Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...

Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ... Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...


Wilbourn Associates are not specialists in this field and therefore recommend that the developer seeks specialist advice from the Coal Authority prior to the commencement of the development. 1.4.16 North Yorkshire County Council (Planning) Application NY/2012/0171/COU for change of use of land adjacent to the school to ensure adequate primary education facilities has been approved at the meeting of the Planning and Regulatory Functions Committee on 28 August 2012. 1.4.17 Selby District Council - Housing Services No response received within the statutory period. 1.4.18 North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service No response received within the statutory period. 1.4.19 Fields In Trust No response received within the statutory period. 1.4.20 Ramblers' Association No response received within the statutory period. 1.4.21 Yorkshire Electricity No response received within the statutory period. 1.4.22 Selby District Discrimination Federation (Mr Alan Hartley) No response received within the statutory period. 1.4.23 National Planning Casework Unit No response received within the statutory period. 1.4.24 North Yorkshire Bat Group No objection. 1.4.25 Natural England Ecology Surveys revealed active use of the ditches and watercourses neighbouring the site by water voles and we are pleased to see the retention and enhancement of such features for water voles and other wildlife. Water voles are protected species under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981(as amended by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000) and are therefore a material consideration in the planning process. We appreciate the proposed use of protective fences in section 10 of the Ecology report during the construction phase of the development to safeguard not only water voles but also the waterway habitat, retained trees and hedgerows. Water vole mitigation should be considered at all stages of construction and site development. 114

We support the proposed preservation of trees along the water course and roadside verge along the Low Street boundary in addition to future tree planting surrounding the site, which should compensate for the possible loss of bird nesting spots. We would want such trees planting to be of native species of local providence in order to best support local biodiversity. We also appreciate the timing of the removal of bird nesting material so that it is outside of the bird nesting season (March to August inclusive) in section 10.5.8 of the Ecology report. All species of birds, their nests and eggs are protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). We welcome the retention and strengthening of existing hedgerows, and we would wish to see planting using hedgerows inside the site. The retention of buffers along the watercourse corridor, southern boundary and Low Street frontage is appreciate in order to prevent disturbance to bird and mammal species. Access and green infrastructure Natural England welcomes the provision of areas of green space within the site, and the use of footpaths and cycle routes throughout the site. We support the footpath crossing the waterway on the eastern boundary of the site, linking the site with the surrounding countryside, along with the recreational waterway and woodland walks. We also fully support the sustainable drainage system to be created through the planting of a new wet meadow area. Such area will not only provide drainage for the site but also provide new foraging and nesting areas for birds and mammals through the planting of vegetation. We would suggest that such vegetation to be of native, locally provident species only and consist of a variety of species in order to increase the diversity of invertebrate species in the site. Landscape The proposed development is not within any sites designated for their landscape value. However, landscape issues should be considered with any proposal, as the development should always compliment the local character and distinctiveness of the surrounding area. We consider that the landscape and visual appraisal has been carried out to an appropriate methodology and appreciate the consideration of the development with regards to the character of surrounding dwellings. We welcome the proposed structural vegetation planting along the ridge feature and southern boundary of the site to screen the site from long distance views in section 4: Concept Development. We wish such planting to be of a variety of species and heights in order to provide a diverse mosaic of habitats for surrounding wildlife. Again the planting of native species of local providence would be preferred. Increased areas of planting surrounding the site would also be favoured in order to compensate for green space loss inside of the site. Overall we do not consider that the development will have a significant detrimental impact on landscape character. 115

Wilbourn Associates are not specialists in this field <strong>and</strong> therefore<br />

recommend that the developer seeks specialist advice from the<br />

Coal Authority prior to the commencement of the development.<br />

1.4.16 North Yorkshire County Council (Planning)<br />

Application NY/2012/0171/COU for change of use of l<strong>and</strong> adjacent to<br />

the school to ensure adequate primary education facilities has been<br />

approved at the meeting of the Planning <strong>and</strong> Regulatory Functions<br />

Committee on 28 August 2012.<br />

1.4.17 <strong>Selby</strong> <strong>District</strong> Council - Housing Services<br />

No response received <strong>with</strong>in the statutory period.<br />

1.4.18 North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service<br />

No response received <strong>with</strong>in the statutory period.<br />

1.4.19 Fields In Trust<br />

No response received <strong>with</strong>in the statutory period.<br />

1.4.20 Ramblers' Association<br />

No response received <strong>with</strong>in the statutory period.<br />

1.4.21 Yorkshire Electricity<br />

No response received <strong>with</strong>in the statutory period.<br />

1.4.22 <strong>Selby</strong> <strong>District</strong> Discrimination Federation (Mr Alan Hartley)<br />

No response received <strong>with</strong>in the statutory period.<br />

1.4.23 National Planning Casework Unit<br />

No response received <strong>with</strong>in the statutory period.<br />

1.4.24 North Yorkshire Bat Group<br />

No objection.<br />

1.4.25 Natural Engl<strong>and</strong><br />

Ecology<br />

Surveys revealed active use of the ditches <strong>and</strong> watercourses<br />

neighbouring the site by water voles <strong>and</strong> we are pleased to see the<br />

retention <strong>and</strong> enhancement of such features for water voles <strong>and</strong> other<br />

wildlife. Water voles are protected species under the Wildlife <strong>and</strong><br />

Countryside Act 1981(as amended by the Countryside <strong>and</strong> Rights of<br />

Way Act 2000) <strong>and</strong> are therefore a material consideration in the<br />

planning process. We appreciate the proposed use of protective fences<br />

in section 10 of the Ecology report during the construction phase of the<br />

development to safeguard not only water voles but also the waterway<br />

habitat, retained trees <strong>and</strong> hedgerows. Water vole mitigation should be<br />

considered at all stages of construction <strong>and</strong> site development.<br />


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