Tracked Version of Core Strategy, November 2012 - Selby District ...

Tracked Version of Core Strategy, November 2012 - Selby District ... Tracked Version of Core Strategy, November 2012 - Selby District ...


Copies of the accompanying evidence base including the Sustainability Appraisal Report and Background Papers can also be viewed on our website or at Access Selby, contact centres in Sherburn in Elmet and Tadcaster and local libraries in the District. You may get further help from the LDF Team at: Development Policy, Selby District Council, Doncaster Road, Selby YO8 9FT 01757 292034 01757 292090 If you require any further help or advice or if you need this document in a different format, for example large print, audio, Braille or in another language, please contact the LDF Team on (01757) 292034 or email

The Status of RSS and the Implications of the Localism Bill. At the time of ‘Publication’ of the Submission Draft Core Strategy , the Development Plan for Selby District comprises the Regional Spatial Strategy (the Yorkshire and Humber Plan), and ‘Saved’ Local Plan policies, namely Selby District Local Plan, North Yorkshire Minerals Local Plan and North Yorkshire Waste Local Plan. The Core Strategy is the first Development Plan document prepared by the Council as part of its new Local Development Framework. When adopted it will replace a number of the ‘Saved’ Selby District Local Plan policies. On 6 th July 2010 the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government announced the revocation of RSS with immediate effect. As a result of the Secretary of State’s revocation decision the Council reviewed the Core Strategy and the evidence base on which it is founded, and came to the conclusion that while the policies and context provided by RSS were no longer applicable the RSS evidence base remains robust and relevant, particularly since the RSS evidence had been subject to a process of consultation and Examination. The Council has therefore chosen not to review the resultant targets or introduce local variations, and the Core Strategy continues to rely on the RSS evidence, although references to RSS have been removed from the document. Following a successful legal challenge the revocation decision has subsequently been quashed and RSS has been reinstated as part of the Development Plan. The Governments intended abolition of RSS will consequently be delayed until autumn 2011 when the provisions of the Decentralisation and Localism Bill are given statutory effect. As the programme for preparation of the Core Strategy envisages adoption just after enactment of the Bill specific references to RSS have not been reinstated within the Core Strategy as this would quickly date the document. However for the purposes of current legislation, and prescribed Regulations, it should be noted that the Core Strategy is compliant within RSS, and this has been acknowledged by Local Government for Yorkshire and the Humber, through formal response to consultation on the draft Core Strategy In response to concerns about ongoing uncertainty and the need for a period of adjustment before embarking on plan making within the new planning regime, the Government has reiterated its desire for Local Authorities to continue to progress development plans particularly Core Strategies. The Council considers that the Core Strategy is sufficiently well advanced, having completed 3 separate stages of public consultation, to justify completing the formal stages of preparation, and in order to • Provide a policy framework and vision on which to base the preparation of other DPDs and steer investment decisions • Put in place an up to date local strategy to guide development decisions • Provide the platform to secure developer contributions towards infrastructure, • Help stimulate economic recovery and deliver new house-building, and • Provide guidance for local community driven initiatives. As details of the new planning system become clearer the Council will if necessary undertake a partial review of the Core Strategy in order to respond to the new planning context and to ensure consistency with national policy and procedures, either prior to Examination or post adoption, as appropriate.

Copies <strong>of</strong> the accompanying evidence base including the<br />

Sustainability Appraisal Report and Background Papers can<br />

also be viewed on our website or at Access <strong>Selby</strong>, contact<br />

centres in Sherburn in Elmet and Tadcaster and local<br />

libraries in the <strong>District</strong>.<br />

You may get further help from the LDF Team at:<br />

Development Policy, <strong>Selby</strong> <strong>District</strong> Council,<br />

Doncaster Road, <strong>Selby</strong> YO8 9FT<br /><br />

01757 292034<br />

01757 292090<br />

If you require any further help or advice or if you need this<br />

document in a different format, for example large print, audio,<br />

Braille or in another language, please contact the LDF Team<br />

on (01757) 292034 or email

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