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Approved electronically, January 21, 2010<br />

BOARD <strong>OF</strong> GOVERNORS<br />

Academic Planning Committee<br />



Newnham Campus January 14, 2009<br />

Meeting Room D2012<br />

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm<br />

Present:<br />

Regrets:<br />

Recorder:<br />

Staff:<br />

Trish Barbato, Chair<br />

Tim Abbott, Committee Member<br />

Richard Goyder, Committee Member<br />

Ruby Wong, Committee Member<br />

Tina Tehranchian, Committee<br />

Zulfiqar Gilani, Committee Member<br />

Joanna Crabtree, Program Planning and Policy Analyst<br />

LauraJo Gunter, Dean, Faculty of Information Arts and Technology<br />

Henry Decock, Associate Vice President Academic<br />

Daniel Atlin, Vice President, Strategy and Corporate Affairs<br />

Susan Savoie, Dean, Faculty of Continuing Education and Training<br />

Tina DiSimone, Dean, Faculty of Applied Arts and Health Sciences<br />

Anna Di Rezze, Registrar<br />

Stan Talesnick, Dean, Faculty of Workforce Skills Development<br />

Laurel Schollen, Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology<br />

Susan Zimmerman, Dean, Faculty of Business, Management and Admin. Studies<br />

Jennifer Singh, Dean, Faculty of Business, Arts and Commerce<br />

Monisa Cheung, Manager, Registration and Records, Markham Campus<br />

Mohammed Khan, Vice President, International and Business Development<br />

Marianne Marando, Chair, School of International Business and Centre for Human<br />

Resources<br />

Carol Fearon, Coordinator and Professor, School of International Business<br />

Andres Diaz, Professor, School of International Business<br />

Byron Tobar, Professor, School of International Business<br />

Cindy Hazell, Senior Vice President<br />

The Chair called the meeting to order. Members, College staff and guests introduced themselves.<br />

1. Confirmation of the Agenda – January 14, 2010<br />

Labour Update and Implications was added to the agenda under Other Business.<br />

T. Abbott moved, seconded by R. Wong, “THAT the agenda be approved as amended.”<br />


2. Announcements<br />

a. C. Hazell provided the following update on Seneca’s new program proposals:<br />

i. Accounting Techniques Ontario College Certificate has received validation from<br />

the CVS and funding approval from MTCU.<br />

ii. Financial Services Agent Ontario College Diploma has been validated by the<br />

CVS under the title, Financial Services – Client Services. The revised title<br />

reflects a field of study as opposed to a specific job. The proposal is currently<br />

being considered by MTCU for funding approval.<br />

iii. Aviation Operations Ontario College Diploma has been validated by the CVS<br />

and is currently with MTCU for funding approval.<br />

iv. Aviation Safety Ontario College Advanced Diploma has been validated by the<br />

CVS and is currently with MTCU for funding approval.<br />

b. C. Hazell introduced and welcomed Anna Di Rezze in her new role as College<br />

Registrar.<br />

c. C. Hazell announced that the Principal of Markham Campus has been added to Dean S.<br />

Talesnick’s portfolio.<br />

d. S. Talesnick announced two new project approvals. The Ontario Ministry of<br />

Citizenship and Immigration has approved a $700,000 proposal to bridge<br />

Internationally Trained Engineers into the Green Economy. MTCU has approved a<br />

$500,000 proposal on workplace literacy.<br />

e. T. DiSimone announced that the National Association of Canadian Optician Regulators<br />

has granted full accreditation for a period of six years to Seneca’s full and part-time<br />

opticianry programs.<br />

f. C. Hazell announced that the Collaborative BScN program (Seneca, Georgian and<br />

York) underwent a formal program accreditation by CASN (Canadian Association of<br />

Schools of Nursing) in November 2009. The partners have received a preliminary<br />

report outlining program strengths (i.e. faculty and program leadership) and<br />

opportunities for improvement (space and infrastructure constraints) to which the group<br />

is expected to respond before formal accreditation can be granted.<br />

g. L. Schollen announced that the annual co-op awards event will be held on Thursday,<br />

March 25 th from 4:30 to 6:30 pm in the Markham Campus cafeteria and extended an<br />

invitation to all Board members to attend. The event honours a Co-op Student of the<br />

Year and a Co-op Mentor of the year. There are usually between 60 to 80 attendees<br />

including student and company nominees. D. Atlin agreed to communicate the<br />

invitation to the full Board of Governors.<br />

3. Public Session Minutes - November 5, 2009<br />

T. Barbato confirmed that the Public Session APC minutes of November 5, 2009 were<br />

approved by email on November 20, 2009.<br />


a. Business Arising<br />

i. Travel and Tourism Program Modification<br />

Further to the minutes of November 5, 2009, S. Savoie confirmed that the Travel<br />

and Tourism program modification was approved by the Tourism Program<br />

Advisory Committee by email between October 22 nd and 27 th . The committee<br />

met in person on November 12, 2009.<br />

4. Degree Program Proposal – Bachelor of Business – International Business Management<br />

(IBM) – S. Zimmerman<br />

C. Hazell provided context on the provincial approval process for degrees. She indicated that<br />

degrees are presented in summary format to the Board for approval prior to full proposal<br />

development and submission to PEQAB, the advisory agency that makes recommendations to<br />

the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities of Ontario on applications for ministerial<br />

consent.<br />

S. Zimmerman introduced the program development team: Program Coordinator and Professor<br />

Carol Fearon, Professor Andres Diaz, Professor Byron Tobar, and Academic Chair Marianne<br />

Marando; and provided strategic context for the International Business Management degree.<br />

She indicated that a large percentage of Seneca business students and high school applicants<br />

express interest in completing a degree, and that IBM fits with the current degree programs in<br />

the Faculty of Business. The proposed program is built on a two-year business degree<br />

foundation shared with other Seneca business degrees. The final two-years provide<br />

specialization in International Business.<br />

M. Marando confirmed that the three industry certifications for which graduates will be eligible<br />

on completion of the program are unique to IBM degree. Members discussed PEQAB<br />

requirements for faculty credentials, the College’s support for faculty development and<br />

Seneca’s hiring policy.<br />

T. Barbato indicated that the Committee would review the degree financials and vote on the<br />

proposed motion as part of the in camera agenda. T. Barbato thanked the development team for<br />

attending the meeting and for their work on the proposal.<br />

5. Deans’ Overviews – Faculty of Business<br />

a. Management and Administrative Studies – S. Zimmerman<br />

Consistent with the APC Work Plan, S. Zimmerman provided the Committee with an<br />

overview of Management and Administrative Studies in the Faculty of Business. She<br />

indicated that the portfolio is large with approximately 50 programs and that total<br />

enrolment is steady. Members discussed the limitations of the KPI surveys, specifically<br />

Employer Satisfaction where Compustat must receive a graduate’s permission to survey<br />

their employer. Other challenges highlighted include difficulty attracting students to<br />

co-op programs and the Union’s Article 2 grievance regarding the Colleges use of<br />

partial load faculty. Strengths include Seneca’s reputation for diverse and unique<br />

business programs.<br />


. Arts and Commerce – J. Singh<br />

6. Written Reports<br />

J. Singh provided the Committee with an overview of Arts and Commerce in the<br />

Faculty of Business. Using a PowerPoint presentation, she discussed programming,<br />

application and enrolment trends, Faculty and program KPIs, a SWOT analysis and<br />

emerging issues.<br />

J. Singh cited similar challenges to Management and Admin Studies including co-op<br />

programs, budgetary constraints and low graduation rates in some programs.<br />

Members discussed the difference between the course assessment survey and KPI<br />

surveys. The course assessment survey is a Seneca survey (as opposed to a provincial<br />

tool) and pertains to faculty. The results of a course assessment survey go directly to<br />

the faculty member and the Academic Chair for review as one part of the faculty<br />

performance review process. It was noted that the course assessment survey is currently<br />

under review and an online system, with opportunities for course specific questions and<br />

student comments, is being piloted.<br />

a. Program Review<br />

C. Hazell indicated that written reports were submitted by Ronan Wilson, Academic<br />

Planning Analyst and Katharine Janzen, Associate Vice President, Research and<br />

Innovation. H. Decock highlighted new sections on the Program Review Report. There<br />

were no questions on the Research and Innovation Report.<br />

b. Office of Research and Innovation (ORI)<br />

See above.<br />

7. Other Business<br />

a. Labour Update and Implications<br />

Fulltime College faculty across Ontario voted to give their union a strike mandate on<br />

Wednesday, January 13 th . The provincial results were 57% “in favour” and 43% “against”;<br />

Seneca results were 55% “in favour” and 45% “against”. C. Hazell announced that the<br />

College had just received notice from Council that bargaining will resume next Tuesday,<br />

January 19 th and that Mediator Greg Long has been appointed to work with the groups to<br />

reach a negotiated settlement.<br />

In response to members’ questions, C. Hazell indicated that there is no provincial cut off at<br />

which point students will automatically lose their semester. She further indicated that there<br />

has never been a strike long enough that students were at risk of losing their semester. She<br />

reassured members that, should a strike occur, the College will work with faculty to ensure<br />

that semester completion plans are in place after the strike.<br />


The College is engaged in a detailed communications plan to try and ease student anxiety<br />

surrounding a potential strike. A communication will be forth coming indicating it is<br />

“business as usual” pending further negotiations.<br />

In the event of a strike, T. Abbott suggested that March convocation be cancelled and<br />

collapsed into the June convocation ceremonies. C. Hazell indicated that she would pass<br />

this recommendation on for consideration as progress in negotiations becomes clearer.<br />

8. Adjournment<br />

R. Wong moved, seconded by T. Tehranchian, “THAT the public session of the Academic<br />

Planning Committee be adjourned.”<br />


APC Follow-up/Action List – Public Session<br />

Item (Responsibility) Meeting Initiated Meeting for Follow-up<br />

Ongoing review of APC Terms of Reference/<br />

Work Plan (T. Barbato and all Committee<br />

Members).<br />

E. Burns agreed to review current online fee<br />

definitions and expand/clarify where appropriate.<br />

October 8, 2009<br />

October 8, 2009<br />

ongoing<br />

ongoing<br />

Provide the date of the Tourism Program<br />

Advisory Committee meeting where the Travel<br />

and Tourism Seneca College Certificate program<br />

modification was approved (J. Crabtree).<br />

November 5, 2009 January 14, 2010 -<br />

completed<br />

Update the ACP Work Plan as the timing of the<br />

new tuition fee policy becomes known.<br />

November 5, 2009<br />

TBD<br />


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