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358 Nader: Adrenarche And Polycystic Ovary Syndrome<br />

animals, conception is timed to ensure that birth takes<br />

place in a season when food and climatic conditions<br />

are appropriate. 79 Women affected by the Dutch famine<br />

of 1944e45 at ages 3e13 years had a 1.9-fold<br />

higher risk of having fewer than the desired number<br />

of children in their lifetime. 80<br />

Unfortunately, in the western hemisphere, where<br />

the food supply is plentiful, there is maladaptation.<br />

This may be exacerbated by an adverse intrauterine<br />

environment followed by excess catch-up growth, by<br />

genetic insulin resistance, often compounded by obesity<br />

or by a thrifty genotype. 78 Under such circumstances,<br />

early and excessive production of androgens<br />

from the adrenals promotes growth, development,<br />

and bone maturation, and leads to excessive LHinduced<br />

ovarian androgen production. These events<br />

hasten gonadarche but hinder full gonadal maturation<br />

and the establishment of ovulatory cycles. This state<br />

of hyperandrogenism, anovulation, and cystic ovarian<br />

morphology is what we call PCOS.<br />

Challenges and Future Directions<br />

We need to move away from the concept of a single<br />

path to PCOS toward a broader view of its pathogenesis,<br />

encompassing multiple derangements. What we<br />

call PCOS is likely to be a diverse group of disorders<br />

with similar clinical manifestations and shared biochemical<br />

features. There will be commonalities and<br />

differences in these different entities. Should they<br />

all be called PCOS? For example, non-classic or<br />

late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia is really<br />

a form of PCOS, with clinical manifestations that are<br />

virtually identical. The partial deficiency of the 21-<br />

hydroxylase enzyme responsible for the commonest<br />

form of this disorder does not manifest itself clinically<br />

during early childhood. As the zona reticularis develops<br />

and is stimulated, excessive amounts of adrenal<br />

androgens are produced. 81 This androgen excess<br />

not only leads to hirsutism, but hinders the establishment<br />

of normal ovulatory cycles. We do not call it<br />

PCOS because we understand its pathophysiology<br />

and genetics and categorize it as a separate entity.<br />

Thus it would seem that our task should begin by<br />

cataloging androgen excess disorders, determining<br />

their associations, biochemical pathways, and genetics.<br />

Only by doing so can we rationally approach prevention<br />

and treatment of this common reproductive<br />

problem and its many consequences.<br />

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