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Article nutrition<br />

<strong>Vitamins</strong><br />

Usha Sethuraman, MD*<br />

Author Disclosure<br />

Dr Sethuraman did<br />

not disclose any<br />

financial relationships<br />

relevant to this<br />

article.<br />

Objectives After completing this article, readers should be able to:<br />

1. Identify the symptoms and signs of deficiency of various vitamins.<br />

2. Characterize the patients at risk for deficiencies and plan their treatment.<br />

3. Discuss the treatment of patients at risk for vitamin deficiencies.<br />

Introduction<br />

<strong>Vitamins</strong> are organic compounds required in small amounts in various cellular metabolisms<br />

that are important for overall health maintenance and normal growth of the organism. First<br />

discovered by Hopkins in 1907, they were named by Funk in 1911. McCollum and Davis<br />

later showed that some vitamins, such as A, D, E, and K, are fat-soluble, and some, such as<br />

B and C, are water-soluble (Table 1).<br />

Vitamin A (Retinol)<br />

Case 1<br />

A 5-year-old boy who recently was adopted from India is brought by his parents for his first<br />

physical examination. They report that he has been doing well except that he seems to bump into<br />

objects frequently, particularly in the evenings. On examination, his height and weight are<br />

below the 5th percentile. He has some silver-colored patches in his conjunctiva, but the rest of the<br />

examination findings are normal. A diagnosis is made clinically and treatment initiated.<br />

Case 2<br />

A 3-year-old girl is brought to the emergency department for irritability. Her mother denies<br />

fever, upper respiratory tract infection symptoms, or trauma, but states that the girl has become<br />

progressively irritable over the past few days. She had been complaining of headache and<br />

nausea but had no emesis. On examination, the child is afebrile and appears irritable. Despite<br />

adequate doses of acetaminophen, she continues to complain of a headache, prompting the<br />

decision to perform a lumbar puncture. Except for an elevated opening pressure, her spinal<br />

fluid appears normal, having no white or red blood cells. Further questioning reveals that the<br />

girl has been taking her brother’s pills three to four times a day to “get healthier”; this leads to<br />

her diagnosis.<br />

Vitamin Function<br />

Vitamin A, derived from pigments in nature called carotenoids (provitamin A), is waterinsoluble<br />

and is destroyed by heat, light, oxidation, and dehydration. Carotenoids and<br />

retinal in the diet are absorbed and subsequently esterified in the intestinal cells to retinyl<br />

esters. The esters are stored in the liver and, when needed, hydrolyzed to retinol,<br />

complexed with retinal-binding protein, and transported to tissues and organs in the body.<br />

Retinol is essential for growth and functional integrity of epithelial cells; retinal, a<br />

component of retinal pigments, is important for normal vision. Retinoic acid is essential for<br />

the synthesis of glycoproteins.<br />

Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of preventable blindness in children; it also<br />

increases the risk for severe infections. Malnourished young children and infants in<br />

developing countries are particularly prone to deficiency due to recurrent infections such as<br />

diarrhea and measles. Vitamin A deficiency also can occur due to inadequate absorption, as<br />

seen in celiac disease, hepatic disease, and low-fat and -protein diets.<br />

*Division of Emergency Medicine, Carman and Ann Adams Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Wayne<br />

State University, Detroit, Mich.<br />

44 Pediatrics in Review Vol.27 No.2 February 2006

Pediatrics in Review Vol.27 No.2 February 2006 45<br />

Table 1. <strong>Vitamins</strong>: Sources, Requirements, Action, Results, Diagnosis, and Treatment<br />

Vitamin<br />

A<br />

B 1 (Thiamine)<br />

Riboflavin (B 2 )<br />

Niacin<br />

(Nicotinic<br />

acid)<br />

Sources<br />

Green leafy<br />

vegetables,<br />

carrots, sweet<br />

potatoes, liver<br />

Liver, pork, milk,<br />

grains<br />

Milk, cheese,<br />

liver, green<br />

leafy<br />

vegetables<br />

Liver, fish,<br />

whole grains,<br />

eggs, milk,<br />

poultry<br />

B 12(Cobalamine) Fish, eggs,<br />

cheese<br />

Daily<br />

Requirement Action Deficiency Excess Diagnosis Treatment<br />

14 yr: 1.3 mg<br />

13 y: 16 mg<br />

0 to 6 mo: 0.4 mcg<br />

6 to 12 mo: 0.5 mcg<br />

1to3y:0.9mcg<br />

4to8y:1.2mcg<br />

9to13y:1.8mcg<br />

>13 y: 2.4 mcg<br />

Vision in dim light,<br />

bone and tooth<br />

growth,<br />

epithelium<br />

maturation<br />

Part of thiamine<br />

pyrophosphate,<br />

which is needed<br />

for oxidative<br />

decarboxylation<br />

Part of<br />

flavoproteins<br />

important for<br />

hydrogen<br />

transfer<br />

Forms NAD and<br />

NADP cofactors<br />

Maturation of red<br />

blood cells<br />

Nyctalopia,<br />

photophobia,<br />

keratomalacia,<br />

blindness,<br />

impaired<br />

growth,<br />

follicular<br />

hyperkeratosis<br />

Beriberi, fatigue,<br />

cardiac failure,<br />

polyneuritis<br />

Blurring of vision,<br />

cheilosis<br />

Pellagra (rash,<br />

diarrhea,<br />

stomatitis,<br />

glossitis,<br />

mental status<br />

changes)<br />

Juvenile<br />

pernicious<br />

anemia<br />

Anorexia, dry skin,<br />

painful joints,<br />

increased<br />

intracranial<br />

pressure, headache,<br />

vomiting<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

Clinical or low<br />

plasma retinol<br />

levels<br />

Response to<br />

thiamine<br />

Urinary riboflavin<br />


46 Pediatrics in Review Vol.27 No.2 February 2006<br />

Table 1. <strong>Vitamins</strong>: Sources, Requirements, Action, Results, Diagnosis, and Treatment (continued)<br />

Vitamin Sources<br />

B 6 (Pyridoxine) Meat, liver,<br />

kidneys<br />

Folate<br />

Vitamin D<br />

Vitamin E<br />

(Tocopherol)<br />

Cauliflower,<br />

green leafy<br />

vegetables,<br />

yeast, liver,<br />

kidney<br />

Fortified milk,<br />

liver oils,<br />

sunlight, egg<br />

yolks<br />

Germ oils, green<br />

leafy<br />

vegetables<br />

Daily<br />

Requirement Action Deficiency Excess Diagnosis Treatment<br />

13 y: 1.3 mg<br />

13 y: 100 mcg<br />

Pediatrics in Review Vol.27 No.2 February 2006 47<br />

Table 1. <strong>Vitamins</strong>: Sources, Requirements, Action, Results, Diagnosis, and Treatment (continued)<br />

Vitamin<br />

Vitamin K<br />

Sources<br />

Green leafy<br />

vegetables,<br />

liver<br />

Daily<br />

Requirement Action Deficiency Excess Diagnosis Treatment<br />

nutrition<br />

vitamins<br />

blindness), indicative of vitamin A deficiency. The presence<br />

of Bitot spots in the eyes confirms the diagnosis.<br />

The boy was started on vitamin A, and his symptoms<br />

improved. Delay in diagnosis and treatment would have<br />

led to blindness.<br />

Treatment and Prevention<br />

Breastfeeding is protective against vitamin A deficiency.<br />

Encouraging vitamin A-rich diets, vitamin A supplementation,<br />

and food fortification can prevent and treat this<br />

deficiency.<br />

Figure 1. Bitot spots. Reproduced with permission from Indiana<br />

University School of Optometry; pictures by Dr H.D. Riley<br />

Clinical Manifestations of Deficiency<br />

The skin of the extensor surfaces becomes dry and scaly<br />

(follicular hyperkeratosis). Keratinization of the conjunctiva<br />

and lacrimal glands leads to dryness of the eyes and<br />

follicular conjunctivitis (xerophthalmia). Bitot spots are<br />

small triangular, silvery, foamlike patches that appear on<br />

the conjunctiva due to keratinization (Figs. 1 and 2).<br />

Night blindness or nyctalopia occurs due to a delay in<br />

resynthesis of rhodopsin. Severe inflammation results in<br />

keratomalacia and blindness. Diagnosis is primarily clinical.<br />

The child in Case 1 was adopted from a developing<br />

country, where malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies are<br />

more common. His height and weight are less than the<br />

5th percentile. The history of bumping into objects in<br />

the evenings is highly suggestive of “nyctalopia” (night<br />

Figure 2. Bitot spots. Reproduced with permission from Indiana<br />

University School of Optometry; pictures by Dr H.D. Riley,<br />

Effects of Excess<br />

The child in Case 2 had been taking her brother’s vitamin<br />

A capsules because her mother thought they would make<br />

the girl stronger. Drowsiness, painful joints, loss of hair,<br />

increased intracranial pressure, and carotenemia are presenting<br />

symptoms of excessive ingestion of vitamin A.<br />

Vitamin D<br />

Case 3<br />

A 2-year-old African-American boy is brought to the pediatrician<br />

for a routine visit. He was born at 30 weeks’<br />

gestation, was exclusively breastfed until 1 year of age, and<br />

has been a poor feeder since then. His height and weight are<br />

less than the 5th percentile. His legs are slightly bowed, and<br />

he has frontal bossing. He has no teeth and is not yet<br />

walking. Laboratory tests reveal decreased phosphorus, decreased<br />

calcium, and elevated alkaline phosphatase concentrations.<br />

Radiography of his wrists documents osteopenia,<br />

with cupping and fraying of the metaphysis. He is diagnosed<br />

as having nutritional rickets and is started on calcium<br />

and vitamin D. His mother is upset and wants to<br />

know the cause.<br />

Case 4<br />

An 8-month-old Caucasian boy is brought to the emergency<br />

department because of complaints of cough, runny nose,<br />

and wheezing for the past 3 days. His mother states that he<br />

has been fussy and has had some redness of his eyes without<br />

discharge. He is breastfed exclusively. His birthweight was<br />

3.2 kg, he was delivered vaginally without complications,<br />

and he has had regular visits with the pediatrician. The<br />

mother reports that the boy has had multiple episodes of<br />

bronchiolitis in the past. On physical examination, the baby<br />

is alert but fussy and has poor muscle tone. He weighs 4.1 kg,<br />

his heart rate is 160 beats/min, his respiratory rate is<br />

approximately 80 breaths/min, and his blood pressure is<br />

normal. His deep tendon reflexes seem to be slightly depressed.<br />

Bronchiolitis with conjunctivitis and failure to<br />

thrive is diagnosed, and the child is admitted to the hospital<br />

48 Pediatrics in Review Vol.27 No.2 February 2006

nutrition<br />

vitamins<br />

on bronchodilators. A chest radiograph reveals a heart of<br />

normal size and multiple areas of atelectasis. Because of a<br />

strong family history of asthma, steroids are added to the<br />

treatment regimen. The laboratory evaluation for the cause<br />

of the failure to thrive reveals anemia, mild indirect hyperbilirubinemia,<br />

a lowered calcium level, and an elevated<br />

alkaline phosphatase level. The radiologist notifies the resident<br />

of what appears to be cupping and fraying of the<br />

humerus ends. Additional tests are performed, the diagnosis<br />

made, and appropriate therapy started.<br />

Vitamin Function<br />

Vitamin D exists as ergosterol in yeast and<br />

7-dehydrocholesterol in human skin. When irradiated<br />

with ultraviolet light, these are converted into ergocalciferol<br />

(vitamin D 2 ) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D 3 ), respectively.<br />

D 2 and D 3 are absorbed readily from the small<br />

intestines. In the liver, D 3 is hydroxylated by 25 hydroxylase<br />

to 25 hydroxyl-D 3 (calciferol). Further hydroxylation<br />

of calciferol by 1-hydroxylase in the kidneys results<br />

in the formation of 1,25 dihydroxy-D 3 , which is the<br />

physiologically active form that regulates calcium and<br />

phosphate metabolisms by releasing calcium from the<br />

bones into blood and increasing calcium reabsorption in<br />

the kidney.<br />

Hypocalcemia causes parathormone to stimulate the<br />

formation of 1,25 dihydroxy-D 3 , while hypophosphatemia<br />

stimulates its formation directly; 1,25<br />

dihydroxy-D 3 , in turn, increases absorption of phosphate<br />

from the intestines. Vitamin D also increases absorption<br />

of calcium and phosphorus from the distal ileum and<br />

promotes endochondral growth of long bones and mineralization<br />

of the zone of provisional calcification (antirachitic<br />

action of vitamin D). Hence, deficiency is characterized<br />

by a defect in mineralization in these areas but<br />

with continued cartilage growth. Exposure to sunlight<br />

produces adequate amounts of vitamin D in the skin.<br />

Rickets can occur in breastfed infants who are not supplemented<br />

with vitamin D and have inadequate exposure<br />

to sunlight; in dark-skinned children due to inadequate<br />

penetration of sunlight; and in children who grow rapidly,<br />

such as very low-birthweight infants and adolescents.<br />

Congenital rickets can occur when the maternal<br />

intake of vitamin D is low. Celiac disease, steatorrhea,<br />

pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, and medications such as steroids<br />

and anticonvulsants can predispose to vitamin D<br />

deficiency due to malabsorption from the gut.<br />

Clinical Manifestations of Deficiency<br />

Infants present with seizures and tetany due to the hypocalcemia,<br />

hypotonia, failure to thrive, widened cranial<br />

Figure 3. Widened wrists associated with rickets. Reproduced<br />

with permission from Dr Tom Thacher, Jos University Teaching<br />

Hospital, Nigeria.<br />

sutures, frontal bossing, and craniotabes. Older children<br />

may show delayed milestones, potbelly, bowlegs, kyphosis,<br />

pelvic deformities, delayed dentition, and widened<br />

wrists (Fig. 3). Rachitic rosary due to enlarged costochondral<br />

junctions may be present (Fig. 4). Harrison<br />

groove is a horizontal depression along the lower border<br />

of the chest, corresponding to the costal insertion of the<br />

diaphragm. This results from ongoing cartilage growth<br />

and defective bone growth. Deficiency in adults results in<br />

osteomalacia.<br />

Diagnosis<br />

Besides the findings listed in Table 2, a generalized<br />

aminoaciduria can occur. Radiographs of the knees,<br />

Figure 4. Rachitic rosary. Courtesy of Dr Tom Thacher, Jos<br />

University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria.<br />

Pediatrics in Review Vol.27 No.2 February 2006 49

nutrition<br />

vitamins<br />

Table 2. Types of Rickets and Biochemical Findings<br />

Type<br />

Vitamin D-deficient<br />

Vitamin D-dependent<br />

(type 1)<br />

Vitamin D-dependent<br />

(type 2)<br />

Vitamin D-resistant<br />

(X-linked<br />

hypophosphatemia)<br />

Renal disease<br />

Cause<br />

Serum<br />

Calcium<br />

Serum<br />

Phosphate<br />

Alkaline<br />

Phosphate<br />

Parathyroid<br />

Hormone<br />

1,25 dihydroxy-<br />

D 3<br />

Nutrition/poor<br />

ultraviolet<br />

exposure<br />

Decreased Decreased Increased Increased Normal/decreased<br />

Decreased 1-alpha Decreased Decreased Increased Increased Low<br />

hydroxylase<br />

End-organ resistance Decreased Decreased Increased Increased High<br />

dihydroxy-D 3<br />

to 1,25<br />

Defect in tubular Normal Low Increased Normal Normal/decreased<br />

reabsorption of<br />

phosphate<br />

Defect in phosphate<br />

excretion<br />

Mildly<br />

decreased<br />

High Increased Increased Decreased<br />

wrists, and shoulders show widened distal ends with<br />

cupping and fraying, uncalcified larger metaphyses, and<br />

osteopenia (Figs. 5 through 7). A line of preparatory<br />

calcification that is separated from the distal end of the<br />

shaft by a zone of decreased calcification suggests initial<br />

healing.<br />

Nutritional rickets should be distinguished from vitamin<br />

D-resistant rickets (familial hypophosphatemia),<br />

which is due to a defect in the proximal tubular reabsorption<br />

of phosphates and in the conversion of 25<br />

dihydroxy-D 3 to 1,25 dihydroxy-D 3 . It has an X-linked<br />

dominant inheritance. Clinically, legs are bowed, but the<br />

other features of nutritional rickets generally are absent.<br />

Laboratory findings reveal near-normal calcium levels,<br />

lower phosphate concentrations, elevated alkaline phosphatase<br />

values, large urinary phosphate losses, and little<br />

or no evidence of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Vitamin<br />

D-dependent rickets is due to reduced activity of<br />

1-alpha hydroxylase. Levels of calcium and phosphate are<br />

decreased, alkaline phosphatase concentrations are elevated,<br />

and the levels of 1,25 dihydroxy-D 3 are low. Renal<br />

rickets due to the phosphaturia of uremia and secondary<br />

hyperparathyroidism result from renal disease.<br />

Figure 5. Radiographic appearance of rickets in the wrist.<br />

Courtesy of Dr Earl Hartwig, Emergency Medicine, Children’s<br />

Hospital of Michigan.<br />

Figure 6. Radiographic appearance of rickets in the knees.<br />

Courtesy of Dr Earl Hartwig, Emergency Medicine, Children’s<br />

Hospital of Michigan.<br />

50 Pediatrics in Review Vol.27 No.2 February 2006

nutrition<br />

vitamins<br />

Figure 7. Radiographic appearance of rickets in the shoulders.<br />

Courtesy of Dr Earl Hartwig, Emergency Medicine, Children’s<br />

Hospital of Michigan.<br />

Treatment and Prevention<br />

All infants, including those who are exclusively breastfed,<br />

should receive a minimum daily intake of 200 IU of<br />

vitamin D beginning during the first 2 postnatal months.<br />

Formula-fed infants who ingest less than 500 mL/d of<br />

formula or milk also should be supplemented. Studies<br />

have shown a higher bone density in adult women who<br />

were supplemented with vitamin D in infancy. Once<br />

deficiency is diagnosed, treatment must be initiated immediately.<br />

Calcium and phosphorus levels must be corrected.<br />

Daily oral vitamin D 3 , as listed in Table 1, should<br />

be initiated. An alternate therapy to ensure compliance is<br />

15,000 mcg of vitamin D in a single day, which avoids<br />

the preparation that has ethylene glycol as the vehicle,<br />

which could be toxic. Nutritional rickets responds with<br />

an increase in phosphate in 4 days and radiologic evidence<br />

of healing in 1 to 2 weeks. After healing is complete,<br />

the dose should be lowered to 10 mcg/d. Vitamin<br />

D-resistant rickets and -dependent types are treated with<br />

oral phosphates and high doses of 1,25 dihydroxy-D 3 .<br />

The prognosis generally is good for rickets. Early<br />

diagnosis prevents developmental delay and other sequelae.<br />

Orthopedic intervention may be required for<br />

severe deformities.<br />

The child in Case 3 had several factors putting him at<br />

risk for developing rickets, including his race, preterm<br />

birth, and exclusive breastfeeding with no supplementation<br />

until 1 year of age. Recognition of these risk factors<br />

and early supplementation with vitamin D-containing<br />

vitamins could have prevented the onset of rickets. Treatment<br />

now should include correction of calcium and<br />

phosphorus levels and administration of 50 to 150 mcg<br />

of vitamin D 3 daily for 2 to 3 months followed by a<br />

maintenance dose of 400 IU/d. Calcium and phosphorus<br />

levels and radiographs should be monitored for evidence<br />

of healing.<br />

The child in Case 4 had recurrent episodes of wheezing<br />

with failure to thrive and features of rickets. A sweat<br />

test performed as part of the evaluation for the failure to<br />

thrive led to the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. The resulting<br />

malabsorption, coupled with the exclusive breastfeeding<br />

with no supplementation, caused his deficiency in vitamin<br />

D, leading to his rickets. Due to his reduced deep<br />

tendon reflexes, additional laboratory tests were undertaken,<br />

which revealed low levels of alpha-tocopherol and<br />

retinol. Cystic fibrosis with malabsorption and fatsoluble<br />

vitamin deficiencies was diagnosed and appropriate<br />

treatment initiated. The redness of his eyes was due to<br />

a follicular conjunctivitis caused by vitamin A deficiency<br />

and resolved when therapy was begun. Repeated episodes<br />

of “bronchiolitis” and failure to thrive should<br />

arouse the suspicion for cystic fibrosis, and a high degree<br />

of suspicion for vitamin deficiencies should be maintained.<br />

Effects of Excess<br />

Hypotonia, anorexia, polydipsia, polyuria, dehydration,<br />

hypertension, and corneal clouding may result from excess<br />

vitamin D intake. Radiographs may show internal<br />

calcifications, such as kidney stones and osteoporosis.<br />

Vitamin E<br />

Vitamin Function<br />

Vitamin E includes a group of compounds called tocopherols<br />

that have antioxidation properties (particularly of<br />

fats), which are facilitated by the presence of ascorbic<br />

acid. This vitamin occurs abundantly in green plants such<br />

as lettuce, vegetable oils, milk, and eggs. Vitamin E helps<br />

prevent atherosclerosis by inhibiting oxidation of lowdensity<br />

lipoprotein cholesterol, acts on immunomodulation,<br />

and appears to inhibit platelet activity. The antioxidant<br />

properties of vitamin E are believed to protect easily<br />

oxidizable substances such as polyunsaturated fatty acids<br />

and sulfhydryl groups against ongoing cumulative effects<br />

of oxygen free radicals. The result is protection from<br />

cellular membrane damage throughout the body. Patients<br />

who have malabsorption, abetalipoproteinemia,<br />

short bowel syndrome, or cholestatic liver disease and<br />

very low-birthweight infants can become deficient. Deficiency<br />

causes muscle weakness, double vision, loss of<br />

Pediatrics in Review Vol.27 No.2 February 2006 51

nutrition<br />

vitamins<br />

position sense, hemolytic anemia, reduced reflexes, and<br />

constricted visual fields.<br />

Treatment and Prevention<br />

Inclusion of 0.7 mg/g of unsaturated fat in the diet<br />

appears to be adequate to treat deficiencies. Special vitamin<br />

E supplements (eg, tocopherol polyethylene glycol<br />

succinate) are necessary in children who have malabsorption.<br />

Effects of Excess<br />

Nausea, diarrhea, and vitamin K antagonism can be seen<br />

with excess vitamin E.<br />

Vitamin K<br />

Case 5<br />

An 8-day-old infant presents to a rural emergency department<br />

with his mother, who today noticed bleeding from his<br />

umbilical cord and nares. The child was born at home and<br />

delivered by a midwife. The mother had received no antenatal<br />

care, and this is the first time the child is being seen by<br />

a doctor. The history revealed significant bleeding with<br />

clots. On examination, the child exhibits slight tachycardia<br />

but has a normal respiratory rate and blood pressure. He<br />

has constant bleeding from the umbilical cord area and his<br />

nares. He has no other rashes, and the rest of his physical<br />

examination findings are normal. Laboratory evaluation<br />

reveals a prolonged prothrombin and partial thromboplastin<br />

time, with a normal platelet count. A diagnosis is made<br />

and treatment given.<br />

Vitamin Function<br />

Vitamin K in the diet, along with that formed by intestinal<br />

bacteria, is absorbed in the jejunum and either used<br />

rapidly or metabolized. Table 1 lists some of the sources.<br />

Vitamin K is essential for synthesizing prothrombin.<br />

Coagulation factors II, VII, IX, and X are vitamin<br />

K-dependent and are made in the liver. The intestinal<br />

flora produces adequate amounts. Newborns are vitamin<br />

K-deficient because of insufficient intestinal bacterial<br />

flora and may present with uncontrollable bleeding. This<br />

can be exaggerated in preterm infants, who can present<br />

with spontaneous and prolonged bleeding between the<br />

second and seventh postnatal days. Hemorrhage is more<br />

common in breastfed infants because human milk contains<br />

relatively little vitamin K. Maternal treatment with<br />

drugs such as phenytoin can cause early bleeding in<br />

infants (24 h). Chronic oral antibiotics, biliary obstruction,<br />

chronic diarrhea, cystic fibrosis, sprue, and hepatic<br />

damage also can cause deficiency due to malabsorption.<br />

Bleeding tends to be gastrointestinal, nasal, or intracranial<br />

or from the circumcision site. Late bleeding has<br />

been reported up to a few weeks later. Besides the<br />

laboratory findings listed in Table 1, abnormal bleeding<br />

occurs with a normal platelet count, bleeding time, and<br />

plasma fibrinogen levels.<br />

Treatment and Prevention<br />

All newborns should receive 1 mg of vitamin K to prevent<br />

early vitamin K deficiency; the current recommendation<br />

is to give all newborns parenteral vitamin K to prevent<br />

late vitamin K deficiency bleeding. The baby in Case 5<br />

was delivered at home and received little antenatal or<br />

perinatal care. The child probably did not receive vitamin<br />

K, which generally is administered postnatally. This explains<br />

the bleeding that occurred around the seventh<br />

postnatal day, the common presentation of this deficiency.<br />

The elevated prothrombin and partial thromboplastin<br />

times with normal platelet counts confirm the<br />

diagnosis. The child was given 2Uofvitamin K, following<br />

which the bleeding resolved.<br />

Effects of Excess<br />

An excess of vitamin K can cause hyperbilirubinemia and<br />

hemolytic anemia in infants.<br />

Vitamin B Complex<br />

These vitamins serve as important coenzymes for important<br />

intracellular enzymes. A few are discussed.<br />

Thiamine (Vitamin B 1 )<br />

Vitamin B 1 is water-soluble and lost during cooking;<br />

synthesis is limited in human beings. Human milk, cow<br />

milk, vegetables, eggs, meat, legumes, and rice polishings<br />

are good sources. The vitamin is lost from rice<br />

during the dehusking process. The age-dependent daily<br />

requirements are listed in Table 1.<br />

Vitamin B 1 functions as a coenzyme in decarboxylation<br />

and transketolation of alpha ketoacids and is required<br />

for the synthesis of acetylcholine; deficiency results<br />

in beriberi. Irritability, fatigue, peripheral neuritis,<br />

decreased tendon reflexes, loss of vibration sense, congestive<br />

heart failure, hoarseness, and ataxia also can occur.<br />

Edema is present in wet beriberi but absent in dry<br />

beriberi. Wernicke encephalopathy is characterized by<br />

mental and eye changes, ataxia, and hemorrhage in the<br />

brain.<br />

Once diagnosed, it is important to treat both mother<br />

and breastfed infant who have beriberi. The daily dose is<br />

10 mg thiamine for an infant and 50 mg thiamine for an<br />

adult.<br />

52 Pediatrics in Review Vol.27 No.2 February 2006

nutrition<br />

vitamins<br />

Riboflavin<br />

This vitamin is important in hydrogen transfer reactions,<br />

for the normal metabolism of tryptophan, and for retinal<br />

pigment. Deficiency results in cheilosis, glossitis, keratitis,<br />

photophobia, seborrheic dermatitis, and anemia.<br />

Oral riboflavin should be given at a dose of 3 to 10 mg<br />

daily.<br />

Niacin<br />

Niacin forms NAD and NADPH, both important enzymes<br />

in electron transport and glycolysis. It also is the<br />

end product of the metabolic pathway of tryptophan.<br />

Milk and eggs are considered to combat pellagra due to<br />

their high tryptophan content. Primary deficiency occurs<br />

in areas where maize forms the bulk of the diet. Niacin is<br />

found in the bound form in maize, making it not easily<br />

absorbed. Secondary deficiency occurs in cases of diarrhea,<br />

prolonged isoniazid therapy, cirrhosis, or in postoperative<br />

patients who have poor supplementation. Deficiency<br />

results in pellagra, characterized by diarrhea,<br />

dementia, and dermatitis. Skin changes may resemble<br />

sunburn and may appear in characteristic patterns around<br />

the neck (Casal necklace). Diagnosis primarily is clinical.<br />

Niacin should be administered at a dose of 50 to<br />

300 mg/d with a balanced diet and supplemented with<br />

other vitamins.<br />

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B 6 )<br />

Pyridoxine is found in yeast, rice polishings, and cereals.<br />

Dietary sources are important because synthesis is limited<br />

in humans. Vitamin B 6 serves as a coenzyme in the<br />

metabolism and transfer of amino acids. Primary deficiency<br />

is rare, but secondary deficiency due to malabsorption,<br />

diarrhea, or drugs such as isoniazid can occur.<br />

Deficiency causes refractory seizures, peripheral neuritis,<br />

dermatitis, and microcytic anemia. A large amount of<br />

xanthurenic acid in the urine following administration of<br />

100 mg of tryptophan confirms pyridoxine deficiency.<br />

For seizures, 100 mg of pyridoxine is injected intramuscularly.<br />

In vitamin B 6 -dependent children, a 10- to<br />

100-mg oral dose may be required.<br />

Vitamin B 12 (Cobalamin)<br />

Microorganisms in animals produce B 12 ; humans cannot<br />

make the vitamin. The vitamin combines with intrinsic<br />

factor (IF) in the stomach, and the complex is absorbed<br />

in the terminal ileum. It then is bound to transcobalamin<br />

(TC) II and enters the cell. Vitamin B 12 is stored in the<br />

liver. Besides its role in DNA synthesis and methyl group<br />

transfer, this vitamin is important for the maintenance of<br />

normal hemopoiesis. Deficiency occurs in strict vegetarians;<br />

following resection of terminal ileum or stomach;<br />

and with inhibition of B 12 -IF complex, abnormalities of<br />

the receptors on terminal ileum, or abnormalities of<br />

TCII.<br />

Juvenile pernicious anemia is an autosomal recessive<br />

disorder caused by deficiency of gastric intrinsic factor.<br />

Symptoms occur from 9 to 11 years of age, when patients<br />

present with irritability, anorexia, and a painful red<br />

tongue. Ataxia, decreased reflexes, clonus, and coma may<br />

occur. A macrocytic megaloblastic anemia occurs. Young<br />

infants who have macrocytic anemia, diarrhea, and failure<br />

to thrive caused by vitamin B 12 deficiency most likely are<br />

born to mothers who are vitamin B 12 -deficient. Usual<br />

causes of maternal deficiency are dietary inadequacy<br />

(a total vegan diet) or other medical conditions causing<br />

malabsorption of the vitamin. Older children can develop<br />

the deficiency due to lack of hepatic stores following<br />

catastrophic conditions such as short bowel syndrome<br />

or diseases that result in damage to the terminal<br />

ileum (Crohn disease). Anemia, hypersegmented neutrophils,<br />

low serum concentrations of vitamin B 12 , elevated<br />

levels of lactate dehydrogenase, and excessive secretions of<br />

methylmalonic acid in the urine are seen. Results of the<br />

Schilling test, which assesses the absorption of vitamin B 12 ,<br />

may remain abnormal even after therapy.<br />

A prompt hematologic response within 2 to 4 days<br />

occurs with the administration of 1 mg of vitamin B 12 .<br />

Folate<br />

Folate is important in the maturation of red blood cells<br />

and participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids. It is<br />

absorbed throughout the small intestine. Deficiency occurs<br />

in very low-birthweight infants and following intestinal<br />

surgery with secondary bacterial overgrowth. Other<br />

diseases that cause chronic enteritis, such as chronic<br />

infections, celiac disease, and Crohn disease, also result in<br />

folate malabsorption. Megaloblastic anemia, irritability,<br />

chronic diarrhea, and failure to gain weight may occur.<br />

An oral or parenteral dose of 1 to 5 mg/d may be<br />

administered when the diagnosis is established. Treating<br />

pernicious anemia with folate may produce a partial<br />

response to the anemia without altering the neurologic<br />

abnormalities. Women of child-bearing age should take<br />

folate supplements to help decrease the incidence of<br />

neural tube defects.<br />

An excess of pyridoxine can cause neuropathy.<br />

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)<br />

Case 6<br />

A 10-month-old boy is brought to the emergency department<br />

by his 14-year-old mother for irritability. According<br />

Pediatrics in Review Vol.27 No.2 February 2006 53

nutrition<br />

vitamins<br />

to his mother, the child was fine until 48 hours ago, when he<br />

was fussier than usual and wanted to be left alone. He has<br />

had no fever, runny nose, vomiting, or diarrhea. He has<br />

been taking his milk as usual, although his intake has<br />

decreased in the past 48 hours. He has been fed evaporated<br />

milk since birth because the family had no money for formula.<br />

He has not yet started on solids. On physical examination,<br />

the child is very irritable, lies with his hips and knees<br />

flexed, and cries when moved. He has a few petechiae on his<br />

body but no other findings. Suspecting abuse, the physician<br />

orders a skeletal survey that shows pencil-thin cortex and a<br />

ground glass appearance of the bones. Additional testing<br />

confirms the diagnosis.<br />

Vitamin Function<br />

This potent reducing agent is abundantly present in<br />

citrus fruits, spinach, cauliflower, liver, kidney, and the<br />

adrenal cortex. It helps form the ground substance<br />

among cells of the capillary walls, collagen, and osteoid<br />

tissue; is involved in cellular oxidation (reduction reactions);<br />

and is required for the normal growth and maturation<br />

of cells. Scurvy occurs in infants whose mothers<br />

have a diet deficient in vitamin C and in infants fed<br />

unsupplemented evaporated milk. Deficiency also occurs<br />

when there is fever, diarrhea, and protein depletion.<br />

Irritability, generalized tenderness causing pseudoparalysis,<br />

frog position of the legs, peripheral edema, swelling<br />

of gums, scorbutic beads in the ribs, and petechial hemorrhages<br />

can be seen. Radiographic changes consist of a<br />

ground glass appearance of the bones, pencil-thin cortex,<br />

a zone of calcified cartilage at the metaphysis (white line<br />

of Fraenkel), and a zone of rarefaction proximal to this<br />

line. A vitamin C level of zero in the buffy layer indicates<br />

latent scurvy.<br />

Treatment and Prevention<br />

Ascorbic acid (100 to 200 mg/d) promotes quick healing.<br />

The child in Case 6 was diagnosed with scurvy, and<br />

treatment was initiated. It is important to note that the<br />

irritability seen in affected infants often can mimic abuse<br />

or sepsis, but the history of being fed evaporated milk<br />

only for this child should raise suspicion for the diagnosis<br />

of scurvy.<br />

Effect of Excess<br />

Excess vitamin C can predispose to oxaluria.<br />

Suggested Reading<br />

Barness LA, Curran JS. Vitamin deficiencies and excesses. In:<br />

Behrman RE, Kliegman R, Jenson HB, eds. Nelson Textbook of<br />

Pediatrics. Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders Co; 1996:172–184<br />

Gartner LM, Greer FR. Prevention of rickets and vitamin D deficiency:<br />

new guidelines for vitamin D intake. Pediatrics. 2003;<br />

111:908–910<br />

Kumar D, Greer FR. Vitamin K status of premature infants: implications<br />

for current recommendations. Pediatrics. 2001;108:<br />

1117–1122<br />

Weinstein M, Babyn P, Zlotkin S. An orange a day keeps the doctor<br />

away: scurvy in the year 2000. Pediatrics. 2001;108:E55. Available<br />

at: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/<br />

full/108/3/e55<br />

PIR Quiz<br />

Quiz also available online at www.pedsinreview.org.<br />

1. Vitamin A deficiency is characterized by:<br />

A. Excessive tearing.<br />

B. Loss of vibration sense.<br />

C. Nyctalopia.<br />

D. Severe headaches.<br />

E. Spontaneous hemorrhage.<br />

2. Vitamin D-resistant rickets (familial hypophosphatemia) is differentiated from vitamin D-deficient rickets by:<br />

A. Bowing of legs.<br />

B. Elevation of serum alkaline phosphatase concentrations.<br />

C. Low phosphate concentration.<br />

D. Normal serum parathyroid hormone concentration.<br />

E. Sparing of males.<br />

54 Pediatrics in Review Vol.27 No.2 February 2006

nutrition<br />

vitamins<br />

3. Of the following, the most specific risk factor for vitamin D-deficient rickets is:<br />

A. Birth in April.<br />

B. Excessive sun exposure.<br />

C. Formula feeding.<br />

D. Light-colored skin.<br />

E. Very low birthweight.<br />

4. Vitamin E deficiency is characterized by:<br />

A. Cheilosis.<br />

B. Growth failure.<br />

C. Muscle weakness.<br />

D. Spontaneous hemorrhage.<br />

E. Tetany.<br />

5. A common finding in both vitamin B 12 deficiency and vitamin K deficiency is:<br />

A. Anemia.<br />

B. Ataxia.<br />

C. Glossitis.<br />

D. Growth failure.<br />

E. Hemorrhage.<br />

Clarifications<br />

In the October 2005 issue, an error appears on page 378 in Table 2 of the article on Rapid Diagnostic<br />

Tests for Infectious Diseases Suitable for Office Use. Under Mechanism, the first item should be:<br />

Detects group A streptococcal antigen (rather than staphylococcal antigen).<br />

In Case 1 Presentation of the Index of Suspicion in October 2005, the hemoglobin value on page<br />

371, line 28 should be 10.6 g/dL rather than 1.06 g/dL.<br />

According to the 2003 Red Book, several changes are required in the In Brief on Antiviral Therapy for<br />

Influenza Infections that appeared in the November 2005 issue. In the first paragraph, annual<br />

administration of influenza vaccine is recommended “for all children 6 to 24 months of age” rather than<br />

“for all children younger than 2 years of age.” In the second paragraph, the statement about the dosage<br />

of rimantadine, “Children 10 years of age or older may take 100 mg BID” should be expanded to<br />

“Children 10 years or older weighing at least 40 kg may take 100 mg BID.”<br />

Pediatrics in Review Vol.27 No.2 February 2006 55

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