officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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(Mount Ctipping ln Space Below)<br />

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;Law, Not Unrest, Seen Gutdmg~~ _;<br />

- -... -.. __ .,.--<br />

•(Indicate pege, Mne of<br />

newspaper, city and atate.)<br />

LA TIMES<br />


~:FRI., 5/15/92<br />

k Edltion:METRo PG. Bl<br />

;weisbe_ rg on_ Po_,11el, I Retrial Ruling ntte: LAW, Nor UNREST, sEEN<br />

~ Yl' ~~~~00~<br />

t' By SHERYL STOLBERG · · ~ould b.e ~ri ~~~Y ~n~ .. A: prosecutor asks ' RETRIAL RULING<br />

;.-:TIMES STAFF WRITER for a retnal; the Judge-unless he feels Ct..c11r.<br />

t· · · • strongly that it "is not in the .interest of · «<br />

F Now, th~ spotlight shiftsJp Stanley justice to go fo!ward-sal'~ yes. Butthe!)e . CllssHication:<br />

· M. Weisberg. · · . are hardly ordinary times. · . Submitting Office:<br />

k· From. March to f\pril, W~isberg Instead, Weisberg must J,llake:his rul- LOS ANGELES<br />

r- _se~ved as the Superior Court judge .in the · ing against the backdrop of the riots.·He 1-..._-- ..... -:----------­<br />

~: ~odney G. King beatil'!g case. <strong>The</strong> b'ald- . will no doubt consider, as Los Angeles ·---ow<br />

~ ing, bespectacled jurist presided over the ' County Dist. Atty .• Ira Heiner noted<br />

·.sometimes heated proceedings with a Wednesday, that to :retry Powell in<br />

~~.s.ens~ .Of cool. detachm_ent, lik_e ~~ owl .. post-riot Lo!? ·.Angeles_ ~·wo, uld, reopen<br />

g,peeru)g out from the limbs of a distant . .some very painful wopnt\8." ,:.; • · .,.·. ··.<br />

~';tr;~d~y. ~ith t~e city still re~ling from ··~A-· ;{d , it~·. n1~~a~~~·:knc)\\(:tnat<br />

some _<br />

~ tl).e riots spa!;' ked by the outrigpt acquit-.. , . . . _ consider hill?- p~rt_ly ~.esyonsible for ...<br />

l~·p11 of three of the four Los Angeles pqHce. " ~he .outcome of the -first-case because of<br />

~·~fficers accused in the beating, WeisRerg. his decisiqn 19-t~~nsf,er tl}e tr~al t.l? largely<br />

}takescentersta:ge. : ·,·,,,:~ ,,.:-:.: 7·~ .}:: ·• • white Ventura County. <strong>The</strong>re,ajury6f10 .:<br />

; It will be up to him to decide .whether whites, an :Asian~American

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