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Flood, the, 91, 101, 210, 235; concept of, 794; ControUer of, 815,<br />

845; human dispersal after, 210, 219, 221, 224, 228, 229,<br />

453; Raven Cycle and, 842, 844, 848, 856, 858<br />

Flood (s), Alsek River, 87, 89; Dry Bay, 87, 89; Lituya Bay, 94.<br />

See also Waves, giant<br />

Flowers, motifs, 440, 445<br />

Fog, 30; causes of, 69, 416, 828<br />

"Foggy Harbour," 17, 125, 129, 130, 131. See also Yakutat Bay<br />

Foggy House, Kwackqwan, 324, 463<br />

Food(s), 30; 18th century, 393; modern, 410; poisoning, 169;<br />

roots, 406; securing and preparing, 391 flf.; shaman's, 683;<br />

taboos, 835, 843<br />

Foreign guests, ceremonial reception of, 146-147. See also<br />

Potlatch guests<br />

Foreigners, in Yakutat history, 213-217<br />

Forests, 30 S.; glacial recession, 26, 72, 97, 98<br />

Fort House, K'ackqwan, 65, 76, 203, 223, 246, 278, 316, 320,<br />

323, 463. See also Raven's Bones House<br />

Forts, 294. See also Eagle Fort; Eddy Fort; Grouse Fort; Russian<br />

Fort, Yakutat<br />

Fortunetelling, 813; bone, 380<br />

Fox, 37, 94, 98; deadfall, 370; farming, 18; hunting, 366 f.; in<br />

mythology, 892, 897; in Raven Cycle, 862; skin clothing,<br />

435, 439; skinning of, 423; snares, 371<br />

Frames, meat drying, 397; stretching, 423<br />

Frog(s), 42; fear of, 42, 831; giant, 820; m mythology, 900; in<br />

witchcraft, 730; medicine, 663; woman abducted by, 289-290<br />

Frog crest, 318, 452, 833<br />

claims to: 228; QanA?tedi, 290; KiksAdi, 289-291, 318, 452;<br />

Tl'uknaxAdi, 289-291, 1164<br />

history of, 288 flf.<br />

Trukna?Adi-Kik8Adi quarrel over, 229, 231<br />

crest representations, 411, 415, 417, 441, 699<br />

Frog Crest, KiksAdi, Sitka, 229, 231, 288-291, 318, 452<br />

Frog Crest, Tl'uknaxAdi, 227, 228, 229, 231, 289-291, 1164<br />

crest objects: carving, PL 209; headdress, 443, 444, 694, 695;<br />

mask, 691, 692; personal names 289; screen, Gusey, 273,<br />

289, 291, 318-319; song, 1150, 1164-1165<br />

Frog House, history of, 288 ff.<br />

Frog House, Tl'uknaxAdi, 83, 317, 318, 327, 462; Dry Bay, 291;<br />

Guse?, 227, 272, 273, 289, 290; Sitka, 228, 273, 289, 290-291;<br />

Yakutat 291. See also Far Out House<br />

Frog House Posts, 289, 318<br />

Funeral, 120, 312; feast, 768. See also Burials<br />

FurCs), 15; clothing, 436; peace symbol, 347. See also specific<br />

animals<br />

Fur trade, explorers and, 111-112, 124, 125, 126; intertribal, 126;<br />

results of, 343, 462; Russian, at Yakutat, 134<br />

Gaff hooks, 386<br />

Qaiyiy-Kagwantan, 20, 59, 97, 101, 102, 104, 205, 218, 219-220,<br />

221, 222, 223, 225, 242; and first ship, 233, 256; at Wingham<br />

Island, 103; history of, 231, 233, 254r-256; in mythology,<br />

878; K-ackqwan and, 232; migration, 230, 232, 236, 239;<br />

settlements, 101, 219; territories, 98, 101, 103, 219, 232;<br />

war with Aleuts, 101, 254; White contacts of, 99; Yakutat,<br />

220. See also Tla?ayik-Teqwedi<br />

crests, 219, 254-256, (listed) 452<br />

houses, 219, 298, 315, 322<br />

personal names, 789<br />

Qalyi:S-Kagwantan potlatch songs, 104, 254, 1169-1171, 1228<br />

Gamblmg, 122, 310, 352; in mythology, 894<br />

Games, Pis. 137-139; chUdren'fi, 515; in afterlife, 770; stick, 217<br />

QADAWAS, 257, 262, 275. See also Knight Island<br />

QanA^t^di, 20, 105, 218, 219, 223, 224, 225, 231, 248, 254<br />

QanA.>:t6di—Continued<br />

Chilkat, 135, 218; "Mother Basket" of, 874; war with<br />

Tl'uknaxAdi, 227, 273 ff.<br />

ControUer Bay, 104<br />

Copper River, 101, 105<br />

Eyak, 218, 219<br />

naming of, 245, 246<br />

Gateway Knob, in Raven Cycle, 87<br />

Gateway Knob Crest, Tluk'axadi, 452, 456<br />

GAJf-tlen. See Big Rabbit<br />

Generosity, and social position, 464<br />

Geography, of explorers, 109; Tlingit concepts of, 797 ff.<br />

George, Chief, of Dry Bay. See Dry Bay Chief George<br />

George, Chief, Yakutat. See Yaxodaqet, Yakutat Chief George<br />

George, "second chief," 189, 190, 198. See also Yaxodaqet,<br />

Yakutat Chief George<br />

"George Second Chief," 198<br />

Ghosts, 704, 765 ff., 768; night traveling, 835; occurrence of, 835<br />

Giants, in mythology, 898<br />

Gift exchange, between relatives, 191<br />

Gift-giving etiquette, 179, 352. See also Potlatch<br />

GUI nets, 383<br />

Gine?qwan, 65, 95-97, 214, 220, 222, 231, 236. See also<br />

Kwackqwan<br />

Gmo song, 285<br />

Girl turned to owl, 893 f.<br />

Girls, adolescent, 518 ff.; first menstruation rites for, 518 ff;.<br />

magical exercises for, 506-507, 521; sexual knowledge of, 523;<br />

taboos for, 521-522. See also Menstruant, Menstruation<br />

Glaciers, Alaska, 21 passim, 28 f., 95, 202, 819<br />

changes due to movements of: Alsek River, 86-89, 94; Icy Bay,<br />

97-98, 286-287<br />

discovery of, 183<br />

expansions and recessions of, 16-17, 25 ff., 69, 207<br />

"through," travel routes, 16, 70, 85, 86, 87<br />

Yakutat Bay, 203; recession of, 239, 286<br />

Glacier beliefs, in mythology, 894; medicine, 239; retribution by,<br />

814, 818, 819; spirit, 818; mask of, 691<br />

Glare, face paint for, 30, 67, 91, 416, 435, 446, 800<br />

Glass, Commander Henry, and Sitka peace treaty, 280<br />

Glave, E. J., 85, 86, 89; John Dalton and, 270, Alsek to Yakutat<br />

trip of, 203-204<br />

"Glory of Russia." See "Slavorossiya"<br />

Gloves, 437; cotton, 424; dancing, 442, shaman's, 677, 695<br />

God, 808, 812, 815 f.; Yakutat concept of, 813 ff. See also Creator,<br />

the; Spirit Above<br />

Gold, 413; discovery of, mythological, 900; prospecting, Yakutat,<br />

63, 67, 182, 197, 205<br />

Gold prospectors, 18; Copper River massacre of, 215<br />

Gold Rush, 351, 900<br />

Golden Eagle Crest, Teqwedi, Drum House Une, 226, 230, 253,<br />

452, 825, 833<br />

crest objects: headdress, 443, PL 157; screen, 324, 325, 455,<br />

Pis. 92, 93, 213; song, 80, 253, 1166-1167<br />

Golden Eagle House, 80, 317, 322, 324<br />

Goose, 43, 395; as crest, 833; hunting, 373, witch as, 733<br />

Gopher, in mythology, 880 f.; fur clothing, 436, 439<br />

Gosna'", Lament for, 1171<br />

Gossip, preventing, 444, 666<br />

Gote?. See Aleuts<br />

Grandparent-grandchild relationship, 7, 476 ff.; kin terms in,<br />

475, 476, ceremonial usage of, 476-477<br />

Grasses, 32, 35-34; uses of, 417, 427 f.<br />

Grave (s), 84; White robbing of, 192<br />

boxes, 419, 540-542, Pis. 59-61<br />

265-517 O - 72 - 16

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