Agenda - pdf - Selby District Council

Agenda - pdf - Selby District Council Agenda - pdf - Selby District Council


National Indicator In October the Department for Communities and Local Government announced the abolition of Local Area Agreements and the associated National Indicator Set. The National Indicator Set (NIS) consisted of 199 indicators, which were announced by (DCLG) in October 2007, following the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review. Subsequently Local Authorities and their partners are no longer required to report performance against the indicator set to Central Government. The data is collected through the Active People Survey, the largest ever survey of sport and active recreation to be undertaken in Europe. Sport England have committed to conducting the Active People Survey for the next two years. Due to the strong relationship with NI 8 and the services WLCT manage on behalf of Selby DC, we consider NI 8 a valid indicator to continue reporting as part of the performance framework. • National Indicator 8 – The percentage of the adult population in a local area who participated in sport and active recreation, at moderate intensity, for at least 30 minutes on at least 12 days in the last 4 weeks (equivalent to 30 minutes on 3 or more days a week). The table below shows Selby’s performance in relation to NI 8 with a summary of comparative performance information. Comparative data has been drawn from Sport England data. 2006/07 2008 2009 2010 NI 8 – Adult Selby Actual 20.0 25.6 25.7 23.5 Participation Yorkshire 20.20 20.80 21.30 22.8 in Sport All England 21.10 21.33 21.50 21.8 The indicator was collected for the first time in 2007. This established a baseline in Selby of 20.0%. The latest data for NI 8 represents progress with the data collection between October 2009 and October 2010. It shows current participation in sport and recreation is at 23.5% a small decrease from the data captured in 2009 (2.2%) but still maintaining an increase from the baseline year and significantly higher than the regional and national averages. 162

3.2 Customer Satisfaction and Complaints Satisfaction Performance Indicator 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Freq. Actual Actual Target Status Comments Target PI Name Perf. % customers fairly or very Annual N/A 69.7% - During the third quarter the service 72% satisfied with the service implemented the Association of (LE_NEW010) Public Service Excellence (APSE) customer survey at both Leisure Centres. The results of the survey provide a customer satisfaction performance indicator based on users experience of staff, information, facilities and value for money. Results for each facility are detailed below: Abbey Leisure Centre – 69% Tadcaster Leisure Centre – 71% % Resident Satisfaction with Sport APSE compare results with similar facilities to provide relevant benchmarks. Both sites scored above their relevant ‘family group’ average score. (See table below) Annual 66.7% 63.4% 67.0% Data for this measure is collected through the Active People Survey (Sport England). It is designed to provide a District wide (user and non user) satisfaction level of the provision of local leisure facilities but is not limited to facilities provided by WLCT. Whilst the satisfaction level has fallen 67% 163

3.2 Customer Satisfaction and Complaints<br />

Satisfaction<br />

Performance Indicator 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12<br />

Freq. Actual Actual Target Status Comments Target<br />

PI Name<br />

Perf.<br />

% customers fairly or very Annual N/A 69.7% - During the third quarter the service 72%<br />

satisfied with the service<br />

implemented the Association of<br />

(LE_NEW010)<br />

Public Service Excellence (APSE)<br />

customer survey at both Leisure<br />

Centres.<br />

The results of the survey provide a<br />

customer satisfaction performance<br />

indicator based on users experience<br />

of staff, information, facilities and<br />

value for money. Results for each<br />

facility are detailed below:<br />

Abbey Leisure Centre – 69%<br />

Tadcaster Leisure Centre – 71%<br />

% Resident Satisfaction with<br />

Sport<br />

APSE compare results with similar<br />

facilities to provide relevant<br />

benchmarks. Both sites scored<br />

above their relevant ‘family group’<br />

average score. (See table below)<br />

Annual 66.7% 63.4% 67.0% Data for this measure is collected<br />

through the Active People Survey<br />

(Sport England). It is designed to<br />

provide a <strong>District</strong> wide (user and non<br />

user) satisfaction level of the<br />

provision of local leisure facilities but<br />

is not limited to facilities provided by<br />

WLCT.<br />

Whilst the satisfaction level has fallen<br />

67%<br />


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