Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...

Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ... Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...


1.1.5 Vegetation within the site is limited, with no physical boundary to the east with the western boundary being timber fenced rear gardens and brick gable ends of detached single storey garages and a dwelling on Fairfield Link with the northern boundary formed by bushes and a water course beyond which timber fences form the boundary of rear gardens; and a small watercourse runs along the southern boundary. 1.1.6 An informal path runs alongside the southern boundary set 4-5m into the site from the watercourse and continues east through the remainder of the Phase 2 site with an unmade public right of way (footpath number 35.57/32) following the line of the northern boundary, some 4-5m to the south of the watercourse and this also continues east through the remainder of the Phase 2 site. 1.1.7 The site sits predominantly within Flood Zone 1 with a small section along the eastern boundary within Flood Zone 2. 1.2. The Proposal 1.2.1 Applications for outline permission do not require as much detail as full applications but must still include information on use, the amount of development, indicative layout, scale parameters and indicative access points. Matters such as access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale can be approved at a later stage by a reserved matters application. 1.2.2 This submission is an outline application for the construction of 120 dwellings with all matters reserved for future approval. 1.2.3 The supporting information for the application sets out the design parameters which form a link between outline consent and consideration of reserved matters and although not subject to detailed assessment at this stage need to be taken into consideration to ensure that the site can be developed in line with policy. The design parameters indicated in the Environmental Statement are as follows: • Access based on the utilisation of Fairfield Link and/or Carousel Walk. • The development will provide 120 dwellings. • The density would be 30 dwellings per hectare (including open space) • Floor levels to be a minimum of 600mm above modelled flood level from Selby Dam Flood Mapping Study 2008, or 300mm above existing ground level whichever is higher. • Majority of dwellings being 2 storey but some having room in the roofspace, typically 2.5 storey. • Properties ranging in height from 7m above Ordnance Survey Datum for two storey properties to a maximum height of 10m for 2.5 storey properties. 174

• Construction would be phased from west to east and all material will be retained and reused on-site during construction. • Work could commence on site March 2012 with completion by late 2016. 1.2.4 The indicative layout plan submitted shows the potential road arrangement with two potential access roads through to the Phase 2 development to the east. 1.2.5 The indicative layout plan also shows potential areas for landscaping and recreational open space. 1.3 Planning History 1.3.1 An outline application (CO/1992/1011) for residential development was Refused on 19 November 1992 due to the site being outside an area allocated for residential purposes and due to there being an adequate housing land supply. 1.3.2 An application (CO/1998/0147) for the erection of 100 dwellings and car parking/garage spaces, together with associated public open space, cycleway and highway infrastructure was to be refused, however the application was appealed due to non determination on 12 January 1999. The appeal was subsequently dismissed as it was considered premature to develop the site for housing as it would prejudice the emerging Local Plan and there was a sufficient 5 year housing land supply demonstrated. 1.3.3 The site was allocated in the 2005 Selby District Local Plan following consideration of the site through the Local Plan process. The site is allocated as a Phase 2 Housing Allocation reference SHB/1B. 1.3.4 On the 2 nd February 2012 a refusal was issued in relation to Application 2011/0893/EIA for 498 dwellings on part of the Phase 2 site located to the south of the application site. 1.3.5 An appeal has been lodged to the Planning Inspectorate in relation to this Refusal and the Appeal has been called in by the Secretary of State. The Appeal is expected to be heard in November/December 2012. 1.3.6 An outline application (reference 2012/0399/EIA) (accompanied by an Environmental Statement) for the erection of a residential development of 100 no. dwellings to include access on Phase 2 land on land between Moor Lane and Low Street (to the east of the application site) is pending consideration. This application is the subject of a separate report. 1.3.7 An outline application (reference 2012/0400/EIA) (accompanied by an Environmental Statement) for the construction of 498 dwellings to 175

1.1.5 Vegetation <strong>with</strong>in the site is limited, <strong>with</strong> no physical boundary to the<br />

east <strong>with</strong> the western boundary being timber fenced rear gardens <strong>and</strong><br />

brick gable ends of detached single storey garages <strong>and</strong> a dwelling on<br />

Fairfield Link <strong>with</strong> the northern boundary formed by bushes <strong>and</strong> a water<br />

course beyond which timber fences form the boundary of rear gardens;<br />

<strong>and</strong> a small watercourse runs along the southern boundary.<br />

1.1.6 An informal path runs alongside the southern boundary set 4-5m into<br />

the site from the watercourse <strong>and</strong> continues east through the<br />

remainder of the Phase 2 site <strong>with</strong> an unmade public right of way<br />

(footpath number 35.57/32) following the line of the northern boundary,<br />

some 4-5m to the south of the watercourse <strong>and</strong> this also continues<br />

east through the remainder of the Phase 2 site.<br />

1.1.7 The site sits predominantly <strong>with</strong>in Flood Zone 1 <strong>with</strong> a small section<br />

along the eastern boundary <strong>with</strong>in Flood Zone 2.<br />

1.2. The Proposal<br />

1.2.1 <strong>Applications</strong> for outline permission do not require as much detail as full<br />

applications but must still include information on use, the amount of<br />

development, indicative layout, scale parameters <strong>and</strong> indicative access<br />

points. Matters such as access, appearance, l<strong>and</strong>scaping, layout <strong>and</strong><br />

scale can be approved at a later stage by a reserved matters<br />

application.<br />

1.2.2 This submission is an outline application for the construction of 120<br />

dwellings <strong>with</strong> all matters reserved for future approval.<br />

1.2.3 The supporting information for the application sets out the design<br />

parameters which form a link between outline consent <strong>and</strong><br />

consideration of reserved matters <strong>and</strong> although not subject to detailed<br />

assessment at this stage need to be taken into consideration to ensure<br />

that the site can be developed in line <strong>with</strong> policy. The design<br />

parameters indicated in the Environmental Statement are as follows:<br />

• Access based on the utilisation of Fairfield Link <strong>and</strong>/or Carousel<br />

Walk.<br />

• The development will provide 120 dwellings.<br />

• The density would be 30 dwellings per hectare (including open<br />

space)<br />

• Floor levels to be a minimum of 600mm above modelled flood level<br />

from <strong>Selby</strong> Dam Flood Mapping Study 2008, or 300mm above<br />

existing ground level whichever is higher.<br />

• Majority of dwellings being 2 storey but some having room in the<br />

roofspace, typically 2.5 storey.<br />

• Properties ranging in height from 7m above Ordnance Survey<br />

Datum for two storey properties to a maximum height of 10m for 2.5<br />

storey properties.<br />


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