

produce most of their energy anaerobically (for a rapid production of tension), while slow-twitch fibers produce most of their energy aerobically (for repeated contractions). The distribution of fasttwitch and slow-twitch fibers is, for the most part, fixed by genetics. Although some people might reason that a soccer player should have more of one type than the other, most studies show a soccer player has about a 50:50 ratio. Remember, soccer is the game of the masses, so it makes sense that no genetically predetermined factor, such as a high percentage of slow-twitch fibers in a marathoner or height in basketball, is a requirement to play the game. Female Players Much of the worldwide growth in soccer is due to the increased participation of women. Although the rules are the same, there are subtle tactical differences between the men’s and the women’s games that may not be evident to casual fans. The general pattern of work is similar but at a lower running volume and pace, although some female midfielders cover the 6 miles (9,700 m) male players do. Wo-

men have physiological differences such as a lower engine capacity. This lower capacity of females is the result of less muscle mass, smaller hearts, less total blood volume, and less hemoglobin. A female playing a match of the same duration and field size as a male and running the same distance as a male will have to play the game at a higher intensity. It isn’t unusual for adult female professional players to exhibit heart rates above those of their male counterparts. They work hard. Female athletes have other issues that can cause health problems. The female athlete triad is the interaction of disordered eating, menstrual dysfunction, and reduced bone density. Some female athletes choose not to eat appropriately, which can lead to a disruption of normal hormonal balance evident in menstrual problems. A disruption of normal hormonal balance, especially of estrogen, can reduce bone density. The repeated impact of physical training can then lead to stress fractures, mostly in the lower extremities. Because the triad begins with reduced calorie intake and possibly disordered eating, ensuring females are consuming adequate calories is

men have physiological differences such as a lower<br />

engine capacity. This lower capacity of females is<br />

the result of less muscle mass, smaller hearts, less<br />

total blood volume, and less hemoglobin. A female<br />

playing a match of the same duration and field size<br />

as a male and running the same distance as a male<br />

will have to play the game at a higher intensity. It<br />

isn’t unusual for adult female professional players<br />

to exhibit heart rates above those of their male counterparts.<br />

They work hard.<br />

Female athletes have other issues that can cause<br />

health problems. The female athlete triad is the interaction<br />

of disordered eating, menstrual dysfunction,<br />

and reduced bone density. Some female athletes<br />

choose not to eat appropriately, which can lead<br />

to a disruption of normal hormonal balance evident<br />

in menstrual problems. A disruption of normal hormonal<br />

balance, especially of estrogen, can reduce<br />

bone density. The repeated impact of physical training<br />

can then lead to stress fractures, mostly in the<br />

lower extremities. Because the triad begins with reduced<br />

calorie intake and possibly disordered eating,<br />

ensuring females are consuming adequate calories is

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