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Atna Athabaskans, 18, 100, 101, 108, 109; copper discovered<br />

by, 412; songs, 1226-1228, 1234-1237; spirit "bosses,"<br />

816; Yakutat and, 349<br />

Copper River, 213, 214; moieties, 214n.; Yakutat relations<br />

with, 214<br />

Automobiles, 73; uses of, 404, 408<br />

Avalanche, caused by land otters, 745<br />

Avoidance rules, 476; brother and sister, 483-484; modern<br />

breakdown of, 483-484; son-in-law, mother-in-law and<br />

father-in-law, 492-493<br />

Aya'yi, mythical cannibal, 330<br />

Ax, land otter protection, 746, 755; trade in, 144; uses of, 343<br />

Axelson, Rev., 261, 321; owner of: shamanistic memorabiHa,<br />

671; Shark Posts, 325<br />

Baby carrier, 503-504, 506<br />

Baby Drum House, Teqwedi, Drum House line, 327<br />

Bags, 'devilfish finger,' 441, Pis. 141, 214; skin, 308, 424 ff.,<br />

441, 447; swansfoot, 425 f.<br />

Baidarkas, 165, 330 f., 334 f. See also Kayaks<br />

Baidars (skin), 112, 113 f., 300 f. See also Boats, Canoes<br />

Baker, Marcus, 181, 182. See also Dall, William H.<br />

Bamboo, 793, 850, 898, uses of, 413, 446, 850<br />

Baranov, Alexandr Andreievich, 89, 154, 157, 176, 256<br />

activities of, 158 ff.: at Kodiak, 166; at Sitka, 167, 173; at<br />

Yakutat: 167, 168, 169, 173<br />

Chugach surrender to, 168<br />

expeditions of: 1792, 158-159, 163, 164, 166-167; 1795, 166-<br />

167; 1796, 167; 1797, 168; 1799, 169-170; 1804, 173; 1806,<br />

176<br />

Baskets, 427 ff. Pis. 128-133<br />

materials for: eagle foot, 430, 826; grasses, 33-34; spruce<br />

root, 145<br />

types of, 342, 387, 393, 408, 429, 503-504, 506, 826<br />

watertight, 394, 417<br />

Yakutat, trade in 184, 191, 200, 202, 326, 353<br />

Basket-making, origin of, 427 f.; Yakutat, 430 f.<br />

Bass, 382, 402<br />

Bat, 39, weather portent, 804<br />

Bathing, 448, 885; curative, 655, 659; for men and boys, 448,<br />

714 (see also Boy's, physical training); for purification, 815;<br />

for women, 448; prior to hunting, 365<br />

Bathhouse, 305, 306, 659<br />

"Beach boss," 383<br />

Beach food, 403 ff.; taboos, 677, 683, 720, 806, 832<br />

Bead(s), bone, 697; coal, 24, 415, 664; glass, 347, 352, 689;<br />

early trade in, 113, 126, 127, 134, 157, 445; ornaments, 440,<br />

445; shaman's, 689<br />

Beadwork, 436, 438, 441, 442, 445 f.; for tourist trade, 353<br />

Bear(s), 36-37, 67, 68, 94, 95, 826 f.<br />

carcass, uses of: bladder, 376; humerus, 423; intestines, 424 f.,<br />

436; meat preparation, 394; tooth, 429<br />

escapes from, 827<br />

human marriage to, 835 (See also Kats)<br />

himting, 364 f.; dead bear ritual, 365-366, 824; deadfalls and<br />

snares, 370, 371, 372; grounds, 59, 67, 68, 78, 84, 85, 98;<br />

magic, 361, 362, 363, 365, 826, 827; weapons, 364, 367-369<br />

in mythology, 876, 879, 880, 886<br />

in Raven Cycle, 95, 100, 844 ff., 862, 868 f.<br />

magic uses of: jaws, 664, tongue, 678, tooth, 664, 689<br />

pet, 826<br />

skins in trade, 200<br />

spirit as, 682<br />

Bear Bit Billy (1862-1902), 194, 200, 324, 716 f., 778, 826, Pis. 30,<br />

81; song, 1313-1314<br />

Bear Crest, Teqwedi, Bear House line, 77, 455, 833<br />

crest objects: blanket, PI. 144; coat, PI. 145; headgear, 444,<br />

PI. 153; masks, 444, 691; personal names, 789<br />

crest representations: 74, 261, 411, 418, 438, 439, 440, 694,<br />

695, 698, 699; on gravehouse, 678; on totem pole, 77<br />

Bear Crest, Tlaxayik-Teqwedi, 452; petroglyph, 74<br />

Bear houses, Teqwedi, Bear House line:<br />

Bear Den House, 78, 316, 321<br />

Bear House, 246, 295, 301, 316-317, 319, 321, 326, 346;<br />

posts, 319-320, 324, 325, 326, PL 89<br />

Bear Paw House, 77, 279, 299, 316, 317, 319, 321, 1167;<br />

posts, 317, 321<br />

Bear species, black, 37; brown or grizzly, 36-37, 826 {see also<br />

Brown bear)<br />

Beaver, 38, 101; hunting, 366 f.; pelts, trade in, 38, 349, 350;<br />

teeth, 415, 429<br />

Beaver Crest, Decitan, 254, 255<br />

Beaver Crest, Qalyix-Kagwantan, 219, 254-256, 833; origin of,<br />

104, 254 ff.<br />

crest objects: Beaver Lament, 104, 254r-255, 1169; Screen, 455,<br />

PI. 85<br />

Beaver houses, Qalyix-Kagwantan:<br />

Beaver Dam House, 315<br />

Beaver House, 101, 102, 103, 104, 219, 254, 255, 298, 299,<br />

300, 315, 322<br />

"Beering's Bay," 17, 110-111, 153, 154. See also Dry Bay,<br />

Yakutat Bay<br />

Belcher, Capt. Sir Edward, 101, 176; Gulf Coast of Alaska<br />

survey of, 178; observations on Port Mulgrave natives,<br />

178-180<br />

Benson, D. S. (Tlingit artist), 290, 318-319, 322, 323, PI. 209<br />

Berdache, 676; in mythology, 874, 875<br />

Beresford, WiUiam, (1797), 113<br />

at Nootka Sound, 129<br />

at Yakutat, description of: canoes, 333; food preparation,<br />

393-394; halibut fishing, 390-391; houses, 311; natives,<br />

125, 126, 128, 129; tobacco, 410. See also Dixon, Capt.<br />

George<br />

Bering, Capt. Com. Vitus, expedition of, 1741, 102, 108; eflEects<br />

on natives, 108<br />

"Bering's Bay," 17. See also "Beering's Bay"<br />

Berries, as curatives, 656, 657; edible species, 32, 33, 408; gathering<br />

and preserving, 407-408; in mythology, 880, 882; in<br />

trade, 351; in witchcraft, 735. See also specific berries<br />

Berry-picking territories, 407<br />

Bible, and Raven Cycle, 842, 855, 858, 830, 863; in mythology,<br />

879<br />

Bidarkas, Bidars. See Baidarkas, Baidars<br />

Big Dipper Crest, L'enedi, 452, 456, 834<br />

Big House, K"ackgwan, 316. See also Raven's Bones House<br />

Big Rabbit, Tluk''a:jAdi shaman, 318, 672, 685; and his wife,<br />

276; reincarnation of, 778, 783<br />

Big Raven, 274, 275<br />

Big Weasel, reincarnation of, 779<br />

Bird(s), 42-50; edible, 395; eggs, 395; foot, basket of, 826; in<br />

mythology, 42, 874; in Raven Cycle, 43, 847, 867; omens,<br />

48, 49, 50; skin, uses of, 425, 435, 699; symbols, 763, 831;<br />

tails, 347<br />

Birth, season of, 799<br />

Black Skin, 829; story of, 40, 144-150, 890

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