Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...

Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ... Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...


2.23 Climate Change, Energy Efficiency and Renewables Consideration 2.23.1 Policy ENV5 of the RSS states that “new developments of more than 10 dwellings or 1000m 2 of non-residential floorspace should secure at least 10% of their energy from decentralised and renewable or lowcarbon sources, unless, having regard to the type of development involved and its design, this is not feasible or viable”. The proposed development is in excess of 10 dwellings as such a condition would be appropriate in this case to secure a scheme for the energy needs of the development to be attained from a low-carbon source. 2.23.2 The applicants have submitted an Energy Statement which confirms that a 10% energy saving from decentralised and renewable or low carbon sources would be achieved through options such as photovotaics and solar hot water which would be further investigated at reserved matters stage. The report confirms that the dwellings would be constructed to the sustainability standards based on current Building Regulations Part L and would be Code 3 on the Code for Sustainable Homes rating. 2.23.3 In this context it is considered that the use of a condition on any consent to secure that at least 10% of energy from decentralised and renewable or low-carbon sources, unless, having regard to the type of development involved and its design, this is not feasible or viable would be appropriate and in accordance with Policy ENV5 of the RSS. 2.24 Cumulative Effects 2.24.1 The submitted Environmental Statement has considered the cumulative impact throughout the various sections of the report and confirms that the proposals are acceptable in terms of their cumulative impact. 2.24.2 The Environmental Statement considers the application scheme in the context of the potential development of the adjoining land which lies outside the application boundary but is part of the allocation and in different ownership. The submitted statement confirms that the proposals would be acceptable in terms of the cumulative impact having had regard to the issues discussed in detail above. 2.24.3It is considered that the applicants have adequately assessed the cumulative impacts. 2.25 Other Matters 2.25.1 A series of other matters have been raised through the consultation process, these are summarised and assessed in the following section. 2.25.2 Phasing and Construction time 220

Objectors have raised concerns relating to the length of the build. The developers have indicated that it is anticipated to commence on site May 2013. The proposed build rate would be anticipated to be approximately 50 dwellings per year per developer therefore the development should be completed by 2020 therefore it is not considered for a development of this size that a phasing plan would need to be conditioned. 2.25.3 Housing need/Affordable housing In summary objectors have questioned the need for more housing in the village in terms of the needs of those who live there now, in the context of a large number of properties already on the market in the village and given that there are so many houses under construction already. However the housing market operates as part of the wider economy and as such housing requirements are a result of population changes, economic patterns and market forces. The level of housing required to be provided, the identification of the allocations within the 2005 Local Plan, the release and extent of units identified as a result of the release of the Phase 2 sites within the District has been part of consideration through the Local Plan, the RSS and consideration of a detailed evidence base. As such the case for the level of development has been assessed within earlier sections of this Report. 2.25.4 High School Concerns were raised that the high school cannot support more pupils and the school is in need of modernising. North Yorkshire County Council Education were consulted on the application and whilst they have requested contributions towards the Primary School they have made no such case for the High School. 2.25.5 Proposals ignore SADPD Process Objectors have raised concern regarding the proposals being approved while the Core Strategy is still being considered and that the development has ignored the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (SADPD) Process. It should be noted that the application site is a Phase 2 allocated site which was allocated under the existing Local Plan and as such this does not undermine the SADPD which is looking at further housing allocations across the district and is in an early stage of production. In terms of the Core Strategy this is still being examined by the Planning Inspectorate to look at future housing provision and distribution across the district rather than reviewing existing housing allocations. Concerns have been raised regarding the plans being aligned and it should be noted that all three residential schemes for the Phase 2 site have been referred to the same committee meeting for determination to 221

Objectors have raised concerns relating to the length of the build. The<br />

developers have indicated that it is anticipated to commence on site<br />

May 2013. The proposed build rate would be anticipated to be<br />

approximately 50 dwellings per year per developer therefore the<br />

development should be completed by 2020 therefore it is not<br />

considered for a development of this size that a phasing plan would<br />

need to be conditioned.<br />

2.25.3 Housing need/Affordable housing<br />

In summary objectors have questioned the need for more housing in<br />

the village in terms of the needs of those who live there now, in the<br />

context of a large number of properties already on the market in the<br />

village <strong>and</strong> given that there are so many houses under construction<br />

already. However the housing market operates as part of the wider<br />

economy <strong>and</strong> as such housing requirements are a result of population<br />

changes, economic patterns <strong>and</strong> market forces. The level of housing<br />

required to be provided, the identification of the allocations <strong>with</strong>in the<br />

2005 Local Plan, the release <strong>and</strong> extent of units identified as a result of<br />

the release of the Phase 2 sites <strong>with</strong>in the <strong>District</strong> has been part of<br />

consideration through the Local Plan, the RSS <strong>and</strong> consideration of a<br />

detailed evidence base. As such the case for the level of development<br />

has been assessed <strong>with</strong>in earlier sections of this Report.<br />

2.25.4 High School<br />

Concerns were raised that the high school cannot support more pupils<br />

<strong>and</strong> the school is in need of modernising. North Yorkshire County<br />

Council Education were consulted on the application <strong>and</strong> whilst they<br />

have requested contributions towards the Primary School they have<br />

made no such case for the High School.<br />

2.25.5 Proposals ignore SADPD Process<br />

Objectors have raised concern regarding the proposals being approved<br />

while the Core Strategy is still being considered <strong>and</strong> that the<br />

development has ignored the Site Allocations Development Plan<br />

Document (SADPD) Process. It should be noted that the application<br />

site is a Phase 2 allocated site which was allocated under the existing<br />

Local Plan <strong>and</strong> as such this does not undermine the SADPD which is<br />

looking at further housing allocations across the district <strong>and</strong> is in an<br />

early stage of production. In terms of the Core Strategy this is still<br />

being examined by the Planning Inspectorate to look at future housing<br />

provision <strong>and</strong> distribution across the district rather than reviewing<br />

existing housing allocations.<br />

Concerns have been raised regarding the plans being aligned <strong>and</strong> it<br />

should be noted that all three residential schemes for the Phase 2 site<br />

have been referred to the same committee meeting for determination to<br />


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