Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...

Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ... Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...


issues into account refusal on prematurity grounds cannot, therefore, be justified and does not outweigh the need for this development now. 2.25.8 House Prices Objectors have raised concerns in terms of the application on the resultant impact on the value of their properties. This is not a material planning consideration and is not relevant to the determination of this application. All other matters raised within the objection letters are considered to have been adequately addressed within the main body of the report. 2.26 Conclusion 2.26.1 This planning application is for part of the Phase 2 SHB/1B allocation as defined in the Selby District Local Plan (2005) and lies between Moor Lane and Low Street to the south of the village centre and to the east of Low Street and is an outline application for the erection of 100 dwellings with access from Low Street, Sherburn in Elmet. 2.26.2 The key issues in the determination of this application are the principle of development, in particular in terms of housing numbers having had regard to the context of the release of the Phase 2 sites within the Local Plan. Having had regard to this matter, the proposals are considered acceptable and accord with policy. In addition in terms of the proposed access to the site, implications of the development on the wider highways network, the environmental impacts of the scheme in terms of flood risk, drainage, ecology / biodiversity, land contamination, energy efficiency and cumulative impact the proposals are considered acceptable in accordance with policy. 2.26.3 The proposals would also contribute to the general housing provision within the District including the provision for affordable housing and would provide financial contributions towards the provision of recreational open space, education, waste and recycling facilities and would secure a travel plan. 2.26.4 As such, having had regard to the development plan, all other relevant local and national planning policies, consultation responses received to date and all other material planning considerations, it is considered that the proposed development is acceptable in principle and accords with policy. 2.27 Recommendation 2.27.1 It is therefore recommended that, this application is Approved subject to: i) Delegation being given to officers to complete the Section 106 Agreement to secure contributions for highways, 84

ii) affordable housing provision, recreational open space, education and waste and recycling facilities and to secure a travel plan, ensure deliverability of the school land and to restrict parts of the site to two storey; and the conditions detailed below: 1. Applications for the approval of the reserved matters referred to in No.2 herein shall be made within a period of three years from the grant of this outline permission and the development to which this permission relates shall be begun not later than the expiration of two years from the final approval of the reserved matters or, in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last such matter to be approved. Reason: In order to comply with the provisions of Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2. Approval of the details of the (a) appearance, (b) landscaping, (c) layout and (d) scale (hereinafter called 'the reserved matters') shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority in writing before any development is commenced. Reason: This is an outline permission and these matters have been reserved for the subsequent approval of the Local Planning Authority, and as required by Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 3. No development shall commence until details of the materials to be used in the construction of the exterior walls and roof(s) of the development hereby approved; have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and only the approved materials shall be utilised. Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and in order to comply with Policies ENV1 of the Selby District Local Plan. 4. Prior to the demolition, site preparation and construction work commencing, a scheme to minimise the impact of noise, vibration, dust and dirt on residential properties within close proximity to the site, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The agreed scheme shall be employed during the demolition, site preparation and construction phases of the development. Reason: To protect the amenity of the area, the environment and local residents from noise pollution in accordance with Policies ENV1 and ENV2 of the Selby District Local Plan and the NPPF. 85

ii)<br />

affordable housing provision, recreational open space,<br />

education <strong>and</strong> waste <strong>and</strong> recycling facilities <strong>and</strong> to secure a<br />

travel plan, ensure deliverability of the school l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> to<br />

restrict parts of the site to two storey; <strong>and</strong><br />

the conditions detailed below:<br />

1. <strong>Applications</strong> for the approval of the reserved matters referred to in<br />

No.2 herein shall be made <strong>with</strong>in a period of three years from the<br />

grant of this outline permission <strong>and</strong> the development to which this<br />

permission relates shall be begun not later than the expiration of<br />

two years from the final approval of the reserved matters or, in the<br />

case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last<br />

such matter to be approved.<br />

Reason: In order to comply <strong>with</strong> the provisions of Section 51 of the<br />

Planning <strong>and</strong> Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.<br />

2. Approval of the details of the (a) appearance, (b) l<strong>and</strong>scaping, (c)<br />

layout <strong>and</strong> (d) scale (hereinafter called 'the reserved matters') shall<br />

be obtained from the Local Planning Authority in writing before any<br />

development is commenced.<br />

Reason: This is an outline permission <strong>and</strong> these matters have been<br />

reserved for the subsequent approval of the Local Planning<br />

Authority, <strong>and</strong> as required by Section 92 of the Town <strong>and</strong> Country<br />

Planning Act 1990.<br />

3. No development shall commence until details of the materials to be<br />

used in the construction of the exterior walls <strong>and</strong> roof(s) of the<br />

development hereby approved; have been submitted to <strong>and</strong><br />

approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, <strong>and</strong> only the<br />

approved materials shall be utilised.<br />

Reason: In the interests of visual amenity <strong>and</strong> in order to comply<br />

<strong>with</strong> Policies ENV1 of the <strong>Selby</strong> <strong>District</strong> Local Plan.<br />

4. Prior to the demolition, site preparation <strong>and</strong> construction work<br />

commencing, a scheme to minimise the impact of noise, vibration,<br />

dust <strong>and</strong> dirt on residential properties <strong>with</strong>in close proximity to the<br />

site, shall be submitted to <strong>and</strong> approved in writing by the Local<br />

Planning Authority. The agreed scheme shall be employed during<br />

the demolition, site preparation <strong>and</strong> construction phases of the<br />

development.<br />

Reason: To protect the amenity of the area, the environment <strong>and</strong><br />

local residents from noise pollution in accordance <strong>with</strong> Policies<br />

ENV1 <strong>and</strong> ENV2 of the <strong>Selby</strong> <strong>District</strong> Local Plan <strong>and</strong> the NPPF.<br />


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