Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...

Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ... Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...


This planning application is recommended to be APPROVED subject to conditions detailed in Paragraph 2.18 of the Report. 1. Introduction and background 1.1 The Site 1.1.1 The site is located within the defined development limits of Riccall and is situated within the Conservation Area. 1.1.2 The site constitutes an area of land which was originally part of the garden curtilage of no. 43 Main Street and currently contains a number of dilapidated outbuildings. 1.1.3 The site is bounded by a low brick wall and shrubbery along the front (south west) and side (north west) boundaries and a fence to the rear (north east). 1.1.4 The properties immediately surrounding the site are detached two storey dwellings of a traditional design and materials. 1.1.5 The site would be defined as Greenfield under the definition set out in Annex 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). 1.2. The Proposal 1.2.1 The application seeks planning permission and conservation area consent for the erection of a detached dwelling and garage following demolition of existing disused outbuildings. 1.2.2 The proposed dwelling would be two storey and would be constructed from brick with natural clay non interlocking pantiles with timber windows and doors and conservation style roof lights. 1.2.3 The access to the site would be taken from the existing access off Silver Street which would be widened to meet highway standards. 1.3 Planning History 1.3.1 An outline application (CO/2001/1017) for the erection of a detached bungalow (existing workshop to be demolished) was approved on 5 February 2002. 1.3.2 An application for conservation area consent (CO/2001/1134) for demolition of existing workshop in connection with the erection of a detached bungalow was approved on 31 January 2002. 1.3.3 A full application (CO/2003/0857) for the erection of a detached dwelling with attached garages to serve new and existing dwelling was approved on 9 September 2003. 1.3.4 A full application (2008/0943/FUL) for the erection of a detached dwelling, double garage and single garage following demolition of existing outbuildings was withdrawn on 16 October 2008. 332

1.3.5 An application for conservation area consent (2008/0944/CON) for the demolition of existing outbuildings was withdrawn on 24 October 2008. 1.4 Consultations 1.4.1 Riccall Parish Council The Council objected to the above application. Although there was not an issue with development on the site itself, it was felt that the new dwelling is not in keeping with the original property or with the general street scene. It looks out of character (please see Riccall Village Design Statement), appears to be too large a dwelling for the important part of the conservation area that it will be situated in and needs to sit further back within the plot. 1.4.2 North Yorkshire County Council Highways It is noted that planning permission was granted for the erection of a detached dwelling, double garage and single garage to serve the new and existing dwellings under Ref: 2008/0943/FUL. The applicant wishes to use the existing access (with improvements), therefore there are no highway objections subject to conditions. 1.4.3 Yorkshire Water Services From the information submitted, no comments are required from Yorkshire Water, although it is noted that foul water only is being drained to the public foul sewer, via no.43s foul drainage system, with surface water to soakaway and this is considered satisfactory. 1.4.4 North Yorkshire Historic Environment Team The applicant has recognised the archaeological interest of the site submitted a Written Scheme of Investigation with the planning application. This document should be adhered to during the construction works associated with the above development. 1.4.5 Yorkshire Electricity No response received within the statutory consultation period. 1.4.6 North Yorkshire Bat Group No response received within the statutory consultation period. 1.4.7 Yorkshire Wildlife Trust No response received within the statutory consultation period. 1.5 Publicity 1.5.1 The application was advertised by site notice, neighbour notification letter and advertisement in the local newspaper resulting in no objections being received within the statutory consultation period. 2. Report 2.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 states "if regard is to be had to the development plan for the purpose of any determination to be made under the planning Acts the determination must be made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise". The development plan for the Selby District comprises the policies in the Selby District Local Plan (adopted 333

This planning application is recommended to be APPROVED subject to conditions<br />

detailed in Paragraph 2.18 of the Report.<br />

1. Introduction <strong>and</strong> background<br />

1.1 The Site<br />

1.1.1 The site is located <strong>with</strong>in the defined development limits of Riccall <strong>and</strong> is situated<br />

<strong>with</strong>in the Conservation Area.<br />

1.1.2 The site constitutes an area of l<strong>and</strong> which was originally part of the garden curtilage<br />

of no. 43 Main Street <strong>and</strong> currently contains a number of dilapidated outbuildings.<br />

1.1.3 The site is bounded by a low brick wall <strong>and</strong> shrubbery along the front (south west)<br />

<strong>and</strong> side (north west) boundaries <strong>and</strong> a fence to the rear (north east).<br />

1.1.4 The properties immediately surrounding the site are detached two storey dwellings<br />

of a traditional design <strong>and</strong> materials.<br />

1.1.5 The site would be defined as Greenfield under the definition set out in Annex 2 of<br />

the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).<br />

1.2. The Proposal<br />

1.2.1 The application seeks planning permission <strong>and</strong> conservation area consent for the<br />

erection of a detached dwelling <strong>and</strong> garage following demolition of existing disused<br />

outbuildings.<br />

1.2.2 The proposed dwelling would be two storey <strong>and</strong> would be constructed from brick<br />

<strong>with</strong> natural clay non interlocking pantiles <strong>with</strong> timber windows <strong>and</strong> doors <strong>and</strong><br />

conservation style roof lights.<br />

1.2.3 The access to the site would be taken from the existing access off Silver Street<br />

which would be widened to meet highway st<strong>and</strong>ards.<br />

1.3 Planning History<br />

1.3.1 An outline application (CO/2001/1017) for the erection of a detached bungalow<br />

(existing workshop to be demolished) was approved on 5 February 2002.<br />

1.3.2 An application for conservation area consent (CO/2001/1134) for demolition of<br />

existing workshop in connection <strong>with</strong> the erection of a detached bungalow was<br />

approved on 31 January 2002.<br />

1.3.3 A full application (CO/2003/0857) for the erection of a detached dwelling <strong>with</strong><br />

attached garages to serve new <strong>and</strong> existing dwelling was approved on 9 September<br />

2003.<br />

1.3.4 A full application (2008/0943/FUL) for the erection of a detached dwelling, double<br />

garage <strong>and</strong> single garage following demolition of existing outbuildings was<br />

<strong>with</strong>drawn on 16 October 2008.<br />


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