Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...

Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ... Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...


2.18.6 The Design and Access Statement also sets out the indicative layout, landscaping, vehicle routes, open spaces, densities, phasing, densities, sections and scales to assist in demonstrating how the site could accommodate the number of units proposed. 2.18.7 In terms of designing out crime the applicants have confirmed the general approaches relating to areas of open space, footpath links, parking provision, boundary treatments, locating of rear gardens, use of defensive planting and fenestration design in terms of the building layouts, internal spaces and use of dual aspects buildings. 2.18.8 In commenting on these general principles North Yorkshire Police have noted “the developer has now provided details of how crime prevention is being considered in respect of the design and layout of the proposal in order to comply with Planning Policy Statement 1. The Police Architectural Liaison Officer goes on to state that he welcomes the positive comments made by the developer in respect of ‘designing out crime’. 2.18.9 As such the approaches outlined in the D&A are considered appropriate to the site’s location and it is considered that appropriate account and reference has been made in defining the design approach for the site to the existing settlement and surrounding development including the Redrow and Persimmon Phase 1 schemes. In terms of materials then the D&A includes an assessment of surrounding development and materials for the units and that these can be agreed via condition as part of the later reserved matters conditions. 2.18.10 On this basis it is considered that the scheme is acceptable and in accordance with Policy ENV1 of the Local Plan and reflective of the overall design principles in the Development Brief. 2.19 Amenity of the occupiers of Adjoining Properties 2.19.1 As the application is in outline form then the impact on the occupiers of the existing adjoining properties has to be considered in the context of the matters to be determined and informed by the approaches outlined in the D&A and shown on the Indicative Master Plan. 2.19.2 Policy ENV1 (1) of the Local Plan states that in considering proposals the District Council will take account of “the effect upon the character of the area or the amenity of adjoining occupiers” 2.19.3 Objectors have raised concerns in terms of the impact on existing residents as a result of overlooking, loss of privacy and disturbance arising during the construction of the site. Overlooking and loss of Privacy 74

The indicative plans submitted demonstrate that the site could be developed to achieve satisfactory separation distances from existing properties so as to ensure that there would not be a significant impact in terms of overlooking or loss of privacy. Disturbance arising during construction 2.19.4 In commenting on the application objectors have raised concerns in terms of the impact arising from the development as it is constructed. 2.19.5 The ES confirms that the applicants will collate a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) in order to maximise recycling on site. In terms of the operation of the site then the ES makes no commitment to site operation practices, the control of noise, hours of operation or dust mitigation. 2.19.6 However, the Council’s LO-EH has in terms of noise, vibration, dust and dirt, noted that should planning permission be granted they would recommend a condition be added to require a scheme to minimise the impact of noise, vibration, dust and dirt on residential properties in close proximity to the site. 2.19.7 As such, it is considered that a scheme can be drawn up via condition to ensure that the amenity of the existing residents is appropriately protected during the construction stage in line with Policy ENV1 (1) of the Local Plan. 2.20 Noise within Proposed Dwellings 2.20.1 Policy ENV1 of the Local Plan and Policy SHB1/1B of the Local Plan states that proposals for the site should incorporate “appropriate noise amelioration measures, if necessary, to meet the requirements of an approved noise assessment undertaken at the developers expense.” 2.20.2 In addition the NPPF requires consideration of the impact of noise sources on new development which includes the impact arising from roads. 2.20.3 The Council’s LO-EH has noted that there is a possible impact on the new dwellings as a result of the location of development in relation to Low Street to the west and the A162, with confirmation being received from LO-EH that a noise assessment should be undertaken as part of the reserved matters stages to ensure that any required mitigation in terms of the new units is defined and as such this should be conditioned accordingly. 2.20.4 Given the above the scheme is considered to be acceptable in terms of the consideration of noise and the tests in Policy ENV1 and SHB/1B (7) of the Local Plan and the requirements of the NPPF subject to a condition requiring a noise report at reserved matters stage. 75

The indicative plans submitted demonstrate that the site could be<br />

developed to achieve satisfactory separation distances from existing<br />

properties so as to ensure that there would not be a significant impact<br />

in terms of overlooking or loss of privacy.<br />

Disturbance arising during construction<br />

2.19.4 In commenting on the application objectors have raised concerns in<br />

terms of the impact arising from the development as it is constructed.<br />

2.19.5 The ES confirms that the applicants will collate a Site Waste<br />

Management Plan (SWMP) in order to maximise recycling on site. In<br />

terms of the operation of the site then the ES makes no commitment to<br />

site operation practices, the control of noise, hours of operation or dust<br />

mitigation.<br />

2.19.6 However, the Council’s LO-EH has in terms of noise, vibration, dust<br />

<strong>and</strong> dirt, noted that should planning permission be granted they would<br />

recommend a condition be added to require a scheme to minimise the<br />

impact of noise, vibration, dust <strong>and</strong> dirt on residential properties in<br />

close proximity to the site.<br />

2.19.7 As such, it is considered that a scheme can be drawn up via condition<br />

to ensure that the amenity of the existing residents is appropriately<br />

protected during the construction stage in line <strong>with</strong> Policy ENV1 (1) of<br />

the Local Plan.<br />

2.20 Noise <strong>with</strong>in Proposed Dwellings<br />

2.20.1 Policy ENV1 of the Local Plan <strong>and</strong> Policy SHB1/1B of the Local Plan<br />

states that proposals for the site should incorporate “appropriate noise<br />

amelioration measures, if necessary, to meet the requirements of an<br />

approved noise assessment undertaken at the developers expense.”<br />

2.20.2 In addition the NPPF requires consideration of the impact of noise<br />

sources on new development which includes the impact arising from<br />

roads.<br />

2.20.3 The Council’s LO-EH has noted that there is a possible impact on the<br />

new dwellings as a result of the location of development in relation to<br />

Low Street to the west <strong>and</strong> the A162, <strong>with</strong> confirmation being received<br />

from LO-EH that a noise assessment should be undertaken as part of<br />

the reserved matters stages to ensure that any required mitigation in<br />

terms of the new units is defined <strong>and</strong> as such this should be<br />

conditioned accordingly.<br />

2.20.4 Given the above the scheme is considered to be acceptable in terms of<br />

the consideration of noise <strong>and</strong> the tests in Policy ENV1 <strong>and</strong> SHB/1B (7)<br />

of the Local Plan <strong>and</strong> the requirements of the NPPF subject to a<br />

condition requiring a noise report at reserved matters stage.<br />


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