officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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APowell Retrial, 1st Ld<br />


City News Service<br />

VAN NUVS (CNS> - A judge today indicated he will dismiss the remaining<br />

count against the only defendant not completely exonerated of state charges<br />

in the Rodney King beating case, because the police officer faces similar<br />

federal allegationsu<br />

·'It is obvious ••• that the federal chat"'ge against ~1r. (Laut"'ence)<br />

Powell and his co-defendants involves the same general subject matter as<br />

the state case,'' said Superior Court Judge Stanley Weisberg. ''It really<br />

should not matter whether (a) retrial occurs in federal court or state<br />

court, as long as it occurs.''<br />

Prosecutor Terry White agreed.<br />

Outside the courtroom, White told reporters: ''If we wait until they<br />

have a verdict (in the federal case), we're going to be in a situation<br />

where, if it's a hung jury, we can retry Powell or (federal prosecutors)<br />

can retry him again.''<br />

And, he said: ''<strong>The</strong>re needs to be a second trial in this matter. I don't<br />

think justice was done in the first trial. So I'm not disappointed. It<br />

doesn't matter to me, whether it's done in the state court or the federal<br />

court.''<br />

White led the prosecution effort in Simi Valley, which ended April 29<br />

with acquittals of two Los Angeles police <strong>officers</strong>, and one former LAPD<br />

officer. Powell was found innocent of all but one of the charges against<br />

him.<br />

Jurors were unable to reach a verdict on that assault under color of<br />

authority count, and the prosecution later asked for and got permission to<br />

retry Powell on that matter, which was the subject of discussion in court<br />

today.<br />

Weisberg, who pre~ided in the Simi Valley trial that sparked the worst<br />

urban rioting this centu~y, schedulmd a Dec. 4 hearing on the Powell·<br />

matter, assuming the federal trial would have been resolved by then.<br />

It is set for trial on Sept. 29, but is expected to start some time<br />

after that.<br />

Attorney Michael Stone, who represents Powell, was pleased by today's<br />

action. Stone said he was a bit surprised:<br />

''I thought the position of the district attorney would be that 'we'll<br />

keep this on hold until we finish the federal case,''' Stone said. ''It is<br />

good for Mr. Powell not to have to worry about two different trials.''<br />

It is ''the only decision that could have been made,'' Stone.~9 ''I<br />

wanted the case to be -d-is-missed today-, b1..\t this is, Q'Y--91emuch be.ttet"'<br />

than keeping it around languishing, while we go forward in federal court.''<br />

Last week, White had indicated heW9Qthe state's retrial of Powell<br />

to go ahead of the federal prosecution, but he deferred to Weisberg, who<br />

saw it the other way.<br />

''As the court stated, and we agreed, the retrial on basically the samu<br />

situation and the same facts would occur in federal court'' anyway, White<br />

said today.<br />

In his petition to the court, Stone had written that ··a federal grand<br />

jury has handed up an indictment alleging Powell ••• acted to deprive<br />

Rodney Glen King of his civil rights.<br />

''It now appears virtually certain that the federal prosecution is going<br />

forward, and it should, in the interest of justice, be the final<br />

prosecution of Powell.''<br />

Stone had noted that Powell could face up to 10 years in prison if he is<br />

convicted of the federal charges-- a term ''significantly greater than the<br />

potential penalty in this matter.''<br />

A federal grand jury indictment unsealed Aug. 5 charges Powell, Sgt.<br />

Stacey Koon, Officer Ted Briseno and fired probationary officer Timothy<br />

Wind-- the same four defendants in the state case-- with violating King's<br />

civil rights in the March 3 7 1991, beating that followed a high-speed<br />

chase.<br />

An amateur cameraman in Lake View Terrace captured the incident on<br />

videotape, which was later shown on television around the world.<br />

City News Service 11:04 8/14/1992

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