Unit 5

Unit 5

Unit 5


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<strong>Unit</strong> Five<br />

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<strong>Unit</strong> 5<br />

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<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> Purpose:<br />

• The purpose of this unit is to enable you to make predictions about your life in the future.<br />

<br />

Social Practices:<br />

<br />

• Establishing and maintaining social contacts.<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> functions:<br />

5.1. Making predictions about the future.<br />

5.2. Expressing degrees of certainty and doubt.<br />

<br />

<br />

Tapescripts<br />

page page 134 134<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> 5<br />

page 156

Life in the Future<br />

Performance evidence:<br />

• You will be able to recognize and understand quotidian texts in order to use<br />

them purposefully.<br />

• You will be able to use language creatively and appropriately by selecting lexis,<br />

phrases and grammatical resources in order to produce meaningful, relevant and<br />

clear texts when making predictions and when expressing certainty and doubt about<br />

the future.<br />

page 135<br />

page 157 <strong>Unit</strong> 5

<strong>Unit</strong> Five<br />

Lesson<br />

one<br />

Predicting the weather<br />

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.<br />

In this lesson you will learn: • How to make predictions about the weather.<br />

1<br />

Write the words from the box under the symbols.<br />

snow rain sunny windy cloudy<br />

______________ rain ______________ sunny ______________ cloudy ______________<br />

snow ______________<br />

windy<br />

2<br />

Look at the map and complete the sentences<br />

with the words from the previous exercise.<br />

Let’s look at the weather report for tomorrow.<br />

The weather will be varied on our island. In<br />

Lancaster, the weather will be nice. It will<br />

be sunny most of the day. In Freetown it<br />

will be ______________, sunny but it will also be<br />

______________. cloudy In Springvalley, tomorrow<br />

it will be ______________, cloudy and finally, in<br />

Goldtown, it will be ______________ windy and<br />

______________. cool There won’t be any rain<br />

tomorrow, so you can leave your umbrellas<br />

at home.<br />

hot<br />

warm<br />

nice<br />

cool<br />

cold<br />

Write three sentences about the weather<br />

on the island. You can choose words<br />

from the box.<br />

<br />

In Freetown, it will be warm.<br />

1. _______________________________<br />

2. _______________________________<br />

3. _______________________________<br />

Discover the rule<br />

We use “will” and “won’t” to express<br />

the future.<br />

Circle the correct form of the verb.<br />

The weather will is / be nice.<br />

It won’t rains / rain in the afternoon.<br />

Sugerencias<br />

didácticas<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> 5, Life in the Future<br />

page 136<br />

1. Es posible que los alumnos recuerden cómo describir el<br />

clima. Entonces, pídales que cubran las palabras en el libro<br />

e intenten decirlas sin verlas; también puede intentar<br />

que las mencionen antes de que los alumnos abran sus<br />

libros para iniciar la actividad.<br />

2. Asegúrese de que los alumnos se den cuenta que will y won’t<br />

van seguidos por el verbo principal en infinitivo sin to.<br />

1. Students should remember words to describe the weather<br />

from previous lessons. So, you can have students cover<br />

the words and try to provide them without looking, or you<br />

can try to elicit words to describe weather before having<br />

students open their books to do the activity.<br />

2. Make sure that students notice that “will” and “won’t” are<br />

followed by the main verb in the base form.<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> 5<br />

page 158

Read the text and answer True or False:<br />

1<br />

All scientists say that pollution is the cause of global warming. True ✓ False<br />

Summers will get hotter. ✓ True False<br />

Winters will get hotter. True ✓ False<br />

Global warming<br />

In the graph, you can see the change in<br />

temperature from 1860 to 2004. It got a lot<br />

warmer after 1900, and again after 1980. What<br />

will happen in the future?<br />

We know that the earth is getting warmer.<br />

This change is called “global warming.” Many<br />

scientists say that global warming is caused by<br />

pollution, but there are also scientists that think<br />

that there are other, natural causes.<br />

All scientists have the same opinion about the<br />

weather: it will change more. It will be colder<br />

in winter, and there will be more snow. In summer, it will be<br />

hotter, and there will be more hurricanes in summer and fall.<br />

Source: Wikipedia<br />

Match the phrases on the left with the ones on the right.<br />

It will<br />

There will<br />

It won’t<br />

There won’t<br />

be more hurricanes.<br />

be more hurricanes.<br />

be hotter in summer.<br />

be warmer in winter.<br />

<br />

See Picture Dictionary 8, 9 and 10 on<br />

page 192 and 193, to find vocabulary<br />

related to the seasons, the weather<br />

and temperatures.<br />

Complete the weather report with appropriate words or phrases.<br />

Here is the weather report for Dawnville for the next 24 hours. ____________________ It will be a beautiful<br />

sunny day. __________ There won’t be clouds in the morning, but in the afternoon ____________________<br />

there will be<br />

more clouds. ____________________ There will be some rain in the afternoon, but __________ there won’t be any<br />

storms or hurricanes. It will be warm: we expect temperatures from 17 degrees in the morning to<br />

about 23 in the afternoon. Enjoy your day tomorrow!<br />

<br />

<br />

Listen to the weather report and check your answers.<br />

Research on the Internet the weather forecast for your area. Write a similar weather report.<br />

2<br />

page 137<br />

Predicting the weather<br />

1. Antes de iniciar con la lectura, platique con la clase sobre<br />

el calentamiento global y pídales que mencionen sus causas<br />

y consecuencias.<br />

2. Los alumnos pueden hacer la actividad 6 en pares o en<br />

grupos pequeños y luego compartir su reporte del clima<br />

con la clase.<br />

1. Before doing the reading, you can have a discussion about<br />

global warming with the whole class and have them tell<br />

you what they know about its causes and what the results<br />

will be.<br />

2. Students can do activity 6 in pairs or small groups and<br />

then share their weather report with the whole class.<br />

page 159 <strong>Unit</strong> 5

<strong>Unit</strong> Five<br />

Lesson<br />

two<br />

Your life will be different!<br />

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.<br />

In this lesson you will learn: • How to make predictions about people’s lives.<br />

1<br />

Look at the pictures below. Do you know what fortune cookies are? Read the article and<br />

speculate about the missing information.<br />

Fortune Cookies – Do They Tell You Your Future?<br />

A Fortune Cookie is a delicate cookie that you can get in a ________________ Chinese restaurant,<br />

often as dessert. When you open the cookie, you find a small piece of ________________<br />

paper<br />

inside. This is called “a fortune”. On the paper is a sentence about your future or<br />

about your luck. Fortune cookies are not a Chinese invention; they were invented in<br />

________________ California about 100 years ago. Interesting!<br />

Here are some typical sentences that people find in their<br />

fortune cookies:<br />

Someone will invite you to an important<br />

event.<br />

The time is right to make new friends.<br />

You will travel to many countries.<br />

Happy news is coming to you soon.<br />

Sugerencias<br />

didácticas<br />

2<br />

<br />

<br />

Now listen to the radio program and write the correct information in the text.<br />

Match the phrases to make logical fortunes.<br />

Your life will…<br />

a pleasant experience.<br />

Generosity and perfection… are 34, 18 and 62.<br />

Your lucky numbers…<br />

are your objectives.<br />

You will have…<br />

be happy and peaceful.<br />

Other people…<br />

will see your talents.<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> 5, Life in the Future<br />

page 138<br />

1. Pregunte a los alumnos lo que saben sobre las galletas de<br />

la fortuna y de dónde piensan que provienen.<br />

2. Pregúnteles si les sorprendió el lugar donde se inventaron<br />

las galletas de la fortuna.<br />

1. You can ask students what they know about fortune<br />

cookies and where they think they come from.<br />

2. You can ask students if they were surprised about where<br />

fortune cookies were invented.<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> 5<br />

page 160

Now write a fortune on a piece of paper. Give your paper to your teacher. The teacher will mix<br />

up the fortunes and give you one. Read your fortune and complete the information below.<br />

What does your fortune say? __________________________________________________________<br />

Can your fortune become reality? Why, or why not? ______________________________________<br />

<br />

<br />

Madame Starlight is a fortune teller. Listen to her prediction and circle the correct<br />

answers below.<br />

1<br />

According to Madame Starlight…<br />

you will have a long / short life.<br />

you will / won’t get married.<br />

you will have two / three children.<br />

Work in pairs. Give your partner a prediction.<br />

Complete the text with “will” and “won’t”.<br />

2<br />

Dear ______________ (your classmate’s name),<br />

Let me look into my crystal ball... Interesting, very interesting.<br />

You ______________ finish the third year of middle school.<br />

You ______________ go to high school. Farther in the future,<br />

you ______________ get married and you ______________<br />

have children. You ______________ live in this town. You<br />

_____________ get rich.<br />

Discover the rule<br />

Choose the correct option.<br />

For predictions about the future, we use<br />

will / be going to.<br />

The negative of ‘will’ is __________. won’t<br />

Read the prediction to your classmate.<br />

Work with a different partner. Imagine you<br />

can read your classmate’s palm.<br />

<br />

Your life will be wonderful.<br />

You will get rich.<br />

You won’t live in another<br />

town.<br />

page 139<br />

Your life will be different<br />

1. Cuestiónelos si las galletas de la fortuna siempre predicen<br />

cuestiones positivas sobre el futuro o si en ocasiones predicen<br />

cosas negativas y por qué.<br />

2. Señale que will y be going to tienen el mismo significado,<br />

pero que con diferentes usos. Uno de los usos de will es<br />

para predecir el futuro.<br />

1. You can ask students if they think fortunes always predict<br />

positive things in the future or sometimes negative things<br />

and why.<br />

2. Point out that “will” and “be going to” have the same<br />

meaning, but they have different uses. One of the uses of<br />

“will” is to give predictions about the future.<br />

page 161 <strong>Unit</strong> 5

<strong>Unit</strong> Five<br />

Lesson<br />

three<br />

Future plans<br />

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.<br />

In this lesson you will learn: • How to making predictions about your future.<br />

Answer the questions with “Yes, I will,” or, “No, I won’t.”<br />

Will you travel a lot when you are an adult?<br />

_____________________________________.<br />

Will you have five or more children?<br />

_____________________________________.<br />

Will you live in this town all your life?<br />

_____________________________________.<br />

1<br />

Discover the rule<br />

To ask a question about a prediction of the<br />

future, we can use will.<br />

Circle the correct form.<br />

You will / Will you work in an office when<br />

you are an adult?<br />

Write an additional question.<br />

2<br />

Will you _________________________________________?<br />

Work with your class. Write the results<br />

of the three questions, then report the<br />

results below.<br />

_________ classmates think they will<br />

travel a lot when they are adults.<br />

_________ classmates think they will<br />

have eight or more children.<br />

_________ classmates think they will<br />

live in this town all their lives.<br />

<br />

Will you speak English very well?<br />

Sugerencias<br />

didácticas<br />

Ask 10 classmates your question, and write the results below. When you are ready, report the<br />

results to the class.<br />

__________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> 5, Life in the Future<br />

page 140<br />

1. Averigüe cuáles fueron las respuestas más comunes.<br />

2. Asegúrese de que los alumnos entienden que invertimos<br />

el sujeto y will para formar preguntas sobre el futuro.<br />

1. Check with the whole class to find out what the most<br />

common answers were.<br />

2. Make sure students understand that we invert the subject<br />

and “will” to form questions about future prediction.<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> 5<br />

page 162

Listen to the conversation and circle the answer to the questions.<br />

Will the boy go to high school? Yes, he will. No, he won’t.<br />

Will the girl go to high school? Yes, he will. No, he won’t.<br />

she<br />

she<br />

<br />

1<br />

Discover the rule<br />

We can describe possible actions in the future with<br />

when.<br />

Write logical verbs in the spaces.<br />

When I ______ finish secondary school, I will _____ go to high<br />

school.<br />

2<br />

Work in pairs. Practice the dialog. Use your own information. Switch roles.<br />

A: When I finish secondary, I will go to high school. And you?<br />

B: I won’t go to high school.<br />

A: Why not?<br />

B: When I finish high school, I will have to __________________________.<br />

A: That’s too bad.<br />

B: Yeah. But we can still be friends.<br />

Work in pairs again. Talk about<br />

your real plans.<br />

<br />

A: When I finish high school, I won’t go to high school. And you?<br />

B: I will go to high school.<br />

A: Why?<br />

B: Because I want to go to the university later.<br />

A: That’s good.<br />

page 141<br />

Future plans<br />

1. Asegúrese de que los alumnos entienden que en respuestas<br />

cortas para predicciones del futuro repetimos solamente<br />

will o won’t.<br />

2. Señale que en esta estructura ponemos el verbo en presente<br />

simple en la cláusula con when a pesar de que estamos<br />

hablando del futuro. La otra cláusula está en el futuro<br />

con will.<br />

1. Make sure that students understand that in short answers<br />

for future prediction, we repeat only “will” or “won’t”.<br />

2. Point out that in this structure, we put the verb in simple<br />

present in the clause with “when” even though we’re<br />

talking about the future. The other clause is in the future<br />

with “will”.<br />

page 163 <strong>Unit</strong> 5

<strong>Unit</strong> Five<br />

Lesson<br />

four<br />

This town in the future<br />

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.<br />

In this lesson you will learn: • How to asking about predictions of the future.<br />

1<br />

Take the test.<br />

Future Expectation Test<br />

What do you think about the future of your town. What will<br />

your country be like in 2050?<br />

Take the test and compare your ideas with your classmates.<br />

What will your town be like in 2050?<br />

a. I think it will be a big city.<br />

b. I think it will still be a small town.<br />

What about the population of your town in 2050?<br />

a. There will be many people.<br />

b. There will be few people.<br />

What will the country be like in 2050?<br />

a. it will be a rich country.<br />

b. it will be the same.<br />

c. it will be a poor country.<br />

Will there be a lot of pollution in 2050?<br />

a. Yes, because there will be many factories.<br />

b. No, because people will protect the environment.<br />

Will we all have a robot in our houses in 2050?<br />

a. Yes, we will.<br />

b. No, we won’t.<br />

Compare your answers with your<br />

classmates. Did they write the<br />

same answers?<br />

<br />

What did you write for number 1?<br />

I wrote b. I think our town won’t change.<br />

And you? I wrote a.<br />

Discover the rule<br />

Underline _______ the correct question<br />

and _______ cross out the incorrect questions.<br />

What will be like the city in 40 years?<br />

What will the city be like in 50 years?<br />

Will what the city be like in 60 years?<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Sugerencias<br />

didácticas<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> 5, Life in the Future<br />

page 142<br />

1. Antes de hacer esta actividad, pregunte a los alumnos sobre<br />

los aspectos que han cambiado en su país durante los<br />

últimos 50 años y cómo creen que vaya a cambiar en los<br />

próximos 50 años.<br />

2. Averigüe cuales fueron las respuestas más comunes.<br />

3. Asegúrese que los alumnos entienden que la estructura<br />

What will ... be like in ...? se usa para pedir una descripción<br />

en futuro.<br />

1. Before doing this activity, you can ask students what has<br />

changed in their country over the past 50 years and how<br />

they think it will change in the next 50 years.<br />

2. You can then check with the whole class to find out what<br />

the most common answers were.<br />

3. Make sure students understand that the structure “What<br />

will … be like in …?” asks for a description of something<br />

in the future.<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> 5<br />

page 164

Write three additional questions and ask your classmates.<br />

<br />

What will ______________________________________________________ in _______?<br />

Will there be ___________________________________________________ in _______?<br />

Will we all _____________________________________________________ in _______?<br />

Work in groups, and decide on the answers<br />

for the trivia questions.<br />

<br />

How many people live in the world today? In English, a billion<br />

is 1 000 000 000.<br />

4.5 billion 6.5 billion 8.5 billion<br />

2. How many people will there be in the world in the<br />

year 2050?<br />

8 billion 9 billion 10 billion<br />

3. What percentage of the world’s population lives in<br />

cities?<br />

25% 35% 50%<br />

4. What is the most spoken language in the world?<br />

Chinese Spanish English<br />

A: Will there be new highway in this city?<br />

B: Yes, there will. Will we all have private airplanes?<br />

A: No, we won’t!<br />

B: Too bad!<br />

5. What percentage of the world’s population won’t<br />

have access to sufficient drinking water in 2050?<br />

25% 35% 50%<br />

<br />

See Picture Dictionary 11, on page 194,<br />

to find vocabulary related to factors<br />

of economy.<br />

<br />

<br />

1<br />

Listen to the information and<br />

check your answers.<br />

Listen again. What does Dr.<br />

Case say about the biggest city<br />

in the world?<br />

Write a paragraph about the future of your town or<br />

city. Choose topics from the box, or write about a<br />

different topic.<br />

___________________________________<br />

population ___________________________________<br />

pollution<br />

___________________________________<br />

English<br />

ecology ___________________________________<br />

2<br />

___________________________________<br />

page 143<br />

This town in the future<br />

1. Antes de poner el audio, averigüe con la clase cuales fueron<br />

las respuestas más comunes.<br />

2. Los alumnos pueden hacer el ejercicio 7 en pares o grupos<br />

pequeños y luego compartir su párrafo con la clase.<br />

1. Before playing the listening, check with the whole class to<br />

find out what the most common answers are.<br />

2. Students can do exercise 7 in pairs or small groups and<br />

then share their paragraph with the whole class.<br />

page 165 <strong>Unit</strong> 5

<strong>Unit</strong> Five<br />

1<br />

Review Lesson<br />

Grammar and Functions<br />

Making predictions about the weather.<br />

It will be sunny tomorrow.<br />

Look at the symbols and write words that<br />

describe the weather<br />

Making predictions about people’s lives.<br />

Your life will be happy and peaceful.<br />

Talking about your future.<br />

When I finish secondary school, I will go to<br />

high school.<br />

Asking about the future.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

What will our town be like in the year 2050?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

___________________________________<br />

hot<br />

___________________________________<br />

sunny<br />

___________________________________<br />

cloudy<br />

___________________________________<br />

windy<br />

___________________________________<br />

hurricane<br />

___________________________________<br />

snowy<br />

___________________________________<br />

rainy<br />

Answer the questions with “Yes, I will,” or<br />

“No, I won’t.”<br />

Sugerencias<br />

didácticas<br />

<br />

See Grammar Reference unit 5, on<br />

pages 201 and 202 for help with<br />

questions about the grammar in<br />

this unit. See too Picture Dictionary<br />

9 and 10 on page 193 related to the<br />

weather and temperatures.<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> 5, Life in the Future page 144<br />

Will you go to high school when you finish<br />

secondary school?<br />

_________________________________________.<br />

Will you take a trip on your vacation?<br />

__________________________________________.<br />

Will you help in the house during the vacation<br />

(doing the dishes, making your bed, etc.)?<br />

__________________________________________.<br />

1. Pida que los alumnos identifiquen y repasen las diferentes<br />

funciones de las lecciones 1 a 4 y que actúen diálogos<br />

usando el lenguaje de la caja de repaso.<br />

1. Elicit and review different functions from lessons one to<br />

four and from the review box and have students act out<br />

dialogues using the language.<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> 5<br />

page 166

Complete the crossword. The number in<br />

parentheses indicates the lesson where you can<br />

find the word.<br />

Complete the dialog with words from the box.<br />

but every day I’ll be<br />

when you will you<br />

Across:<br />

Some people say they can see the future<br />

using a … ball. (2)<br />

When you say what is going to happen<br />

in the future, you are making a … (2)<br />

To express future in negative (1)<br />

A meteorological disaster with wind and<br />

rain (1)<br />

Down:<br />

Not present, not past, but… (3)<br />

Contamination (1)<br />

In some restaurants you get a fortune …<br />

alter your dinner. (2)<br />

Paul: Hi Juan, are you practicing your music<br />

1,000,000 (4)<br />

again?<br />

To express future in affirmative (1)<br />

Juan: Of course. I sing and play the guitar_______ every<br />

<br />

_________. day<br />

f<br />

p Paul: Juan, will you go to high school __________ when<br />

u<br />

<br />

o ______ you finish this school year?<br />

t c r y s t a l Juan: Yes, of course I will, ____________________<br />

but<br />

u m<br />

l<br />

I won’t go to the university after that<br />

p r e d i c t i o n u<br />

Paul: Why not?<br />

e l<br />

f w o n t<br />

Juan: Five years from now, ________________ I’ll be a<br />

l<br />

f i i<br />

famous singer. I won’t have time to go to<br />

h u r r i c a n e l o<br />

school.<br />

o<br />

l n<br />

n<br />

Paul: I hope you’re right. If you are a famous<br />

singer, ________________ will you sing at my<br />

graduation from university?<br />

Juan: It would be my pleasure.<br />

Make predictions about a friend.<br />

My friend ____________________________________________________________ life.<br />

__________________________ get married___________________________________.<br />

I think __________ have _____________children.<br />

______________will ______________________________________________________.<br />

page 145<br />

Review Lesson<br />

page 167 <strong>Unit</strong> 5

<strong>Unit</strong> Five<br />

Lesson<br />

five<br />

Your life in the future<br />

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.<br />

In this lesson you will learn: • How to express certainty and doubt when talking about summer jobs.<br />

Do a survey. Ask a classmate the following questions and check his/her answers. Then<br />

answer your classmate’s questions.<br />

My classmate’s name: ____________________________________________.<br />

Questions: Answers:<br />

Will you live with your parents when you are 25? yes maybe no<br />

1<br />

Are you going to find a job easily? yes maybe no<br />

Will you be rich when you are 40? yes maybe no<br />

Is your job going to be interesting? boring so-so interesting<br />

Will you live in a house or an apartment when<br />

you are independent? house don’t know apartment<br />

Add your own question:<br />

____________________________________<br />

yes maybe no<br />

Discover the rule<br />

Match each sentence with its function.<br />

2<br />

1. You will live in a house.<br />

2. She’s going to find a job.<br />

3. We’ll be on summer vacation for two months; the school<br />

will be closed.<br />

a) something that you plan for the future<br />

b) something that is certain in the future<br />

c) a prediction<br />

Sugerencias<br />

didácticas<br />

Read the article and find the most common summer job for your age group.<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> 5, Life in the Future<br />

Summer jobs for teens in the US<br />

In the US and many other countries, it is common for teenagers to have a summer<br />

job. The most common jobs for students are working as a waiter in a restaurant and<br />

as a salesperson in a store.<br />

In a survey, 1,474 students were asked the following questions:<br />

“Do you plan to have a job in the summer?”<br />

“What will be your job during the summer?”<br />

page 146<br />

1. Averigüe con la clase cuales fueron las respuestas más comunes<br />

en el ejercicio 1.<br />

2. Asegúrese que los alumnos entiendan que dos de los usos<br />

de will son para hechos en el futuro y predicciones, y uno<br />

de los usos de be going to es para planes en el futuro.<br />

1. You can then check with the whole class to find out what<br />

the most common answers are in exercise 1.<br />

2. Make sure students understand that two of the uses of<br />

“will” are future facts and predictions and one of the uses<br />

of “be going to” is future plans.<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> 5<br />

page 168

In the graph below, you can see the anticipated jobs of the students that were planning to<br />

have a summer job.<br />

Age 13-14 15-16 17 18+<br />

Restaurant /Fast Food<br />

Sales<br />

Babysitting/Daycare<br />

Office Work<br />

Life Guard/Recreation<br />

Gardening<br />

Labor/Construction<br />

Other<br />

Total<br />

Responses<br />

17.3%<br />

11.9%<br />

33.7%<br />

5.3%<br />

10.3%<br />

10.7%<br />

2.1%<br />

8.7%<br />

100.0%<br />

243<br />

28.3%<br />

26.0%<br />

11.3%<br />

9.3%<br />

7.5%<br />

5.9%<br />

1.3%<br />

10.6%<br />

100.0%<br />

389<br />

24.6%<br />

34.9%<br />

6.1%<br />

13.0%<br />

7.4%<br />

2.9%<br />

1.6%<br />

9.6%<br />

100.0%<br />

378<br />

24.0%<br />

32.5%<br />

2.2%<br />

13.2%<br />

6.9%<br />

3.2%<br />

3.5%<br />

14.5%<br />

100.0%<br />

317<br />

(These answers only include students with a summer job.)<br />

Source: JA Interprise Poll / JA Worldwide<br />

1<br />

<br />

See Picture Dictionary 12, on page 194<br />

related to areas of work.<br />

Draw a pie chart for your age group. Follow the example for 18-year-olds.<br />

Summer jobs of 18-year-olds<br />

Restaurant /Fast Food<br />

Sales<br />

Babysitting/Daycare<br />

Office Work<br />

Life Guard/Recreation<br />

Gardening<br />

Labor/Construction<br />

Other<br />

<br />

<br />

Now listen to the responses about jobs<br />

during the year. Use your notebook<br />

and write down how many students of<br />

your age group have a part-time job.<br />

(“Part-time” means a few hours a day<br />

or a few hours a week.)<br />

Ask some classmates about summer<br />

jobs. You can answer with yes, no,<br />

or maybe.<br />

Work in pairs. Student A go to page 169,<br />

activities G and H, and Student B go to page<br />

173, activities G and H.<br />

43% of students<br />

20% of 13 and 14-year-olds<br />

30% of 15 and 16-year-olds<br />

60% of 17-year-olds and older<br />

2<br />

<br />

A: Do you plan to have a job in the summer?<br />

B: Maybe.<br />

A: If you get a summer job, what will it be?<br />

B: I’d like to work in the water park. Maybe I can<br />

be a life guard, or sell ice cream.<br />

page 147<br />

Your Life in the Future<br />

1. Pregúnteles si creen que las estadísticas serían las mismas<br />

para los adolescentes en su país y por qué.<br />

2. Averigüe con la clase cuáles fueron las respuestas más comunes.<br />

1. Ask students if they think that the statistics are the same for<br />

teenagers in their country and why.<br />

2. You can then check with the whole class to find out what<br />

the most common answers are.<br />

page 169 <strong>Unit</strong> 5

<strong>Unit</strong> Five<br />

Lesson<br />

six<br />

Being adventurous<br />

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.<br />

In this lesson you will learn: • How to express certainty and doubt about the future<br />

Look at the pictures and check the activities you enjoy.<br />

Look at the pictures again and write the activity below.<br />

see<br />

my friends<br />

play<br />

____________<br />

soccer<br />

go to the<br />

____________<br />

movies<br />

____________<br />

read a<br />

____________<br />

book<br />

____________<br />

play video<br />

____________<br />

games<br />

Draw four more pictures, and ask a<br />

classmate to write the activities.<br />

Complete the email with the verbs from the box.<br />

do eat go play rent<br />

________________<br />

________________<br />

________________<br />

________________<br />

Dear Patsy,<br />

These are my plans for the weekend:<br />

On Friday, I definitely won’t do my homework. I’ll do it<br />

on Sunday morning. On Friday, I’m going to watch TV and<br />

__________. play<br />

On Saturday, I’m going to __________ do sports in the park<br />

with my friends. I’ll probably __________ eat lunch at my<br />

friend Mike’s house. Maybe we’ll __________ rent a movie in<br />

the afternoon.<br />

On Sunday morning, I’ll do my homework.<br />

Maybe you and I can go to the movies on Sunday afternoon.<br />

Can you __________? go Write soon!<br />

Sugerencias<br />

didácticas<br />

________________<br />

________________<br />

________________<br />

________________<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> 5, Life in the Future<br />

Discover the rule<br />

Choose the correct option.<br />

‘Definitely’, ‘probably’, and ‘maybe’ are used to express degrees<br />

of: certainty / possibility<br />

page 148<br />

1<br />

1. Pídales que pongan en orden de acuerdo con el grado de<br />

certeza las palabras definitely, probably y maybe.<br />

1. You can also ask students to put “definitely”, “probably”,<br />

and “maybe” in order of degree of certainty.<br />

<strong>Unit</strong> 5<br />

page 170

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