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14 | Setra Cover Story Setra Cover Story | 15 Senden Managing Directors Tobias Rulle and Ingo Windeln were pleased to accept a model of the Special Edition come to say farewell. However, he remained true to Setra coaches and to the Setra family, as he moved on to support the Knies General Distributor. As Knies retired in 2000, Peter Halder took over leadership of the business and has, since then, sold well over 300 new Setra coaches and buses. Peter Halder will always be a part of the Setra family: “When I look at the opportunities I was offered during my time with Setra, I am very grateful. I started as a mechanic, and now I am a distributor. I can’t even begin to imagine doing anything other than selling Setra coaches!” We wish you continued success and a lot of fun. Congratulations Peter Halder! The Senden General Distributor celebrates its 30 th anniversary The Senden General Distributor also celebrated a notable anniversary in March, in the context of the SetraShow in Kerpen. On the occasion of its 30 th anniversary, Heinz Friedrich, Setra Sales Director Germany, gave a model of the Special Edition S 416 HDH to Tobias Rulle and Ingo Windeln, the distributor's managing directors. The history of the Senden company goes back even further than 30 years. In 1928, Leo von den Driesch founded a blacksmith shop and, in 1948, Heinrich Senden joined the company – taking it over four years later. Ten years after that, he had transformed the company into one of the largest agricultural machinery traders in Rhineland. And soon, a number of large public bus operations were among the business’ customers. The partnership with Setra began in 1981, as the managing director at the time, Hans-Willi Windeln, established contacts with Ulm, which soon led to a general distributor contract. Today, the Autohaus Senden GmbH is led by managing partners Tobias Rulle, the company founder’s grandson, and Ingo Windeln, Willi Windeln’s son. Rulle manages the coach business, while Windeln heads up the car business. 110 employees, half of whom are responsible for Setra, work at the Geilenkirchen headquarters and the Kerpen subsidiary. To the great satisfaction of their customers, as Ulrich Zeimers, coach operator in Eupen, explains: “The long service life, cost-effectiveness and above-average resale value, in combination with the excellent and very friendly service I enjoy at Senden, make buying Setra coaches an investment that simply can’t be beat.” We wish the Autohaus Senden continued success and all the best on your 30 th anniversary! General Distributor for Norway celebrates 75 th anniversary and 35 years of partnership with Setra In March this year, the Setra General Distributor in Norway, RSA (Rutebileiernes Standardiserings Aksjeselskap), took advantage of its double anniversary – 75 years RSA and 35 years of collaboration with Setra – to celebrate with its employees and partners. 380 guests made the celebration a resounding success. A journalist hired by RSA wrote and presented a 15-page book on the history of the company. The historic context of the celebration was beautifully underscored with two vehicles exhibited – the first ever and the most recently sold Setra coaches: an S 140 from 1976 purchased by the Team Tour AS company in 1976, and an S 411 HD belonging to the Furuly Turbuss company. In 1936, RSA was founded by Norwegian bus entrepreneurs. Today, the Helling family owns 91 percent of the business, and managing director Frank Dunvold the remaining 9 percent. RSA is the largest Norwegian automotive importer, with close to 95 associated dealers. In total, over the 35-years partnership with Setra, RSA has sold close to 500 The Team Tour AS company’s 1967 Setra S 140 Setra coaches. Following the beginning of sales in 1976, there were no sales between 1977 and 1982 due to an import embargo, since adhesive-sealed window screens – which are standard in all coaches today – were not allowed in Norway. The general distributor achieved its greatest sales success in 2008, when RSA became “Setra 2008 General Distributor of the Year” after winning a bid for 21 coaches. 60 years for the Société Régionale de Transports (SRT) The French transport company, la Société Régionale de Transport or SRT, is also celebrating its 60 th anniversary – just like Setra. The story behind the company founded by the Collomb family from Saint- Étienne in the South of France is that of a classical family business in the coach sector. At the end of the 19 th century, the great-grandfather of today’s managing directors Mick and Denis Collomb used a coach and buggy to transport visitors to the horse races in Villars, seven kilometres away – laying the cornerstone for the transport business. In the 1920s, his son, Jean- Baptiste Collomb, sold coal transporting it by horse and coach. On Sundays however, he carried visitors from La Talaudière to Saint-Étienne. In 1936, he gave up the coal business and founded the Cars Collomb company. During the Second World War, he was forced to hand over his coaches to the Managing director Mick Collomb welcomes his guests Conseil Général de la Loire. He got them back however in 1951, as the authorities transferred their public transport routes to various bus operators – including Cars Collomb. In the same year, Jean-Baptiste’s son Louis founded the SRT company. In 1974, the company’s first expansion took place with the acquisition of Société des Transports Héandais. Two years later, son Mick joined the firm, and then in 1988, the second son Denis. Since 1991, both sons have been managing the company which today has 67 coaches, most of which from EvoBus. Mick Collomb explains why he more and more often opts for Setra buses as follows: “First of all, we choose Setra because of its unmatched cost-effectiveness and outstanding value retention. The company’s history – in terms of heritage and visionary personalities – suits our family business very well. The fact that we are both now celebrating our 60 th anniversary is the icing on the cake.” The SetraFamily says congratulations! The Baumeister-Knese company celebrated its 100 th anniversary by taking delivery of the 100,000 th Setra Baumeister-Knese coach travel turns 100 The Baumeister-Knese family business in Ulm is in its prime! The veteran company in the coach business, founded by Benedikt Baumeister in 1911, celebrated its 100 th anniversary in July with over 400 guests at the Setra CustomerCenter. The decadelong association between the two companies began as the grandfather of today’s owner shared a school bench with Otto Kässbohrer. Over the last 60 years, the company from Unterweiler has bought 51 Setra coaches. “We are a fully fledged Setra operation”, says Klaus Knese who manages the company in its fourth generation with his wife Angelika. This year, Baumeister-Knese has already invested in four new Setra coaches, one of which was the 100,000 th Setra to come off the line in Neu- Ulm – fitting to the company’s 100 th anniversary. Lothar Holder, Head of Sales Setra Buses and Coaches EvoBus GmbH, praised the family-owned firm for its highly professional management – and for its big heart. For decades, the nuns from the Laupheim Abbey have travelled from Ulm to Laupheim at no cost. Klaus Knese says this was initiated once upon a time by the company founders. No one really knows why. But the offer remains.

16 | Setra Cover Story Setra Cover Story | 17 International anniversary celebrations All over Europe, general distributors, subsidiaries and OMNIplus service points celebrated Setra’s 60 th brand anniversary with their customers and employees. The SetraFamily magazine had a close look at the festive events. The Baltic region was treated to perfect birthday weather for its celebrations The Baltic states On a bright sunny day in May, Maris Gailis, Managing Director of Setra’s Latvian general distributorship M.E.LAT-LUX SIA in Cesis, welcomed 70 invited guests from the whole Baltic region. The occasion for the “Open House” event was the 60 th anniversary of the Sera brand. The very unique opportunity to compare a Special Edition S 415 HD with a ComfortClass S 416 GT-HD in a test drive captured a lot of interest. The closing tour led visitors through the picturesque town of Cesis into the surrounding country to an idyllic inn. There, guests were invited to take part in interesting presentations, or to simply enjoy chatting with their peers and making new contacts. A memorable day for the big Baltic Setra family! Slovenia In April, the Street Tour company, one of Setra’s largest customers in Slovenia, had two reasons to celebrate: their own 20 th anniversary and Setra’s 60 th brand anniversary. With a very successful event at the Grand Hotel Metropol, the company from Portoroz treated over 400 customers, business partners and representatives from the press to a great birthday event. To underscore the festive occasion, Street Tour In Slovenia, two Setra S 415 HD coaches were handed over during the festivities took delivery of two brand-new TopClass S 415 HD coaches which were then available for exploring. Street Tour now has an impressive fleet of ten Setra coaches – yet another reason to celebrate! Guests were also offered another notable attraction when a Setra S 415 HD Special Edition was presented. Bulgaria In October, Bulgaria celebrated Setra’s 60 th anniversary with an exceptionally successful roadshow. The visitor attendance in Sofia, Pleven, Varna, Burgas and Plovdiv was enormous. For the first time, an Eco- Training session was offered to the Balkan- Star general distributor in Sofia in a Setra S 417 GT-HD. Many customers took part Good business in Bulgaria, with customer Dimitar Boidev (left) and sales representative Lubomir Lubenov and proudly completed the training programme. To crown the anniversary roadshow, Setra sales representative Lubomir Lubenov received an order for a Setra S 416 GT-HD/2 demonstrator from the Boidevi company in Svilengrad close to the Rhodope Mountains. Poland In May this year, in picturesque Lichen, conveniently located between Warsaw and Poznan, Setra brand speaker Jerzey Folda and his sales team welcomed well over 100 customers and representatives from the Polish press. With 15 coaches on display, almost the entire product range was Flowers for Krystyna and Euzebiusz Walerianczyk from Katarzyna Tourist, handed over by Frank Koschatzky, President of EvoBus Polska presented, as well as few selected preowned vehicles. Test drives and driving skill challenges with a variety of Setra models were a focal point of the event. The very successful event was rounded out with an unforgettable evening celebration. Serbia In 26 May, Andreas Binder, managing director of Setra’s MN-SCG subsidiary, invited guests to Belgrade for an Open House event at the OMNIplus Busport. Following a tour of Busport, guests had an opportunity to enjoy an unforgettable test drive with the S 416 HDH. The event then came to a close in a charming restaurant on the Danube where guests were treated to local gastronomic delights and live music. Croatia In Croatia, Setra’s 60 th anniversary was celebrated with a big Setra roadshow. Between the end of April and early May, over 80 coach operators – in the cities of Varazdin, Istrien, Rijeka, Zadar, Dubrovnik and Split – were visited by an S 415 HD Special Edition and a ComfortClass S 415 HD. Test drives and in-depth technical discussions were in the foreground. The celebrations closed with an impressive event at our MB general distributor’s premises in Zagreb. The Czech Republic May was also a festive month in the Czech Republic for EvoBus Bohemia, our Czech subsidiary. The hotel complex “Unter der Sonne” in Trebiz was selected as venue – clearly a good omen since the sun shone brilliantly all day. Close to 60 customers enjoyed the gorgeous weather in the romantic North-Bohemian village. Setra brand speaker Jan Cizek presented a total of seven Setra coaches, inviting guests to test drive them on a nearby airfield in Panensky Tynec. Georg Kendlbacher from EvoBus Bohemia summed up the event as follows: “We are already looking forward to the next event. We know for a fact that our customers as just as crazy about Setra as we are!” The Czech celebrations took place at the “Unter der Sonne” hotel Bosnia and Herzegovina In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Setra’s 60 th anniversary was celebrated with an anniversary roadshow, organised by the Branco Vajagic general distributorship in Sarajevo. Benjamin Gross (left) explains to Ivan Kovacevic how the Setra model got into the bottle Our customer Cicko Commerce graciously made their Setra S 415 GT-HD available for the event which included visits to all customers and all parts of the region. The big closing event was held at Cicko Commerce’s premises. There, Benjamin Gross, Setra Sales South-East Europe, handed over a grappa bottle with an embedded goldcoloured Setra model S 415 HD to the owner of the Cicko Commerce company, Ivan Kovacevic – as thank you for his generous support during the entire event. France in a festive mood: the Setra Tour encompassed no less than eight events France In France, eight events were held at various ServiceCenters and OMNIplus service points, to celebrate Setra’s 60 th anni- 'versary. The tour travelled right through the country, from Tourcoing close to Lille, to the Marseille ServiceCenter in the South, and from Bordeaux in the West to the Strasbourg ServiceCenter in the East and to Genas near Lyon. Two models from the anniversary edition, an S 411 HD and an S 415 GT-HD, were available for test drives. Guests were also surprised with the presentation of the TopClass S 431 DT for intercity passenger transport – in France, this coach is known for its use in touring applications. Further displays included a low-floor bus and an H vehicle, as well as various vintage coaches, accompanied by films, presentations and images – presenting an overview of the different ranges and of the Setra brand’s history. Germany In April 2011, Setra’s 60 th anniversary was also celebrated by our ServicePartner Rolf Bauer GmbH in Gundelfingen near Freiburg, together with general representatives Kuckluck and Hofmann. Coach operators from South Baden and Upper Swabia were invited to the festivities with their families and employees. The response was overwhelming: 45 companies joined the event. Close to 140 guests experienced first-hand what the Setra family has to offer – with great food and beverages, and informative presentations. A vintage Setra S 8, a real highlight, was constantly surrounded by curious guests. As well, the TopClass S 416 HDH and the S 415 NF with EcoLife A great team (left to right): W. Fremdling, T. Hofmann, P. Bauer, G. Sägmüller, D. Kuckluck, R. Schertle transmission were also given a lot of attention. Seven more vehicles from the TopClass, ComfortClass and MultiClass ranges were available for test drives. The Rolf Bauer company has a long-standing heritage in Breisgau, and has been a Setra partner for many decades. The Kuckluck general representative, who has been responsible for Setra sales in South Baden for nine years, has now presented the complete Setra product line at exhibitions for the fifth time in collaboration with Rolf Bauer GmbH. Founded in 1927, the Rolf Bauer company is now one of the leading commercial vehicle and coach service operations, with over 60 employees at two locations in the area known as the threeborder region – at the intersection of Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

16 | <strong>Setra</strong> Cover Story<br />

<strong>Setra</strong> Cover Story | 17<br />

International anniversary<br />

celebrations<br />

All over Europe, general distributors, subsidiaries and OMNIplus service points celebrated <strong>Setra</strong>’s<br />

60 th brand anniversary with their customers and employees. The <strong>Setra</strong><strong>Family</strong> magazine had a close<br />

look at the festive events.<br />

The Baltic region was treated to perfect birthday<br />

weather for its celebrations<br />

The Baltic states<br />

On a bright sunny day in May, Maris Gailis,<br />

Managing Director of <strong>Setra</strong>’s Latvian general<br />

distributorship M.E.LAT-LUX SIA in<br />

Cesis, welcomed 70 invited guests from the<br />

whole Baltic region. The occasion for the<br />

“Open House” event was the 60 th anniversary<br />

of the Sera brand. The very unique<br />

opportunity to compare a Special Edition<br />

S 415 HD with a ComfortClass S 416 GT-HD<br />

in a test drive captured a lot of interest. The<br />

closing tour led visitors through the picturesque<br />

town of Cesis into the surrounding<br />

country to an idyllic inn. There, guests were<br />

invited to take part in interesting presentations,<br />

or to simply enjoy chatting with their<br />

peers and making new contacts. A memorable<br />

day for the big Baltic <strong>Setra</strong> family!<br />

Slovenia<br />

In April, the Street Tour company, one of<br />

<strong>Setra</strong>’s largest customers in Slovenia, had<br />

two reasons to celebrate: their own 20 th<br />

anniversary and <strong>Setra</strong>’s 60 th brand anniversary.<br />

With a very successful event at the<br />

Grand Hotel Metropol, the company from<br />

Portoroz treated over 400 customers, business<br />

partners and representatives from the<br />

press to a great birthday event. To underscore<br />

the festive occasion, Street Tour<br />

In Slovenia, two <strong>Setra</strong> S 415 HD coaches were handed<br />

over during the festivities<br />

took delivery of two brand-new TopClass<br />

S 415 HD coaches which were then available<br />

for exploring. Street Tour now has an<br />

impressive fleet of ten <strong>Setra</strong> coaches – yet<br />

another reason to celebrate! Guests were<br />

also offered another notable attraction<br />

when a <strong>Setra</strong> S 415 HD Special Edition was<br />

presented.<br />

Bulgaria<br />

In October, Bulgaria celebrated <strong>Setra</strong>’s 60 th<br />

anniversary with an exceptionally successful<br />

roadshow. The visitor attendance in<br />

Sofia, Pleven, Varna, Burgas and Plovdiv<br />

was enormous. For the first time, an Eco-<br />

Training session was offered to the Balkan-<br />

Star general distributor in Sofia in a <strong>Setra</strong><br />

S 417 GT-HD. Many customers took part<br />

Good business in Bulgaria, with customer Dimitar<br />

Boidev (left) and sales representative Lubomir Lubenov<br />

and proudly completed the training programme.<br />

To crown the anniversary roadshow,<br />

<strong>Setra</strong> sales representative Lubomir<br />

Lubenov received an order for a <strong>Setra</strong><br />

S 416 GT-HD/2 demonstrator from the<br />

Boidevi company in Svilengrad close to the<br />

Rhodope Mountains.<br />

Poland<br />

In May this year, in picturesque Lichen,<br />

conveniently located between Warsaw and<br />

Poznan, <strong>Setra</strong> brand speaker Jerzey Folda<br />

and his sales team welcomed well over 100<br />

customers and representatives from the<br />

Polish press. With 15 coaches on display,<br />

almost the entire product range was<br />

Flowers for Krystyna and Euzebiusz Walerianczyk from<br />

Katarzyna Tourist, handed over by Frank Koschatzky,<br />

President of EvoBus Polska<br />

presented, as well as few selected preowned<br />

vehicles. Test drives and driving skill<br />

challenges with a variety of <strong>Setra</strong> models<br />

were a focal point of the event. The very<br />

successful event was rounded out with an<br />

unforgettable evening celebration.<br />

Serbia<br />

In 26 May, Andreas Binder, managing director<br />

of <strong>Setra</strong>’s MN-SCG subsidiary, invited<br />

guests to Belgrade for an Open House<br />

event at the OMNIplus Busport. Following a<br />

tour of Busport, guests had an opportunity<br />

to enjoy an unforgettable test drive with the<br />

S 416 HDH. The event then came to a close<br />

in a charming restaurant on the Danube<br />

where guests were treated to local gastronomic<br />

delights and live music.<br />

Croatia<br />

In Croatia, <strong>Setra</strong>’s 60 th anniversary was<br />

celebrated with a big <strong>Setra</strong> roadshow. Between<br />

the end of April and early May, over<br />

80 coach operators – in the cities of Varazdin,<br />

Istrien, Rijeka, Zadar, Dubrovnik and<br />

Split – were visited by an S 415 HD Special<br />

Edition and a ComfortClass S 415 HD. Test<br />

drives and in-depth technical discussions<br />

were in the foreground. The celebrations<br />

closed with an impressive event at our MB<br />

general distributor’s premises in Zagreb.<br />

The Czech Republic<br />

May was also a festive month in the Czech<br />

Republic for EvoBus Bohemia, our Czech<br />

subsidiary. The hotel complex “Unter der<br />

Sonne” in Trebiz was selected as venue –<br />

clearly a good omen since the sun shone<br />

brilliantly all day. Close to 60 customers<br />

enjoyed the gorgeous weather in the<br />

romantic North-Bohemian village. <strong>Setra</strong><br />

brand speaker Jan Cizek presented a total<br />

of seven <strong>Setra</strong> coaches, inviting guests to<br />

test drive them on a nearby airfield in<br />

Panensky Tynec. Georg Kendlbacher from<br />

EvoBus Bohemia summed up the event as<br />

follows: “We are already looking forward to<br />

the next event. We know for a fact that our<br />

customers as just as crazy about <strong>Setra</strong> as<br />

we are!”<br />

The Czech celebrations took place at the “Unter der<br />

Sonne” hotel<br />

Bosnia and Herzegovina<br />

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, <strong>Setra</strong>’s 60 th<br />

anniversary was celebrated with an anniversary<br />

roadshow, organised by the Branco<br />

Vajagic general distributorship in Sarajevo.<br />

Benjamin Gross (left) explains to Ivan Kovacevic how<br />

the <strong>Setra</strong> model got into the bottle<br />

Our customer Cicko Commerce graciously<br />

made their <strong>Setra</strong> S 415 GT-HD available for<br />

the event which included visits to all customers<br />

and all parts of the region. The big<br />

closing event was held at Cicko Commerce’s<br />

premises. There, Benjamin Gross, <strong>Setra</strong><br />

Sales South-East Europe, handed over a<br />

grappa bottle with an embedded goldcoloured<br />

<strong>Setra</strong> model S 415 HD to the<br />

owner of the Cicko Commerce company,<br />

Ivan Kovacevic – as thank you for his generous<br />

support during the entire event.<br />

France in a festive mood: the <strong>Setra</strong> Tour encompassed<br />

no less than eight events<br />

France<br />

In France, eight events were held at various<br />

ServiceCenters and OMNIplus service<br />

points, to celebrate <strong>Setra</strong>’s 60 th anni-<br />

'versary. The tour travelled right through<br />

the country, from Tourcoing close to Lille,<br />

to the Marseille ServiceCenter in the South,<br />

and from Bordeaux in the West to the Strasbourg<br />

ServiceCenter in the East and to<br />

Genas near Lyon. Two models from the anniversary<br />

edition, an S 411 HD and an S 415<br />

GT-HD, were available for test drives.<br />

Guests were also surprised with the presentation<br />

of the TopClass S 431 DT for intercity<br />

passenger transport – in France,<br />

this coach is known for its use in touring<br />

applications. Further displays included a<br />

low-floor bus and an H vehicle, as well as<br />

various vintage coaches, accompanied<br />

by films, presentations and images – presenting<br />

an overview of the different ranges<br />

and of the <strong>Setra</strong> brand’s history.<br />

Germany<br />

In April 2011, <strong>Setra</strong>’s 60 th anniversary was<br />

also celebrated by our ServicePartner Rolf<br />

Bauer GmbH in Gundelfingen near Freiburg,<br />

together with general representatives<br />

Kuckluck and Hofmann. Coach operators<br />

from South Baden and Upper Swabia were<br />

invited to the festivities with their families<br />

and employees. The response was overwhelming:<br />

45 companies joined the event.<br />

Close to 140 guests experienced first-hand<br />

what the <strong>Setra</strong> family has to offer – with<br />

great food and beverages, and informative<br />

presentations. A vintage <strong>Setra</strong> S 8, a real<br />

highlight, was constantly surrounded by<br />

curious guests. As well, the TopClass<br />

S 416 HDH and the S 415 NF with EcoLife<br />

A great team (left to right): W. Fremdling, T. Hofmann,<br />

P. Bauer, G. Sägmüller, D. Kuckluck, R. Schertle<br />

transmission were also given a lot of<br />

attention. Seven more vehicles from the<br />

TopClass, ComfortClass and MultiClass<br />

ranges were available for test drives. The<br />

Rolf Bauer company has a long-standing<br />

heritage in Breisgau, and has been a <strong>Setra</strong><br />

partner for many decades. The Kuckluck<br />

general representative, who has been<br />

responsible for <strong>Setra</strong> sales in South Baden<br />

for nine years, has now presented the complete<br />

<strong>Setra</strong> product line at exhibitions for<br />

the fifth time in collaboration with Rolf<br />

Bauer GmbH. Founded in 1927, the Rolf<br />

Bauer company is now one of the leading<br />

commercial vehicle and coach service<br />

operations, with over 60 employees at two<br />

locations in the area known as the threeborder<br />

region – at the intersection of<br />

Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

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