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2-2-A<br />

6-2-A<br />

(rep)<br />

2-2-A<br />

6-2-A<br />

(rep)<br />

Stanza I<br />

hini cak xenayi hi-itc-dji geuAxa<br />

hini cak xeuAyi kite genaxa<br />

ya hini [etc.]<br />

ke 'aguwut de xixt6a hi-ya, ya-ha<br />

keyawa-at di xixtc de 'aya ha ha ya<br />

keya 'at di xixtc-e 'aya ha-w<br />

2-2-A 'adji gehede xawE tcA duwa 'axa<br />

(rep) 'akitc (etc)<br />

6-2-A 'akitc gede 'axa wetcA duwA 'axa<br />

(rep) (as above,,,.) 'atca<br />

2-2-A 'At qugaq 'Asikudjina 'i hi hi ya 'aya [*] 'a ha<br />

(rep) (as above...) 'aya ha<br />

6-2-A 'At qugaq sikudjina-ihi 'iya 'aya ha ha [*]<br />

(rep) (as above)...) -i 'iya 'aya [*]<br />

2-2-A<br />

(rep)<br />

6-2-A<br />

(rep)<br />

Stanza II<br />

de 'ax daia 'asgihe yAx 'uwa 'a-ha-ta-ha<br />

(as above) 'asgEhe (as above...)<br />

'a ya de 'ax daxaci 'eyex 'uwa 'Ada<br />

'a ha ya de, 'ax daxasgE (etc..)<br />

2-2-A 'askuha-at nice yixiya, 'a ha, hutci 'a he<br />

(rep) (as above...) hi-i-ya (as above...)<br />

6-2-A 'acquha nicehi, ya ha ya, hutci 'aya<br />

2-2-A<br />

6-2-A<br />

'ax kahak 'Adjit dzigita de 'awlixatc [^]<br />

'ax kelk 'Adjit djigida de 'awlixatc<br />

2-2-A 'ax tuwu, 'i hi hi ya, 'a ya ha hm hm,<br />

(rep) (as above...) 'a ya<br />

6-2-A 'ax tuwu 'i hi, 'i ya ha ya<br />

(as above...) 'i ya, 'a ya ha ha u mm hutc!<br />

The melodies of these two songs are different, even<br />

though to the singers there was simply one song.<br />

The structure of 1954, 2-2-A is:<br />

Refrain: A B C D E F X Y Z<br />

Stanza I: A B O D E (F)XYZ<br />

A B C D E (F) X Y Z/<br />

Refrain: A B C D E F X Y Z<br />

Stanza II: A (B) C D E (F) X (Y) Z<br />

A (B) C D E (F) X (Y) Z/<br />

The structure of 1954, 6-2-A is:<br />

Refrain: (confused)<br />

Stanza I: A B C D (repeated)<br />

Refrain: A B C D<br />

Stanza II: A B C D (repeated)<br />

The shorter musical phrases of 1954, 2-2-A, actually<br />

break up words; the longer phrases of 6-2-A correspond<br />

more accurately to the natural divisions of the sense.<br />

The correspondence between the two is:<br />

2-2-A: A, B<br />

C, D<br />

E, F<br />

X, Y,Z<br />

6-2-A: A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Teqwedi Song, Attributed to Men <strong>Lo</strong>st when Getting Green Paint Stone<br />

1954, 6-1-1; recorded by Nick MUton on May 12.<br />

This is a traditional song, supposedly composed and<br />

sung by one of the Teqwedi men who had taken green<br />

paint stone and were now in danger of drowning (see<br />

Swanton, 1909, Tale 17, p. 46). Nick MUton told a<br />

story similar to Swanton's. The men had been sea otter<br />

hunting and landed at a place caUed NexintE-'At'Ak-'an,<br />

and took some green paint stone from the beach. On<br />

the way home, a storm arose, and one of the men,<br />

instead of throwing away the stone, tied it to his hair,<br />

and composed this song, Nick MUton believed that he<br />

drowned. It is to be understood that taking the precious<br />

stone was a tabooed act, which roused the storm in<br />

consequence (cf. pp. 69, 416, 806).<br />

Only one stanza was sung, foUowing the refrain<br />

(1:38 minutes). Nick MUton accompanied himself on<br />

* Clears throat or coughs.<br />

5 Frank Italio's version refers to 'my uncle' Cax kak), while<br />

his sister's version refers to 'my nephew' Cax kelk) who drowns.<br />

the drum. He had forgotten the second stanza. The<br />

words as he dictated them were:<br />

guuAx SA yAudwu q"Ali 'At<br />

de yak" 'iyixqagut<br />

tcAyA ±Ax qu'A<br />

A free translation would be: "Where am I going<br />

with the canoe? Straight out into the ocean I'm going<br />

with the canoe."<br />

Swanton (ibid.) writes: "Then the eldest, who was<br />

steering, began to compose a song about the course he<br />

was taking: 'Which way shall I steer the canoe, straight<br />

out into the ocean or straight on to the shore?' "<br />

As sung, the words are:<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

ha ya hiya hi 'i-hi ya<br />

'i-hi 'i-ya-ha hi -m-ya,<br />

'a ha 'a-ha, 'a, 'i-ya ha<br />

'i-hi 'i-ya ha ha ya, 'a,<br />

Refrain<br />

265-517 O - 72 - 2

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