officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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. REA~ON<br />

Augusttsepterber 1992<br />

BffiER FED T AN DEAD<br />

Why make police brutal1ty a federal case?<br />


I<br />

he video images of Los Angeles police <strong>officers</strong> beating ec tion. Some wondered why the Depanmem of ' Juslice hadn't<br />

Rodney King shocked the nmion. American.• rarely have ac d sooner. Others. including some libertnrion.o;, asked why a<br />

an opportunity to view. much less contemplate, the excessive fec!f:ral prosecution did not constitute double jeopardy. .<br />

u~e of state power by the police. Reactions ro the <strong>officers</strong>' (:IJic(tJ:o Triblme columnist Stephen Chnpman. for insrance.<br />

acqu iual ranged from surprise to visceral anger, from calls the federal prosecution ··a trial mounted for political ends.''<br />

stunned disbelief to lhe pyrotechnic. . Is ,his second trial taking pluce only because. as Chapman<br />

I personally experienced !he anger. By chance, I drove ar~res, George Bush "wants to look responsive to the black<br />

through South-Central Los Angeles seve_ral hours after the coTmunity"? Are we retrying rhe four <strong>officers</strong> because the jury<br />

verdict. My car wao; attacked and badly damaged. Even as I didp't get It right the first time'?<br />

escaped unharmed. I appreciated the irony of my predica- ~e Constitution indeed proteC[S the LAPD <strong>officers</strong> from<br />

ment: I had spenl th~ past five years prosecuting police-bru- do~~le jeopardy ..Sul rhe tederal governmenl can independently<br />

tality cases for the Department of Justice. J Y~ns as p!'iecute a police·brutality c~. even ufter an acquitlnl in a<br />

disappointed as any at the jury's verdict. !StD. courr. for good rettSon. Residents of the Uniled States are<br />

. Despite the department's pending inve!itigation of the Rod· ex ected to obey bmh federal laws und the laws of the state in<br />

ney King beating. only after the state acquittal did the press and whfch they reside: the laws themselves. and the level of punish·<br />

public become aware that the <strong>officers</strong> still faced federal p~os- m_ept meted out for ~reaking £hem. ~un differ. _ ~·---·- _,<br />

3Sreason<br />

" - ---- ~ I<br />

I<br />

JUL 20 ' 92 1 3: 15

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