Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...

Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ... Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...


The local Highway Authority support the proposal to Condition that the roads of the 2012/0400/EIA development are constructed up to the boundary of the 2012/0468/EIA application site to facilitate the future link. 1.4.4 Education Directorate North Yorkshire County Council Based on a development of 120 dwellings a contribution would be sought. 1.4.5 North Yorkshire And York Primary Care Trust The PCT is aware that there are lots of developments in the Selby district including Sherburn and Tadcaster. Bearing this in mind, additional health care provision may need to be considered if these comments could be taken account of in respect of the proposed developments in Sherburn in Elmet, it would be much appreciated. 1.4.6 North Yorkshire Heritage Officer Trial trenching was undertaken on site during February 2012 and was targeted to locate the linears and trackway found in previous work in 1997/8 to attempt to recover further dating evidence and to better characterise the features. The current evaluation identified the site as having low archaeological potential and it would be advised that an archaeological watching brief is undertaken during ground disturbing works and a suitable scheme of archaeological recording undertaken and in order to secure this a condition would be recommended. 1.4.7 Selby District Council – Waste & Recycling A contribution for provision of waste and recycling provision for the proposed dwellings would be required in line with the Council’s SPD on Developer Contributions. As the application is outline, then it is assumed that all the units will be dwellings with gardens rather than a mix of apartments. 1.4.8 Police Architectural Liaison Officer (PALO) - North Yorkshire Police Crime and anti social behaviour levels are particularly high in the Sherburn in Elmet area it is therefore pleasing to note that the Design and Access Statement submitted clearly acknowledges that crime prevention is an important consideration. It is noted that reference has been made to the new National Planning Policy Framework which requires that new development should create safe and accessible environments where crime and disorder and the fear of crime do not undermine the quality of life or community cohesion. The applicant has also stated that within the detailed design, further consideration will be given towards designing out crime and the applicant’s agent is happy to work with the North Yorkshire Police to ensure that this development does not create opportunities for crime and anti social behaviour. In view of these positive comments there is nothing further to add at this time. 1.4.9 Environment Agency 182

The proposed development will only be acceptable if the measures detailed in the Flood Risk Assessment by ARP Associates, dated April 2012 are implemented and secured by way of a planning condition. The applicants have provided no information relating to foul drainage proposals for the scheme and we will assume they will be connecting foul drainage to mains, if this is not the case the Environment Agency would wish to be re-consulted. 1.4.10 Yorkshire Water Services Ltd No objections subject to conditions being attached in order to protect the local aquatic environment and Yorkshire Water Infrastructure. In order to minimise the risk of any loss of amenity, industry standards recommend that habitable building should not be located within 15m of the existing outfall structures and to reduce the impact of the installations the erection (by the developer) of suitable screening is advised. The local public sewer network does not have capacity to accept any discharge of surface water from the proposal. The developer is advised to contact the relevant drainage authorities with a view to establish a suitable watercourse for the disposal of surface water. A water supply can be provided under the terms of the Water Industry Act 1991. 1.4.11 Selby Area Internal Drainage Board Details on the application form indicate that surface water is to be directed to an existing watercourse. The developer will need to be informed that discharge into any watercourse within the Selby Area Internal Drainage Boards district will need consenting by them. In this respect the developer must also be advised that surface water entering any watercourse within the Selby Area Internal Drainage Board’s area has to be restricted to a maximum rate of 1.4 litres per second per hectare. In addition the Board’s consent will need to be obtained for new outfalls to any watercourse. No permanent work or restriction will be permitted within 7m of the watercourse measured from the top edge of the bank to ensure the Board’s right of access. It is essential the developer discusses in detail the method and rate of disposal of surface water run-off from the development. Surface water from the site will eventually enter systems maintained by the Internal Drainage Board. Subject to the Council including a condition with respect to the above it is unlikely the Internal Drainage Board would pass any other comment. 1.4.12 Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT) 183

The local Highway Authority support the proposal to Condition that the<br />

roads of the 2012/0400/EIA development are constructed up to the<br />

boundary of the 2012/0468/EIA application site to facilitate the future<br />

link.<br />

1.4.4 Education Directorate North Yorkshire County Council<br />

Based on a development of 120 dwellings a contribution would be<br />

sought.<br />

1.4.5 North Yorkshire And York Primary Care Trust<br />

The PCT is aware that there are lots of developments in the <strong>Selby</strong><br />

district including Sherburn <strong>and</strong> Tadcaster. Bearing this in mind,<br />

additional health care provision may need to be considered if these<br />

comments could be taken account of in respect of the proposed<br />

developments in Sherburn in Elmet, it would be much appreciated.<br />

1.4.6 North Yorkshire Heritage Officer<br />

Trial trenching was undertaken on site during February 2012 <strong>and</strong> was<br />

targeted to locate the linears <strong>and</strong> trackway found in previous work in<br />

1997/8 to attempt to recover further dating evidence <strong>and</strong> to better<br />

characterise the features. The current evaluation identified the site as<br />

having low archaeological potential <strong>and</strong> it would be advised that an<br />

archaeological watching brief is undertaken during ground disturbing<br />

works <strong>and</strong> a suitable scheme of archaeological recording undertaken<br />

<strong>and</strong> in order to secure this a condition would be recommended.<br />

1.4.7 <strong>Selby</strong> <strong>District</strong> Council – Waste & Recycling<br />

A contribution for provision of waste <strong>and</strong> recycling provision for the<br />

proposed dwellings would be required in line <strong>with</strong> the Council’s SPD on<br />

Developer Contributions. As the application is outline, then it is<br />

assumed that all the units will be dwellings <strong>with</strong> gardens rather than a<br />

mix of apartments.<br />

1.4.8 Police Architectural Liaison Officer (PALO) - North Yorkshire Police<br />

Crime <strong>and</strong> anti social behaviour levels are particularly high in the<br />

Sherburn in Elmet area it is therefore pleasing to note that the Design<br />

<strong>and</strong> Access Statement submitted clearly acknowledges that crime<br />

prevention is an important consideration. It is noted that reference has<br />

been made to the new National Planning Policy Framework which<br />

requires that new development should create safe <strong>and</strong> accessible<br />

environments where crime <strong>and</strong> disorder <strong>and</strong> the fear of crime do not<br />

undermine the quality of life or community cohesion. The applicant has<br />

also stated that <strong>with</strong>in the detailed design, further consideration will be<br />

given towards designing out crime <strong>and</strong> the applicant’s agent is happy to<br />

work <strong>with</strong> the North Yorkshire Police to ensure that this development<br />

does not create opportunities for crime <strong>and</strong> anti social behaviour. In<br />

view of these positive comments there is nothing further to add at this<br />

time.<br />

1.4.9 Environment Agency<br />


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