Agenda - pdf - Selby District Council

Agenda - pdf - Selby District Council

Agenda - pdf - Selby District Council


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National Indicator<br />

In October the Department for Communities and Local Government announced the abolition of Local Area Agreements<br />

and the associated National Indicator Set. The National Indicator Set (NIS) consisted of 199 indicators, which were<br />

announced by (DCLG) in October 2007, following the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review. Subsequently<br />

Local Authorities and their partners are no longer required to report performance against the indicator set to Central<br />

Government.<br />

The data is collected through the Active People Survey, the largest ever survey of sport and active recreation to be<br />

undertaken in Europe. Sport England have committed to conducting the Active People Survey for the next two years. Due<br />

to the strong relationship with NI 8 and the services WLCT manage on behalf of <strong>Selby</strong> DC, we consider NI 8 a valid<br />

indicator to continue reporting as part of the performance framework.<br />

• National Indicator 8 – The percentage of the adult population in a local area who participated in sport and<br />

active recreation, at moderate intensity, for at least 30 minutes on at least 12 days in the last 4 weeks<br />

(equivalent to 30 minutes on 3 or more days a week).<br />

The table below shows <strong>Selby</strong>’s performance in relation to NI 8 with a summary of comparative performance information.<br />

Comparative data has been drawn from Sport England data.<br />

2006/07 2008 2009 2010<br />

NI 8 – Adult <strong>Selby</strong> Actual 20.0 25.6 25.7 23.5<br />

Participation Yorkshire 20.20 20.80 21.30 22.8<br />

in Sport All England 21.10 21.33 21.50 21.8<br />

The indicator was collected for the first time in 2007. This established a baseline in <strong>Selby</strong> of 20.0%. The latest data for NI<br />

8 represents progress with the data collection between October 2009 and October 2010. It shows current participation in<br />

sport and recreation is at 23.5% a small decrease from the data captured in 2009 (2.2%) but still maintaining an increase<br />

from the baseline year and significantly higher than the regional and national averages.<br />


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