officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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FD-350 (Rev. 5-8-81)<br />

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(Indicate page, name of<br />

newspaper, city and state.)<br />

(Mount Clipping in Space Below)<br />

vPolice Commissiori\<br />

'<br />

otice again asked tq.<br />

restore confidence,:\)<br />

By HowardS. Gantman .:-' .. -- ~..,:··. _::. .. :;; ~-.t.::.t.r,:~;~: ~\{:~~t:~-~<br />

COPLEY NEWS SERVICE 1... :·: .. :,N_ :~i>l;)•r 1 ·9 ,. 11<br />

With the Los Angeles Police<br />

Department's reputation devastated<br />

by ~he brutal beating of a<br />

black motorist at the hands of<br />

1 white <strong>officers</strong>, a civilian review<br />

; board has been charged with<br />

the responsibility of ferreting<br />

out patterns of racism and brutality<br />

and restoring public confidence<br />

in the force.<br />

I<br />

Law enforcement analysts<br />

~laim many high-profile pollee<br />

pursuits end in assault .<br />

and even death./A3 -~·:·:-·.<br />

.:'-:,..<br />

I<br />

Chief Daryl F. 'Gates vi deb~ ·<br />

tapes a message for police<br />

department <strong>officers</strong>./A3 ..<br />

Although the Police Commis- <strong>The</strong> panel also laid down ne~<br />

sion has been relatively passive rules limiting police use of ~s<br />

. in its. oversight of the depart- in the wake of the Eulia !A~<br />

. ment m recent years, its role in shooting in 1979 and ordei'M<br />

controversial matters is not for- the abolishment of the Public<br />

eign.<br />

Of<br />

D'<br />

lSOr<br />

d<br />

er Intelligence Division<br />

.<br />

ten at odds with Police 'Yhi.ch W{UI __ -~.t... th. e. _··.ce. Q+"' ..'"·.,·nf ..· a'<br />

1 Chief Daryl Gates, the panel in · ·· ""'~ ..,..<br />

; g: ~s:~::ok:~i!: s~b~: ~~:~sm:r~:t~~fit:<br />

~ suspects - an issue that got lie concerns about the saviyte<br />

the chief in trouble when he pummeling last week of Rodtiey<br />

3 said blacks reacted differently G. King, Mayor Tom Bradley<br />

~ to the chokeholds than "normal has directed the commission to<br />

people." ~ Cariy out the wide-ranging investi8-ation<br />

.-and recommend any needed changes. '<br />

Date·<br />

Ed rron.F<br />


MO<br />

•<br />

ront Sect1on 1 Page 1<br />

.t.. . N • I MAR 11 I 19 91<br />




Character:<br />

or<br />

Classification:<br />

Submitting Office:<br />


Indexing:<br />

{ ·"We have agreed it is clear that we<br />

need to take quick and immediate action<br />

to reassure our residents that our<br />

Police Department is there to protect<br />

and to serve everyone eqwilly," Bradley<br />

told the panel. · · r ed. '<br />


80-33B<br />

SEARCHED·--- INOEXED·-~-1<br />

SERIALIZED ·- fiL~P _ . _ .<br />

MAR 2 0 1991<br />


I' chosen to take the matter to the Los<br />

. Angeles County grand jury beginning tof<br />

day, a procedure that could speed the<br />

• ultimate criminal proceedings and also<br />

t could result in criminal charges against<br />

~ t~e others for aiding and abetting.<br />

~ Garcia said the panel would review<br />

~ "as much information as anybody would<br />

f want to see if there is a pattern" t;Q the<br />

~ lawsuits, complaints and disciPI_inary<br />

~ problems. · ~<br />

1<br />

"We also will examine if there are any<br />

institutionalized reforms needed to develop<br />

a. system that gets rid of the bad<br />

apples/' Garcia said.<br />

A full report ready for commlSSion<br />

·action and public hearings should be<br />

available by early April, Garcia predict-<br />

"With your leadership, I am confident In a related development, Garcia said<br />

we can restore the luster to our Police he and fellow commissioner Melanie Lo­<br />

Department's badge of honor."<br />

max -plan to attend a hearing Tuesday<br />

D~ · ~m:cia, an influential lobbyist by the City ·council's Public Safety<br />

and c1vil rights attorney appointed by , Co~ttee into the police policies on<br />

Bradley to the panel last November f· ex~e~s1ve force and the adequacy of<br />

said the commission's staff was asked . tr~mg programs to prevent brutality •<br />

• Friday morning to begin a comprehen- . -Coincidentally, the City Attorney's<br />

sive analysis of racial factors in lawsuits Office released a ·report Friday that<br />

i, and abuse complaints over the past de- showed the legal cost of Los Angeles<br />

·cade.<br />

police abuse cases has escalated dramat-<br />

As ·a result of the recent beating ically since 1972.<br />

Gates has recommended the three offi~ • Th_e city paid out at least $553,340 in<br />

cers accused of clubbing and kicking<br />

"lung while he hunched to the ground<br />

·should be charged with assault and the<br />

other 12 at the scene face disciplinary<br />

..actions for failing to stop it.<br />

1 1 , I J ~ J#dl 1 ~ , ,<br />

. .But the District Attorney's _Qffice_ has\...f"!'ft_1f! .. _}_ q.,_I":J!wf_·- \.;-~·-<br />


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