Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...

Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ... Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...


alancing works and off-site works have been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. Reason To ensure that the development can be properly drained 11. No dwelling on the site shall be occupied until the waste and recycling facilities have been provided on site in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The waste and recycling facilities shall be retained thereafter. Reason: In order to ensure compliance with the Selby District Local Plan and the Supplementary Planning Document for Developer Contributions (March 2007). 12. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the plans/drawings listed below – Site location plan – drawing 004 Existing site plan – drawing LDS 2389/001 Proposed site plan – drawing LDS2389/002 Plot 1 plans and elevations – drawing LDS2389/101 Rev A Plot 2 plans and elevations – drawing LDS2389/102 Plot 3 plans and elevations – drawing LDS2389/103 Rev A Plot 4 plans and elevations – drawing LDS2389/104 Rev A Garages plans and elevations – drawing LDS2389/105 Rev A Site sections – drawing LDS2389/201 Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3. Legal/Financial Controls and other Policy matters 3.1 Legal Issues 3.1.1 Planning Acts This application has been determined in accordance with the relevant planning acts. 3.1.2 Human Rights Act 1998 It is considered that a decision made in accordance with this recommendation would not result in a any breach of convention rights. 3.1.3 Equality Act 2010 This application has been determined with regard to the Council’s duties and obligations under the Equality Act 2010. However it is considered that the recommendation made in this report is proportionate taking into account the conflicting matters of the public and private interest so that there is no violation of those rights. 3.2 Financial Issues 3.2.1 Financial issues are not material to the determination of this application. 266

4. Conclusion 4.1 As stated in the main body of the report. 5. Background Documents 5.1 Planning Application file reference 2011/1049/FUL and associated documents. Contact Officer: Joe O’Sullivan (Acting Lead Officer Planning) Appendices: None 267

4. Conclusion<br />

4.1 As stated in the main body of the report.<br />

5. Background Documents<br />

5.1 Planning Application file reference 2011/1049/FUL <strong>and</strong> associated documents.<br />

Contact Officer: Joe O’Sullivan (Acting Lead Officer Planning)<br />

Appendices: None<br />


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