Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...

Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ... Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...


The site has an established, species rich hedgerow along Low Street which is classed as important at a local level under the Hedgerow Regulation 1997. Hedgerows are listed on national and local biodiversity action plans and we are disappointed to hear about the proposed removal of part of the Low Street hedgerow due to its high ecological value. We would advise that plans should be amended to allow for the retention of this hedgerow if possible. We are however pleased to see that new hedgerows will be created and existing ones repaired to compensate for such losses. Please ensure that all vegetation species used are native and of local provenance in order to best compensate the hedgerow losses along Low Street. We appreciate the timing of the removal of vegetation and bird nesting material so that it is outside of the bird nesting season (March to August inclusive) in section 10.5.8 of the Ecology report. All species of birds, their nests and eggs are protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). We support the proposed preservation of trees along the water course in addition to future woodland creation along the south and through the centre of the site, creating a habitat corridor. This should compensate for the possible loss of bird nesting spots and allow wildlife to move across the site to the surrounding countryside. We wish such planting to be of a variety of species and heights in order to provide a diverse mosaic of habitats for surrounding wildlife. Again the planting of native species of local provenance would be preferred. Access and green infrastructure Welcomes the provision of areas of green space within the site, and the use of footpaths and cycle routes throughout the site. We support the footpath and cycle links to the existing park and surrounding settlements and employment zones. We are pleased to see that the location of access roads to the site has taken the presence of existing trees and hedgerows into consideration in order to reduce the loss of such habitats. The planting of marginal vegetation to the attenuation and flood compensation area is welcomed. Such area will not only provide drainage for the site in the event of flooding but also provide new foraging and nesting areas for birds and mammals through the planting of vegetation. We would suggest that such vegetation to be of native, locally sourced species only and consist of a variety of species in order to increase the diversity of invertebrate species in the site. Landscape The proposed development is not within any sites designated for their landscape value. However, landscape issues should be considered with any proposal, as the development should always compliment the local character and distinctiveness of the surrounding area. We appreciate the consideration of the development with regards to the 40

character of surrounding dwellings however we would like the developers to refer to the local (Selby) landscape character assessment to ensure that the development visually compliments its surroundings. We welcome the proposed structural vegetation planting along the boundary of the site to screen the site from long distance views. Increased areas of planting surrounding the site would also be favoured in order to compensate for green space loss inside of the site. Overall we do not consider that the development will have a significant detrimental impact on landscape character. 1.5 Publicity: 1.5.1 Immediate neighbours were consulted by letter, 7 site notices were posted around the site and an advertisement was placed in the local newspaper. At the time of the collation of this report a total of 26 properties had submitted letters as a result of the two consultations undertaken on this application. 1.5.2 In addition a letter of objection has been received from Connaught (the promoters of the Hodgson Lane allocation) via their Agents Indigo Planning. 1.5.3 Residents have made comments under this application in relation to the proposals by the owners of the adjacent land off Carousel Walk/Fairfield Link which is not part of this application. These comments have not been noted in the following summary as they are not relevant to the consideration of this application. 1.5.4 The content of the objections received are summarised as follows: Principle of Development, Need for Housing and Timescales • development is on Green Belt land • destruction of agricultural land • Suitable Brownfield land in Tadcaster, Castleford and settlements along North and West Yorkshire boundary. • considerable development in Sherburn, other communities should play their part • development would narrow gap between Sherburn and South Milford creating a ‘super village’ with zero services, no leisure centre, police/fire building. • numbers proposed are too high for the village to cope with • problems booking doctor and dentist appointments • Sherburn will be unable to cope with increased number of houses • Lack of amenities for teenagers • No money is getting pumped into the village or shall we say small town, it is run down and scruffy all Sherburn seems to get is applications for housing developments. If it is to become a small town then we need the facilities like Wetherby, i.e sports centre, cinema, dentists, doctors. 41

character of surrounding dwellings however we would like the<br />

developers to refer to the local (<strong>Selby</strong>) l<strong>and</strong>scape character<br />

assessment to ensure that the development visually compliments its<br />

surroundings. We welcome the proposed structural vegetation planting<br />

along the boundary of the site to screen the site from long distance<br />

views. Increased areas of planting surrounding the site would also be<br />

favoured in order to compensate for green space loss inside of the site.<br />

Overall we do not consider that the development will have a significant<br />

detrimental impact on l<strong>and</strong>scape character.<br />

1.5 Publicity:<br />

1.5.1 Immediate neighbours were consulted by letter, 7 site notices were<br />

posted around the site <strong>and</strong> an advertisement was placed in the local<br />

newspaper. At the time of the collation of this report a total of 26<br />

properties had submitted letters as a result of the two consultations<br />

undertaken on this application.<br />

1.5.2 In addition a letter of objection has been received from Connaught (the<br />

promoters of the Hodgson Lane allocation) via their Agents Indigo<br />

Planning.<br />

1.5.3 Residents have made comments under this application in relation to<br />

the proposals by the owners of the adjacent l<strong>and</strong> off Carousel<br />

Walk/Fairfield Link which is not part of this application. These<br />

comments have not been noted in the following summary as they are<br />

not relevant to the consideration of this application.<br />

1.5.4 The content of the objections received are summarised as follows:<br />

Principle of Development, Need for Housing <strong>and</strong> Timescales<br />

• development is on Green Belt l<strong>and</strong><br />

• destruction of agricultural l<strong>and</strong><br />

• Suitable Brownfield l<strong>and</strong> in Tadcaster, Castleford <strong>and</strong> settlements<br />

along North <strong>and</strong> West Yorkshire boundary.<br />

• considerable development in Sherburn, other communities should<br />

play their part<br />

• development would narrow gap between Sherburn <strong>and</strong> South<br />

Milford creating a ‘super village’ <strong>with</strong> zero services, no leisure<br />

centre, police/fire building.<br />

• numbers proposed are too high for the village to cope <strong>with</strong><br />

• problems booking doctor <strong>and</strong> dentist appointments<br />

• Sherburn will be unable to cope <strong>with</strong> increased number of houses<br />

• Lack of amenities for teenagers<br />

• No money is getting pumped into the village or shall we say small<br />

town, it is run down <strong>and</strong> scruffy all Sherburn seems to get is<br />

applications for housing developments. If it is to become a small<br />

town then we need the facilities like Wetherby, i.e sports centre,<br />

cinema, dentists, doctors.<br />


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