officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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,_ court 'that the 'trial ·"Ntuld "<br />

er be peld in Orange, Alameda<br />

• tv entura cotinties. That was on a<br />

lcFriday. By "-the next Tuesday, a·<br />

!trial date was set and Ventura was<br />

17:'" • ,·-~-·-r"n ,"M··n=-". t-.p.n.~.. • ;pick~ a;; the site._ • ; · . : ·<br />

rr."•• . ,. • •. __ _ ,.. .. un~lear. Weis~erg's decision to . Controlling the courtroom is a<br />

r He s not gomg to aggravate a moye the caae 19 Ventura County, hallmark ()f Weisberg's judicial<br />

p:telicate situation," -Said Br~dley ..;, pyer the objection -of pro~ecutors style.- .When ·he agreed that the·<br />

}3runon, a prominent Los Angeles :• w]}o sought a more racially mixed,<br />

ctrial could be televised, he insisted<br />

r9efense attorn' ey. "~e is ~ ve"l! urban location, has since come ,ion a 15-second delay button so that<br />

lthoughtful :man. ~eJS very mtelij- , .under scrutiny. -. , . _ ~ .. > ··'he could bleep out anything he<br />

-·genf and h.e wilffollow the law, btit ? .. · .• :· · • _ · . · · - . • · !(ieemed inappropriate for the<br />

. he'll do it in such·:a way that it will· S orne critics say Weisberg milst ."Viewers, sticn as shots of the jurors.<br />

fbe understooifthat it is the law that bear at leastpartial responsibil- =He did not use the button, howev-.<br />

l!s compelling whatever actions -he. ity for the verdicts . .As a result of ler, when one of the defendants<br />

~kes, and not any:pijblic outcry-.Or . ih.e ·King case, legislators in two iuttered a four,.letter word during<br />

_political correctness:•'•:. ·> : ·-~~,,·,,: ~ • • ··states-California an~ New Jer.- _i¥s testim~ny. __ : · " : , . :<br />

t Althougn-Ptete is -no .Way to. sey-are proposing 'laws 'that ~-- _.. '" .. ~- .<br />

·predict how-or when-the judge would require demographics to be And when Weisberg noticed<br />

:might rule,·aeverallawv:ers!.ititer'-<br />

--~ ·"- .. ~<br />

·considered -in ~es.-invol"Ving :a spec tato rs · n oddin g o ff in th e<br />

. "View~d said tha~. ~t~ like!~ qe Will ::, :~.~nge of venue. · .. , r ', a · back of the courtroom, he ordered<br />

~r~tt the retrt,ill based ·on ·the · ..,. T~,k about looJ?n~ for scape- that the temperature be turned<br />

.Qistrtct attorney s argument that goats! Klausneuru.d. Peopl~ now · down so that the jury would stay·<br />

the~~ is "compelling" -eYjQ~n~e say,n~aybehe~toblaroe ...-:-..--"_BJlU? ~:awake. It was so cold that specta-<br />

-~gat!lSt Powell.- - ·: ·-.~-ea~ t ~ee hoy.o .Y. 0 u ~say he bears · · tors began wearing hats and gloves·<br />

·" Powell's defense lawyer, J4i-· '"" aiJY~bility. ,.,.. . . .<br />

...chael Stone, would not commen~~~VO'ei:s such ~ Brunon and and some .people-mcluding the<br />

· :And as he has throughout the trial :~'Cynthia McClain-Hill, an attorney .judge-got stck. · . · :<br />

'Weisberg declined to be inter: 'who served as a television com- On the bench, WeiSberg IS som­<br />

~"Viewed. . .. .. '.mentator during the King case, say .ber and reserv~d. Although some<br />

e During his four-year .career. on : ~eisberB,-:e~~rged fi:om ~e trial lawyers complam that he is·col.d.<br />

;the Superior Court bench, Weis:-.• _ wtth . hts. reput~tio~ mtact. and humorless •. he has a ·dry wtt_<br />

'berg has handled.a seHes of high- McClam-lilli, who publishes a po- .tha~ eme~ges infrequently, _-m.ore<br />

~profile cases·· including the sensa .. '·: ·lltical' newsletter .geared to the of~en outside the presence of Junes.<br />

· ti?nal Laurei Canyon mtirders, the - bla~k- comm~nij.y, had _glowing But Weisberg shov.:~-~ittle toler- ·<br />

~al of an LAPD officer once prrusE:,forthe~urlst.: . .,., ,_.., .._ .ance for flamboyant.st

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