />

Sidewise House, Tl'uknaxAdi, 77, 298, 326<br />

SUver, 413; inlay, 319; jewelry, 444, 445; land otter protection,<br />

746<br />

SUver fox furs, trading value, 353<br />

Sinew, uses of, 426, 427. See also Porpoise, etc.<br />

Singing, at death scene, 718; in seance, 702; to heal, 708, 714; to<br />

save Land Otter Men captives, 752<br />

Sister, rebirth to, 774, 775<br />

Sisters-in-law, behavior between, 494-495<br />

Sitka, 158, 166, 169 ff., 175, 180 f., 184, 289<br />

Sitka Jack (Katsex), 181, 203, 241, Pis. 210, 211, 212; land otter<br />

warnings of, 747, 750; potlatch of, 181<br />

Sitka Jake (Q'AtAstin), 181, 191, 241, 243, 257<br />

Sitka Ned, Teqwedi, 201, 321, 325, Pis. 30, 75, 150, 211, 214;<br />

carvings by, 447; Coward House builder, 324; family of,<br />

320; wealth of, 353; witching of, 671, 740 ff.<br />

Sitka Tlingit, 16; boats of, 338; houses, 212, 272, 284; Yakutat<br />

trade with, 347<br />

Situk George. See Yel-tlen<br />

Situk Jim, Teqwedi, 78, 319, 321; crest shirt of, 440; regalia<br />

buried with, 460; song of, 1168<br />

Situk Harry, 78, 79, 321, 325, 671, 672; family of, 326<br />

Situk River, 78-79; crest, 456; houses, 78, 320 ff.<br />

Skate, in mythology, 53<br />

Skeleton, human, in mythology, 877 f., 892<br />

Skin Canoe George, 253, 324, 331, 671, 681, 717, 1168; curing of<br />

land otter captive, 754; drum of, 697; house of, 320; song<br />

of, 1300<br />

Skookum Jim discovers gold, 900-901<br />

Skookum root, PL 94. See also Hellebore<br />

Skunk cabbage, 33; canoe covering, 344; fishing bait, 389; in<br />

Raven Cycle, 868; medicine, 33, 258, 259, 655, 656, 657, 659;<br />

preservative, 402; uses of, 408, 409<br />

Sky, concept of, 795<br />

Slate, uses of, 368, 413, 414, 667<br />

Slave (s), 296, 297, 307, 309<br />

adoption of, 463<br />

death of, 312, 317, 414<br />

"dried fish," 245, 279<br />

exchange value of, 352-353, 459 (see also Coppers)<br />

freeing of, occasion for, 222, 323, 448, 463, 464<br />

in mythology, 883 f., 899<br />

in trade, 177, 216-217, 347, 348, 349, 352, 353, 413, 443, 448<br />

kiUing of, 442; to honor shaman, 681<br />

owner and, relationship of, 137<br />

Russian purchase of, 134, 158<br />

social position of, 4 62<br />

treatment of, 283; women, 121<br />

Yakutat, 148, 184, 216-217, 352<br />

"Slavorossiya," 158, 166, 167<br />

Sled poles, 345, 346<br />

Sleds, 345-346<br />

Sleep, 759 f.; killing of, 90-91, 763. See also Qakei'tE<br />

Sleep Bird, 43, 90-91, 763, 884<br />

Sleep Bird Crest, Tl'uknaxAdi, 452; acquisition of, 48-49, 91, 227,<br />

270, 271, 457, 458, 834<br />

Sleep House, Tl'uknaxAdi, 83, 270, 271, 272; right to, 763<br />

Sleep Pole, 291

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