Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...

Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ... Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...


2.9.41 On this basis it is considered that the scheme is acceptable and no contribution or requirement for improvements to be made to the town centre car parking can or should be required from the development as any such requirements would be contrary to Circular Guidance in 11/95. Conclusion on Highways, Access and Transportation 2.9.42 In conclusion in terms of highways, access and transportation then the scheme is considered to be acceptable and through the use of both Conditions and S106 mechanisms an appropriate access can be secured to the site, a mechanism can be put in place to secure an appropriate Travel Plan and that provision of footway and cycle links can be attained between the development site and the surrounding areas. 2.9.43 In terms of the scope of conditions proposed by NYCC Highways then these are also considered to be acceptable given the scale of the development, with the exception of the proposed conditions on “precautions to prevent mud on the highway” which this Authority does not utilise due to the condition not being enforceable. 2.9.44 As such the scheme is considered to be acceptable in terms national, regional and local plan policies set out above as well as the Development Brief for the site noted. 2.10 Landscaping 2.10.1 Polices ENV 20 and 21 of the Local Plan refer to the requirement for landscaping schemes, both in terms of strategic planting, and as an integral part of the layout and design of a scheme. 2.10.2 The site is not within the Green Belt and is not within a Locally Important Landscape Area nor is it within or close to any area covered by a landscape designation. Further, the principle of development in this location has been accepted in allocating the site for residential development in the Local Plan. 2.10.3 At the site specific level, then in terms of landscaping Policy SHB/1B states the proposals must make provision for: 3) The establishment of permanent landscaped southern and eastern boundaries, including a twenty metre wide woodland planting screen adjacent to the bypass, and the maintenance of a landscaped buffer. 2.10.4 The “Approved Development Brief” for the wider site from 2003, notes at Paragraph 8.13 that a “Detailed Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment will be required which assesses landscape and visual impacts” from a series of locations outlined in the Brief. 60

2.10.5 At a regional level the RSS Policy ENV10 requires that “Plans, strategies, investment decisions and programmes should safeguard and enhance the following landscapes and related assets of regional, sub-regional and local importance”. 2.10.6 In addition, Paragraph 58 of the NPPF states that decisions should aim to ensure that developments are visually attractive as a result of good architecture and appropriate landscaping. 2.10.7 The application is in an outline form with “landscaping” to be agreed at reserved matters stage. Landscaping covers the treatment of private and public spaces to enhance and protect the site’s amenity through hard and soft measures, for example through planting of trees and hedges or screening by fences and walls. 2.10.8 Given the site is on the edge of Sherburn village then it is considered that there is a clear need for a defined boundary to the site to the open countryside to the south in line with Policy ENV20 of the Local Plan. The supporting documentation states that across the two sites (100 units and 498 units) 9.35 hectares is dedicated to the creation of green infrastructure that includes the delivery of high quality areas of public open space, including community woodland, green corridors providing leisure and footpath routes that link to the wider countryside, new areas of structural landscaping and a sustainable drainage system. As already noted this application relates to only part of the SHB/1B allocation and the Landscape Plan does show a planting belt along the eastern boundary of this part of the site and there is scope for this to continue along the remainder of the eastern boundary which falls outside the application site which ensure linkages to the wider area and a landscape setting to the development. 2.10.9 The illustrative Landscape Master Plan (Figure 8.16) shows the areas of open space, woodland planting and hedgerow planting much of which is considered to screen and assist in assimilating the site into the existing settlement. The plan indicates that structural planting would be planted alongside the link road to the south east and part of the northern boundary of the site. It should be noted that landscaping does not form part of the outline application and as such although the indicative details appear acceptable this will need to be subject of further consideration through the use of a condition and/ or to be considered as part of the reserved matters submissions. Therefore, it is recommended that any permission granted is subject to a condition. 2.10.10 Having given regard to the above, it is considered that the scheme is capable of being acceptable at reserved matters stage having had regard to the indicative landscaping as shown on the submitted plans, subject to conditions, in accordance with Policies ENV20, ENV21(A) and SHB/1B of the Selby District Local Plan as well as Policy ENV10 of the RSS and the approach outlined in the NPPF. 61

2.9.41 On this basis it is considered that the scheme is acceptable <strong>and</strong> no<br />

contribution or requirement for improvements to be made to the town<br />

centre car parking can or should be required from the development as<br />

any such requirements would be contrary to Circular Guidance in<br />

11/95.<br />

Conclusion on Highways, Access <strong>and</strong> Transportation<br />

2.9.42 In conclusion in terms of highways, access <strong>and</strong> transportation then the<br />

scheme is considered to be acceptable <strong>and</strong> through the use of both<br />

Conditions <strong>and</strong> S106 mechanisms an appropriate access can be<br />

secured to the site, a mechanism can be put in place to secure an<br />

appropriate Travel Plan <strong>and</strong> that provision of footway <strong>and</strong> cycle links<br />

can be attained between the development site <strong>and</strong> the surrounding<br />

areas.<br />

2.9.43 In terms of the scope of conditions proposed by NYCC Highways then<br />

these are also considered to be acceptable given the scale of the<br />

development, <strong>with</strong> the exception of the proposed conditions on<br />

“precautions to prevent mud on the highway” which this Authority does<br />

not utilise due to the condition not being enforceable.<br />

2.9.44 As such the scheme is considered to be acceptable in terms national,<br />

regional <strong>and</strong> local plan policies set out above as well as the<br />

Development Brief for the site noted.<br />

2.10 L<strong>and</strong>scaping<br />

2.10.1 Polices ENV 20 <strong>and</strong> 21 of the Local Plan refer to the requirement for<br />

l<strong>and</strong>scaping schemes, both in terms of strategic planting, <strong>and</strong> as an<br />

integral part of the layout <strong>and</strong> design of a scheme.<br />

2.10.2 The site is not <strong>with</strong>in the Green Belt <strong>and</strong> is not <strong>with</strong>in a Locally<br />

Important L<strong>and</strong>scape Area nor is it <strong>with</strong>in or close to any area covered<br />

by a l<strong>and</strong>scape designation. Further, the principle of development in<br />

this location has been accepted in allocating the site for residential<br />

development in the Local Plan.<br />

2.10.3 At the site specific level, then in terms of l<strong>and</strong>scaping Policy SHB/1B<br />

states the proposals must make provision for:<br />

3) The establishment of permanent l<strong>and</strong>scaped southern <strong>and</strong><br />

eastern boundaries, including a twenty metre wide woodl<strong>and</strong><br />

planting screen adjacent to the bypass, <strong>and</strong> the maintenance<br />

of a l<strong>and</strong>scaped buffer.<br />

2.10.4 The “Approved Development Brief” for the wider site from 2003, notes<br />

at Paragraph 8.13 that a “Detailed L<strong>and</strong>scape <strong>and</strong> Visual Impact<br />

Assessment will be required which assesses l<strong>and</strong>scape <strong>and</strong> visual<br />

impacts” from a series of locations outlined in the Brief.<br />


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