Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...

Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ... Agenda with Maps and Applications (21Mb) - pdf - Selby District ...


i) To receive and note the report and officers update note. ii) To APPROVE the application subject to the conditions detailed at Paragraph 2.23 in the report and the officers update note. 13.4 Application: 2012/0128/FUL Location: West Grange, Roth Hill Lane, Thorganby Proposal: Erection of a single wind turbine and associated works. The Planning Officer presented a report which had been referred to the Planning Committee at the request of a District Councillor due to the proximity to housing, loss of visual amenity and excessive size and scale. In addition the application was referred to committee due to the number of objections that have been received in response to the application. The Planning Officer explained that the application was for the erection of a single 55kw turbine and associated infrastructure. The Planning Officer outlined the key issues in the determination of the application. It was explained that having had regard to all relevant policies and other material considerations it is considered that the proposal is considered acceptable. Within the officers update note, further consultation responses that had been received were provided. An additional condition (15) relating to works being carried out in accordance with the Ecology Survey submitted was also outlined. Public Speaker – Judy Ruston, Objector • Have a business near the proposed location. • In a position to appoint staff on a part time basis and the business supports the local economy. • The proposed turbine would dominate the landscape. • Many future visits to the business depend on the comments received from previous guests. • The proposed turbine would have a significant effect on the business and other businesses in the area. • No ecology report has been carried out for the area and the National Planning Policy Framework clearly states that local authorities should not harm biodiversity. • Important birdlife are close to the area. • The report has missed out consultations and the Committee is urged to refuse the application in accordance with the wishes of 46 house owners of Thorganby. Planning Committee 25 July 2012 10

Public Speaker – Stephen Fell, Applicant • Has been farming at West Grange for 25 years, employ 23 people from the local area. • Looking at renewable energy for the farm. • The business has expanded and the future expansion plans are restricted by rising costs. • Proposed turbine would allow the farm to produce electricity and secure costs. • The application would help to reduce the carbon footprint. • Active member of local community and arranged a community consultation for the application in the village. • Taken in comments from Mrs Ruston, recent study by Visit Scotland has stated that wind turbines do not harm tourism in the area. • An ecological study has been carried out and there would be no harm. • Important to farm in an environmental way. • Member of LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming). Public Speaker – Bill Innes, Ward Councillor • Thorganby is a small village and 46 objections have been received. • The applicant and his family are well known and well liked. • A number of people are opposed to wind turbines and farms due to them being intrusive, affecting the landscape, creating a low audible tone, a misrepresentation between them being eco friendly and affecting the habitat. • Affecting the environment of a quiet, rural village. • Other parts of the country have provided guidelines that state that wind turbines should be 2km away from any homes. • There are already 8 wind turbines in the ward and there is no policy to state how much will be too much. • Ask the Committee to reject the application. The Committee debated the application and a vote was taken. RESOLVED: i) To receive and note the report and officers update note. ii) To APPROVE the application subject to the conditions detailed at Paragraph 2.23 in the report and the officers update note. Councillors Mrs Duckett and Marshall left the meeting at this point. 13.5 Application: 2012/0156/FUL Location: 14 Field Lane, Thorpe Willoughby, Selby Proposal: Erection of a detached dwelling and garage on land adjacent. Planning Committee 25 July 2012 11

i) To receive <strong>and</strong> note the report <strong>and</strong> officers update note.<br />

ii) To APPROVE the application subject to the conditions detailed<br />

at Paragraph 2.23 in the report <strong>and</strong> the officers update note.<br />

13.4 Application: 2012/0128/FUL<br />

Location: West Grange, Roth Hill Lane,<br />

Thorganby<br />

Proposal: Erection of a single wind turbine <strong>and</strong> associated<br />

works.<br />

The Planning Officer presented a report which had been referred to the<br />

Planning Committee at the request of a <strong>District</strong> Councillor due to the proximity<br />

to housing, loss of visual amenity <strong>and</strong> excessive size <strong>and</strong> scale. In addition<br />

the application was referred to committee due to the number of objections that<br />

have been received in response to the application.<br />

The Planning Officer explained that the application was for the erection of a<br />

single 55kw turbine <strong>and</strong> associated infrastructure.<br />

The Planning Officer outlined the key issues in the determination of the<br />

application. It was explained that having had regard to all relevant policies <strong>and</strong><br />

other material considerations it is considered that the proposal is considered<br />

acceptable. Within the officers update note, further consultation responses<br />

that had been received were provided. An additional condition (15) relating to<br />

works being carried out in accordance <strong>with</strong> the Ecology Survey submitted was<br />

also outlined.<br />

Public Speaker – Judy Ruston, Objector<br />

• Have a business near the proposed location.<br />

• In a position to appoint staff on a part time basis <strong>and</strong> the business<br />

supports the local economy.<br />

• The proposed turbine would dominate the l<strong>and</strong>scape.<br />

• Many future visits to the business depend on the comments received<br />

from previous guests.<br />

• The proposed turbine would have a significant effect on the business<br />

<strong>and</strong> other businesses in the area.<br />

• No ecology report has been carried out for the area <strong>and</strong> the National<br />

Planning Policy Framework clearly states that local authorities should<br />

not harm biodiversity.<br />

• Important birdlife are close to the area.<br />

• The report has missed out consultations <strong>and</strong> the Committee is urged to<br />

refuse the application in accordance <strong>with</strong> the wishes of 46 house<br />

owners of Thorganby.<br />

Planning Committee<br />

25 July 2012 10

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