Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...

Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ... Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...


Report Reference Number 2012/0080/FUL Agenda Item No: 5.10 ___________________________________________________________________ To: Planning Committee Date: 12 September 2012 Author: Simon Eades (Planning Officer) Lead Officer: Dylan Jones (Business Manager) __________________________________________________________ _______ APPLICATION NUMBER: 8/84/117B/PA 2012/0080/FUL PARISH: Bilbrough Parish APPLICANT: Mrs Clare Pennington Bennett VALID DATE: 9 February 2012 EXPIRY DATE: 5 April 2012 PROPOSAL: LOCATION: Planning Permission for Erection of a dwelling, following demolition of a shed/greenhouse, on land at Ravenscroft 15 Back Lane Ravenscroft 15 Back Lane Bilbrough York YO23 3PL This application has been brought before Planning Committee as it is a Departure from the Development Plan as it is contrary to Policy H2A. Summary: The development of this site for the erection of one dwelling would be considered acceptable in principle, despite the proposals not being in accordance with Policy H2A, limited weight should be attached to the non compliance with Policy H2A and significant weight should be attached to the site being identified as a designated service village capable of accommodating additional small scale development and the proposals not causing harm to the local area in accordance with the NPPF. It is considered that the proposed development is appropriate development within the Green Belt and is in accordance with Policy GB2 of the Selby District Local Plan and the contents of NPPF. The proposed development would not have a detrimental effect on the Green Belt, flood risk, character appearance of the conservation area, drainage, form and character of the area or either the residential amenity of the occupants of neighbouring properties or highways safety. The proposed scheme therefore accord with Policies GB2, GB4, ENV1, ENV2, ENV21, ENV25, H2A, H7, T1 and T2 of the Selby District Local Plan, 312

Policies YH1, YH2, YH7, YH8, YH9, ENV5 and H1 of the RSS and the advice contained within the NPPF. Recommendation: This planning application is recommended to be APPROVED subject to conditions detailed in Paragraph 2.18 of the Report. 1. Introduction and background 1.1 The Site 1.1.1 The site is located within the defined development limits of Bilbrough and is situated within the Conservation Area and washed over by Green Belt. 1.1.2 The site constitutes an area of land which was originally part of the garden curtilage of Ravenscroft 15 Back and currently contains a number of dilapidated outbuildings. 1.1.3 The properties immediately surrounding the site are detached two storey dwellings of which vary in design and materials. 1.1.4 The site would be defined as Greenfield under the definition set out in Annex 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). 1.2. The Proposal 1.2.1 The application seeks planning permission and conservation area consent for the erection of a detached dwelling and attached garage following demolition of existing disused outbuildings. 1.2.2 The proposed dwelling would be two storey and would be constructed from reclaimed brick with natural clay pantiles. 1.2.3 The access to the site would be taken from the north-east corner of the application which is a new access from the site. 1.3 Planning History 1.3.1 An application for works to tree T2 under TPO 12/2003 (2009/0001/TPO) was approved 18 February 2009. 1.3.2 A full application (2011/1036/FUL) for the erection of a dwelling, following demolition of a shed/greenhouse, on land at Ravencroft was withdrawn on 05 Dismemberer 2011. 1.4 Consultations 1.4.1 Bilbrough Parish Council In spite of the contents of the Supporting Statement accompanying this application the Parish Council applies a consistent stance in requesting refusal of this application. 313

Report Reference Number 2012/0080/FUL <strong>Agenda</strong> Item No: 5.10<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

To:<br />

Planning Committee<br />

Date: 12 September 2012<br />

Author:<br />

Simon Eades (Planning Officer)<br />

Lead Officer:<br />

Dylan Jones (Business Manager)<br />

__________________________________________________________ _______<br />


NUMBER:<br />

8/84/117B/PA<br />

2012/0080/FUL<br />

PARISH:<br />

Bilbrough Parish<br />

APPLICANT: Mrs Clare<br />

Pennington<br />

Bennett<br />

VALID DATE: 9 February 2012<br />

EXPIRY DATE: 5 April 2012<br />



Planning Permission for Erection of a dwelling, following demolition<br />

of a shed/greenhouse, on l<strong>and</strong> at Ravenscroft 15 Back Lane<br />

Ravenscroft<br />

15 Back Lane<br />

Bilbrough<br />

York<br />

YO23 3PL<br />

This application has been brought before Planning Committee as it is a Departure from the<br />

Development Plan as it is contrary to Policy H2A.<br />

Summary:<br />

The development of this site for the erection of one dwelling would be considered<br />

acceptable in principle, despite the proposals not being in accordance <strong>with</strong> Policy H2A,<br />

limited weight should be attached to the non compliance <strong>with</strong> Policy H2A <strong>and</strong> significant<br />

weight should be attached to the site being identified as a designated service village<br />

capable of accommodating additional small scale development <strong>and</strong> the proposals not<br />

causing harm to the local area in accordance <strong>with</strong> the NPPF.<br />

It is considered that the proposed development is appropriate development <strong>with</strong>in the<br />

Green Belt <strong>and</strong> is in accordance <strong>with</strong> Policy GB2 of the <strong>Selby</strong> <strong>District</strong> Local Plan <strong>and</strong> the<br />

contents of NPPF. The proposed development would not have a detrimental effect on the<br />

Green Belt, flood risk, character appearance of the conservation area, drainage, form <strong>and</strong><br />

character of the area or either the residential amenity of the occupants of neighbouring<br />

properties or highways safety. The proposed scheme therefore accord <strong>with</strong> Policies GB2,<br />

GB4, ENV1, ENV2, ENV21, ENV25, H2A, H7, T1 <strong>and</strong> T2 of the <strong>Selby</strong> <strong>District</strong> Local Plan,<br />


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