Tracked Version of Core Strategy, November 2012 - Selby District ...

Tracked Version of Core Strategy, November 2012 - Selby District ... Tracked Version of Core Strategy, November 2012 - Selby District ...


Selby District Submission Draft Core Strategy – May 2011 ___________________________________________________________________ Policy CP6 Rural Housing Exceptions Sites In settlements with less than 3,000 population (PC6.57) In the Designated Service Villages and the Secondary Villages, planning permission will be granted for small scale ‘rural affordable housing’ as an exception to normal planning policy where schemes are restricted to affordable housing only and provided all of the following criteria are met: i) The site is within or adjoining Development Limits in the case of Secondary Villages, and adjoining development limits in the case of Designated Service Villages (PC3.10); ii) iii) A local need has been identified by a local housing needs survey (PC6.58), the nature of which is met by the proposed development; and The development is sympathetic to the form and character and landscape setting of the village and in accordance with normal development management criteria. An appropriate agreement will be secured, at the time of the granting of planning permission to secure the long-term future of the affordable housing in perpetuity. PC7.22 Small numbers of market homes may be allowed on Rural Exception sites at the local authority’s discretion, for example where essential to enable the delivery of affordable units without grant funding in accordance with the NPPF. Future Local Plan documents will consider introducing a detailed policy and / or specific allocations for such sites. - 78 -

Selby District Submission Draft Core Strategy – May 2011 ___________________________________________________________________ The Travelling Community Introduction 5.99 In catering for the needs of all sections of the community, current evidence suggests that there is also a need to make appropriate provision for the travelling community that is made up of Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show-people who live in or travel through Selby District. Context 5.100 The Government 23 advises that Core Strategies should provide criteria for the location of sites as a guide for future Site Allocations DPD, where sufficient sites should be allocated to provide for identified need. 5.101 The evidence base provided by the former RSS was is (PC4.15) a regional study of accommodation needs undertaken in 2006 which indicated a shortfall of 57 pitches in North Yorkshire. The RSS noteds (PC4.16) that the figures were to be superseded by the findings of local Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessments (GTAAs). 5.102 Although the Sustainable Community Strategy 24 does not specifically refer to Gypsies and Travellers, many of the actions relating to improving communication and consultation with the local community, including minority groups, are particularly relevant since there has previously been only limited dialogue with gypsy and traveller groups. Relevant Strategic Objectives 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 17 Local Issues 5.103 Core Strategy Objective 5 recognises the need to provide special needs housing to meet the needs of the District, which includes the travelling community. 5.104 Current authorised provision to accommodate Gypsies and Travellers in the District consists of two Council Owned sites (Common Lane, Burn and Racecourse Lane, Carlton) providing a combined total of 24 pitches, and one private site (Flaxley Road, Selby) which has the potential to provide up to 54 pitches 25 . All of the sites are known to be at capacity, and the Council is investigating the level of demand to be met locally in partnership with the County Council. 23 Circular 01/2006 Planning for Gypsy and Traveller Caravan Sites, ODPM, 2006 24 Selby District Sustainable Community Strategy 2005-2010 reviewed 2008 2010-2015 (PC5.39) 25 See Figure 6 Key Diagram for distribution - 79 -

<strong>Selby</strong> <strong>District</strong> Submission Draft <strong>Core</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong> – May 2011<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

Policy CP6 Rural Housing Exceptions Sites<br />

In settlements with less than 3,000 population (PC6.57) In the<br />

Designated Service Villages and the Secondary Villages,<br />

planning permission will be granted for small scale ‘rural<br />

affordable housing’ as an exception to normal planning policy<br />

where schemes are restricted to affordable housing only and<br />

provided all <strong>of</strong> the following criteria are met:<br />

i) The site is within or adjoining Development Limits in the<br />

case <strong>of</strong> Secondary Villages, and adjoining development<br />

limits in the case <strong>of</strong> Designated Service Villages (PC3.10);<br />

ii)<br />

iii)<br />

A local need has been identified by a local housing needs<br />

survey (PC6.58), the nature <strong>of</strong> which is met by the<br />

proposed development; and<br />

The development is sympathetic to the form and<br />

character and landscape setting <strong>of</strong> the village and in<br />

accordance with normal development management<br />

criteria.<br />

An appropriate agreement will be secured, at the time <strong>of</strong> the<br />

granting <strong>of</strong> planning permission to secure the long-term future<br />

<strong>of</strong> the affordable housing in perpetuity.<br />

PC7.22<br />

Small numbers <strong>of</strong> market homes may be allowed on Rural<br />

Exception sites at the local authority’s discretion, for example<br />

where essential to enable the delivery <strong>of</strong> affordable units<br />

without grant funding in accordance with the NPPF. Future<br />

Local Plan documents will consider introducing a detailed<br />

policy and / or specific allocations for such sites.<br />

- 78 -

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