Agenda - pdf - Selby District Council

Agenda - pdf - Selby District Council Agenda - pdf - Selby District Council


With the introduction of TLMS (The Leisure Management Software) system, we introduced the Lifestyle Card within Selby Leisure Services. There are currently 6,500 Lifestyle Card holders across the service at Abbey Leisure Centre and Tadcaster Leisure Centre. The Lifestyle Card offers customers significant discounts and advantages when participating in leisure activities across Selby Leisure Services. The card provides both us and Selby District Council with comprehensive usage information and intelligence through the Customer Relationship Computer system. This data can be utilised to shape future strategy and service provision in partnership with Selby District Council. In 2010/11 gym memberships have grown significantly to over 2700 active members at Abbey Leisure Centre (from 751) and over 350 at Tadcaster Leisure Centre (from 280). Fitness Industry guidelines would suggest that attrition (loss of members) should be 5% or less, so a key focus will be to reduce attrition levels and drive up retention. The figures reported back during 2010/11 showed 99% active membership across the 6,500 Lifestyle Card holders, which shows excellent uptake of the card, but also shows that a very high percentage of the 6,500 holders are using the services as ‘active members’. The implementation of Technogym’s (The fitness equipment provider) Wellness system will ensure that an effective retention strategy can be maintained amongst fitness suite users. The Wellness system allows instructors to monitor usage patterns and make more regular contact with members, which has been proved to aid retention Percentage of members participating 3 times per week In 2010/11 there were 2,031 Lifestyle Members participating a minimum of once per week, 279 participating twice per week and 79 card holders participations in sport and physical activity three times per week. However, there were 4,288 who participated across the service, but not with enough frequency to constitute a regular pattern of one visit per week (i.e. they may visit throughout the year on a regular basis but not with a single visit each week for the 52 weeks). We will aim to drive up the 2/3 day visits and reduce the number of participants who do not participate frequently enough to constitute one visit per week. Number of visits to sports centres by persons under 17 years In 2010/11 it was important to establish some baseline data in this area. The target was to achieve 24% usage from young people aged under 17. Up to Q4, the total usage figures for U17’s equated to 21.4%. Number of visits to sports centres by people over the age of 60 In this area, it was important once again to establish some baseline data. In 2010/11, 7% of all Lifestyle Card visits were by participants over the age of 60. The target for 2011/12 will be to achieve a 1% growth to 8%. Gender Ratio – Male/Female 7 136

In 2010 the target was to achieve a 52.2 female attendee ratio against a 47.8 male attendee ratio. The actual figures for 2010/11 were: Female – 50.3 Male – 49.7 Disability Usage It is our intention to report the level of participation from users who consider themselves to have a disability. We are currently unable to report on this due to a technical issue with the Customer Relationship computer system. We have commissioned bespoke development work with XN Leisure (who manage the system). Reporting will follow in 2011. Accident Ratio/RIDDOR reported incidents and lost days through accident During 2010/11 the Centres had two RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous occurrences) incidents, which were both related to members of the public at Abbey Leisure Centre. There was a single employee accident resulting in two days lost service and 120 public accidents (Abbey Leisure Centre 107 and Tadcaster Leisure Centre 13). The main cause of the accidents was slips/falls around the poolside at Abbey Leisure Centre. We have consequently treated the poolside with a non slip coating and are seeking further advice to reduce the chance of future incidents. 3.4 Consultation In 2010, we undertook the first APSE (Association of Public Service Excellence) customer survey at Abbey Leisure Centre and Tadcaster Leisure Centre. The results were promising, placing both Centres within the top quartile in their respective family groups (in other similarly sized authorities). The results are detailed in the table below: Leisure Centre Performance Score Average Score Lowest Score Highest Score Abbey Leisure Centre Tadcaster Leisure Centre 68.5 67.8 54.0 80.2 71.0 69.3 57.4 77.4 8 137

In 2010 the target was to achieve a 52.2 female attendee ratio against a 47.8 male<br />

attendee ratio. The actual figures for 2010/11 were:<br />

Female – 50.3<br />

Male – 49.7<br />

Disability Usage<br />

It is our intention to report the level of participation from users who consider<br />

themselves to have a disability. We are currently unable to report on this due to a<br />

technical issue with the Customer Relationship computer system. We have<br />

commissioned bespoke development work with XN Leisure (who manage the system).<br />

Reporting will follow in 2011.<br />

Accident Ratio/RIDDOR reported incidents and lost days through accident<br />

During 2010/11 the Centres had two RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and<br />

Dangerous occurrences) incidents, which were both related to members of the public at<br />

Abbey Leisure Centre.<br />

There was a single employee accident resulting in two days lost service and 120 public<br />

accidents (Abbey Leisure Centre 107 and Tadcaster Leisure Centre 13).<br />

The main cause of the accidents was slips/falls around the poolside at Abbey Leisure<br />

Centre. We have consequently treated the poolside with a non slip coating and are<br />

seeking further advice to reduce the chance of future incidents.<br />

3.4 Consultation<br />

In 2010, we undertook the first APSE (Association of Public Service Excellence) customer<br />

survey at Abbey Leisure Centre and Tadcaster Leisure Centre. The results were<br />

promising, placing both Centres within the top quartile in their respective family groups (in<br />

other similarly sized authorities). The results are detailed in the table below:<br />

Leisure<br />

Centre<br />

Performance<br />

Score<br />

Average<br />

Score<br />

Lowest<br />

Score<br />

Highest<br />

Score<br />

Abbey<br />

Leisure<br />

Centre<br />

Tadcaster<br />

Leisure<br />

Centre<br />

68.5 67.8 54.0 80.2<br />

71.0 69.3 57.4 77.4<br />

8<br />


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