Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...

Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ... Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...


2.9 Impact on Residential Amenity 2.9.1 Policy ENV1 (1) of the Local Plan requires development to take account of the effect upon the amenity of adjoining occupiers. Significant weight can be attached to this policy as it is broadly consistent with the aims of the NPPF which also seeks to protect residential amenity. 2.9.2 The application site is located on a small established industrial estate. There are no residential dwellings within the immediate vicinity of the application site. 2.9.3 The proposed development would not significantly increase the intensity of the industrial estate, nor would it compromise the operating conditions of other units on the site. The maintenance building would serve the existing estate and would facilitate the management and ongoing maintenance of the overall site. 2.9.4 The proposed development is therefore considered not to cause significant detrimental impact on the occupiers and users of other surrounding properties in accordance with policies ENV1 (1) of the Local Plan and the NPPF. 2.10 Impact on Highway Network 2.10.1 Policies ENV1 (2), T1 and T2 of the Local Plan require development to ensure that there is no detrimental impact on the existing highway network or parking arrangements. Policy EMP9 (1) of the local plan states proposals for the expansion and/or redevelopment of existing industrial and business uses outside development limits and established employment areas, as defined on the proposals map, will be permitted provided the proposal would not create conditions prejudicial to highway safety or which would have a significant adverse effect on local amenity. These Local Plan policies should be afforded significant weight as they are broadly consistent with the aims of the NPPF. 2.10.2 The existing access road would not be altered as part of the proposed development. The site and surrounding sites are currently accessed off the A162 and this would remain unchanged. The development would occupy an existing hard standing area within the site which is currently bounded by palisade fencing and used for external storage. The proposed new building would not result in the loss of any existing parking spaces at the site and would provide an additional three parking spaces which would serve the building. 2.10.3 The proposed building would serve the industrial estate on which it would be sited. It is not considered that the development would result in a significant increase in the number of vehicles coming and going to and from the site nor would it result in a significant increase in the demand for parking. 2.10.4 No objections have been raised on highways grounds. The proposals are therefore considered acceptable and are in accordance with Policies ENV1(2), T1 and T2 of the Selby District Local Plan. 2.11 Flood Risk and Drainage 2.11.1 Policy ENV2(A) of the local plan states proposals for development which would give rise to, or would be affected by, unacceptable levels of noise, nuisance, 234

contamination or other environmental pollution including groundwater pollution will not be permitted unless satisfactory remedial or preventative measures are incorporated as an integral element in the scheme. Such measures should be carried out before the use of the site commences. 2.11.2 The application site is located within Flood Zone 1 and is therefore deemed to be ‘appropriate development’ by the National Planning Policy Framework. 2.11.3 Comments received from the Selby Area Internal Drainage Board advise that the nearby watercourses are not maintained by them and that the discharge from the mains is via a pumped system into Mill Dyke which is the main river and the responsibility of the Environment Agency. The Environment Agency has been consulted and has raised no objections. 2.11.4 The Selby Area Internal Drainage Board also advise that the Council will need to be satisfied that the existing main has sufficient capacity to accommodate all additional flows on completion of the development and that all systems downstream from the main river have sufficient capacity. 2.11.5 The location of the proposed development is currently hard standing. The proposed development would not occupy a larger footprint, nor would it increase the amount of hard standing at the site and would therefore not increase the amount of surface run off from the site. 2.11.6 A condition has been recommended requiring a scheme for the disposal of foul and surface waters within the site to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development in order to prevent groundwater pollution and to reduce the risk of flooding from overland flows in accordance with policy ENV2 (A) of the Selby District Local Plan. 2.12 Conclusion 2.12.1 The proposal is considered to be acceptable in principle and would accord with the requirements of the NPPF in relation to limited developments/infill buildings in the Green Belt. The proposal represents the provision of a relatively small scale development which would support the existing Bypass Park Estate. It is considered that the proposed development would not have an unacceptable detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the area, nor would it unacceptably impact on the openness of the Green Belt. The proposal would not adversely affect highway safety and would not compromise the operating conditions of other surrounding properties. The proposals would not compromise the aims and objectives of all relevant national policies and local policies, and there are no material planning considerations that would justify a refusal of permission. 2.13 Recommendation This application is recommended to be APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 01. The development for which permission is hereby granted shall be begun within a period of three years from the date of this permission. 235

contamination or other environmental pollution including groundwater pollution will<br />

not be permitted unless satisfactory remedial or preventative measures are<br />

incorporated as an integral element in the scheme. Such measures should be<br />

carried out before the use of the site commences.<br />

2.11.2 The application site is located <strong>with</strong>in Flood Zone 1 <strong>and</strong> is therefore deemed to be<br />

‘appropriate development’ by the National Planning Policy Framework.<br />

2.11.3 Comments received from the <strong>Selby</strong> Area Internal Drainage Board advise that the<br />

nearby watercourses are not maintained by them <strong>and</strong> that the discharge from the<br />

mains is via a pumped system into Mill Dyke which is the main river <strong>and</strong> the<br />

responsibility of the Environment Agency. The Environment Agency has been<br />

consulted <strong>and</strong> has raised no objections.<br />

2.11.4 The <strong>Selby</strong> Area Internal Drainage Board also advise that the Council will need to be<br />

satisfied that the existing main has sufficient capacity to accommodate all additional<br />

flows on completion of the development <strong>and</strong> that all systems downstream from the<br />

main river have sufficient capacity.<br />

2.11.5 The location of the proposed development is currently hard st<strong>and</strong>ing. The proposed<br />

development would not occupy a larger footprint, nor would it increase the amount<br />

of hard st<strong>and</strong>ing at the site <strong>and</strong> would therefore not increase the amount of surface<br />

run off from the site.<br />

2.11.6 A condition has been recommended requiring a scheme for the disposal of foul <strong>and</strong><br />

surface waters <strong>with</strong>in the site to be submitted to <strong>and</strong> approved in writing by the<br />

Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development in order to<br />

prevent groundwater pollution <strong>and</strong> to reduce the risk of flooding from overl<strong>and</strong> flows<br />

in accordance <strong>with</strong> policy ENV2 (A) of the <strong>Selby</strong> <strong>District</strong> Local Plan.<br />

2.12 Conclusion<br />

2.12.1 The proposal is considered to be acceptable in principle <strong>and</strong> would accord <strong>with</strong> the<br />

requirements of the NPPF in relation to limited developments/infill buildings in the<br />

Green Belt. The proposal represents the provision of a relatively small scale<br />

development which would support the existing Bypass Park Estate. It is considered<br />

that the proposed development would not have an unacceptable detrimental impact<br />

on the character <strong>and</strong> appearance of the area, nor would it unacceptably impact on<br />

the openness of the Green Belt. The proposal would not adversely affect highway<br />

safety <strong>and</strong> would not compromise the operating conditions of other surrounding<br />

properties. The proposals would not compromise the aims <strong>and</strong> objectives of all<br />

relevant national policies <strong>and</strong> local policies, <strong>and</strong> there are no material planning<br />

considerations that would justify a refusal of permission.<br />

2.13 Recommendation<br />

This application is recommended to be APPROVED subject to the following<br />

conditions:<br />

01. The development for which permission is hereby granted shall be begun<br />

<strong>with</strong>in a period of three years from the date of this permission.<br />


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