officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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~--.-....--..,..---,.-·-·--'<br />

~·some cnt1cs, particularly in the poor believe there was quite the flight risk in<br />

neighborhoods of South-Central Los the King case, with the police <strong>officers</strong>,<br />

Angeles where most of the rioting took as there is in this case.''<br />

pla~e, raised questions of a class or Ms. Baird said she did not believe<br />

rac1al double standard. . . there is a racial element in the· parallel<br />

At a ~ews confere~ce With Ms. Ba1rd, cases, noting that Mr. Denny was taken<br />

Mr. Remer spoke w1th cont~mpt of the to a hospital by four biack people after<br />

f~ur black defend~nts. Pomtmg_ to a the beating.<br />

'p1ctu~e of t~e. beatmg and r~ferrmg _to <strong>The</strong> racial element, however, was<br />

~am1an \'fllli~ms, .M~. Rem~r sa1d, very much on the minds of critics of the<br />

Here he 1s domg h1s lit~le

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